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【369】Mr. Tan was surprised by her

Teacher Fu actually loves to drink tea. Xie Wanying turned around and saw this scene and thought to herself.

Wu Lixuan noticed the look in her eyes, understood something, and said to her: "The teacher likes black tea. I'll save some for you later."

Since people in the north don't drink Kung Fu tea, the restaurants are all equipped with ceramic beakers with tea lids. Knowing that people here don't drink strong tea, Wu Lixuan diluted the color of the tea soup.

The prepared tea was placed on the table by the waiter in cups. Everyone took a cup and drank it while being extremely quiet. It can be seen that the atmosphere has not adjusted after the phone call.

Xie Wanying and Fa Xiao sat back on their seats. They were busy making tea and didn't know what happened.

"The people from General Foreign One and Teacher Tan called to talk about you." Luo Yanfen winked at her and told her to be careful.

What is General Surgery looking for her for? Xie Wanying thought in her mind who it could be.

"You--" Tan Kelin just started to say this, and found that everyone in the box who was immersed in drinking tea raised their heads, and could not help but frown: Good guy, his student is indeed a figure that attracts everyone's attention.

"Teacher Tan, are you calling me?" Xie Wanying asked.

"Yes, you call the child's father -" Tan Kelin's long eyebrows furrowed as he pondered over it. This call from General Foreign Affairs One made him realize that perhaps he still underestimated the student's strength.


"Did Teacher Tan say that Yazhi was admitted to the hospital?" Xie Wanying was overjoyed when she heard what the teacher said.

Look at this student of his. He was so single-minded that he didn't even hear who he was arguing with about her. Tan Kelin put his left hand on his forehead: "Yes -"

"I'll call her father right now." Xie Wanying picked up her cell phone without stopping and called the patient's family while going around the table to discuss with the teacher, "Teacher Tan, why don't we put her in a temporary extra bed first, and then wait?

If there is a bed, you can transfer it immediately. I will talk to the nurse sister. I will give her medical advice after hospitalization. I will do all the routine examinations before admission, including blood tests, and shorten the time so that she can be operated on as soon as possible."

A group of doctors saw her taking out her clinical notebook from her pocket and were surprised that she even carried it when she went out to eat. Not only that, Xie Wanying opened it and found the treatment plan and prescriptions she had planned for Xiao Yazhi.

medical advice.

"Hey!" Liu Chengran had to pull her and remind her that she was not in the hospital and was eating and drinking tea outside.

Tan Kelin leaned back on the chair, and his indifferent eyes suddenly flashed: as soon as he opened his mouth, she had already prepared a complete set and brought it out.

Unlike the people who were in the second grade of general foreign language, there were a bunch of people watching the show next to them. Some of them were laughing and joking, and some just couldn't help laughing and squirted out a sip of tea.

"Xiao Xie, you are such a female King Kong." Seeing something bad, Sun Yubo waved to the student, "Come back and sit down!"

Realizing that she was too anxious, Xie Wanying turned around and walked back, holding her mobile phone to her ear and talking to the patient's family: "Is this Yazhi's father? I am Dr. Xie, a student of Dr. Tan. Dr. Tan asked me to inform you that you can bring

Yazhi is here to go through the admission procedures. You can come here tomorrow, I will wait for you in the hospital——"

"Medical students are very enthusiastic when they first enter clinical practice." Yu Xuexian sighed when he saw Xie Wanying like this.

How long the enthusiasm among medical novices can be retained is questionable. Clinical practice can train people into insensitivity.

A group of professional bosses then paid attention not to her enthusiasm, but to the notebook she opened in her hand.

This chapter has been completed!
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