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3779 Chapter 3779 [3779]

Chapter 3779 【3779】Is it accurate?

The emergency nurse with extensive clinical rescue experience took the lead and pushed the surgical instruments over on a cart without the doctor's instructions.

All the preparations are done ahead of time, which is to carry out saturation rescue for the injured who are in critical condition. Only in this way can there be a chance to successfully compete with the god of death.

Ren Zhelun grabbed the ultrasound probe and shouted from the left rear: "Come here."

It was junior sister Wanwan who was called.

Don't think that Senior Brother Ren is angry with her so he asked her to examine the injured by herself, but think that since you said yes, you must have a basis for judgment and you should know where to put the probe to quickly find out the situation.

There is no doubt that the mind and ideas of the big boss, Senior Brother Ren, are clear and solid.

Xie Wanying stepped forward quickly without hesitation, took the ultrasound probe from her senior brother with her right hand, and stood next to the patient.

The eyes of everyone in the audience were fixed on her hands.

There is a nickname for true medical experts: they are know-it-alls, which means that no matter what technology is related to their main business, they will teach themselves just in case. For example, Teacher Nie can do ordinary pediatric anesthesia by himself.

Cardiac ultrasound examination follows routine procedures. The sonographer must carefully scan all parts of the patient's heart in the usual order.

Most clinicians can't do it. Anyone who makes ultrasound examinations also needs practice to make perfect, otherwise there will be no position for an ultrasound doctor. Under this premise, most doctors can only choose to waste communication time and let the ultrasound doctor do it.

Measure again.

Without being dazzled, a few pairs of eyes directly stared at the screen of the instrument. Surrounding the front of the machine were Du Yeqing and several other surgical experts.

Pericardial effusion, such as ascites and pleural effusion, have a small amount of normal body function that lubricates the organs.

Everyone was ready to count the time silently in their minds, thinking that even if it took half a minute to find out, you would be considered a winner. It is true that it definitely takes more than half a minute for two doctors with different types of work to have good communication skills.

"What is this?" Qiu Bowen took a breath.

When everyone thinks about the pros and cons of these work procedures, they clearly understand the general rule that the ideas are beautiful but the reality is very skinny.

Several bosses then pressed their eyes against the screen of the instrument to determine the amount of fluid accumulation.

"There must be more than fifty."

Some people rubbed their eyes on the spot to check whether they were dazzled.

A group of eyes focused on the probe, and saw that the probe was lowered to the patient's body surface, and it instantly landed on the third and fourth ribs on the left edge of the sternum. The process took exactly one second.

There was no mistake, the instrument screen showed signs that the injured person had pericardial effusion.

No matter what, people who know it will understand that if you want to detect pericardial effusion in one second, you must be a magician, otherwise the examiner is very lucky. A small amount of pericardial effusion is usually located on the back wall of the heart and is not easily visible.

In emergency situations, if you don’t have time to do a slow and comprehensive examination of the heart, it is best to conduct key examinations based on the judgment of the attending clinical physician, conduct a quick investigation, and make a clear diagnosis as quickly as possible. Therefore, if clinicians themselves have the ability to

Helping the injured to do this examination is logically helpful to shorten the examination time, at least to shorten the time of coordination and communication with the ultrasound doctor.

Can Ren Zhelun ask her to do it now?

"It's expected to be over a hundred."

this number:

"Definitely not a normal amount!"

After a few words, everyone understood whose initial diagnosis was correct. If the pericardial effusion exceeds the normal range and there is no disease in the pericardium itself, and considering that the injured person was in a healthy state before the incident, it definitely means that it was caused by trauma.

(End of chapter)

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