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Chapter 3797 【3797】The situation is visible

Chapter 3797 [3797] The situation is visible

She remembered Teacher Lu's instructions clearly. The two bosses, Teacher Lu and Boss Zhang, were both foresighted and knew how to find a good clinical tutor for her nephew.

The most important thing about a good teacher is not whether he has the best medical knowledge. For example, in the National Association of General Surgery, the best teachers in general surgery are not Teacher Tan but the teachers in General Surgery No. 1. The reason why she was transferred to Teacher Tan to teach her is that

Because she said that to "Teacher Wu".

"Teacher Wu" most likely wanted to test whether she was overly self-proclaimed, but he never thought that she was a reborn doctor, an old doctor with excellent adaptability, and her psychological quality conquered Teacher Tan.

Even so, she learned more clinical education experience from other teachers after her rebirth. Guoxie is the most well-known top three in the country, and many teachers of Guoxue are undoubtedly the most famous teachers in the country. For example, Brother Tao holds the best gold medal on his head

Teacher title. For example, Senior Brother Cao, as a neurosurgery expert and with family knowledge of cardiac surgery, knows how to regulate students' nerves.

Teacher Lu and Boss Zhang must have valued the teaching experience she learned from Senior Brother Tao and Senior Brother Cao, rather than her own medical skills. This is reflected in Boss Zhang being "surprised" that his nephew admires her knowledge.

What Mr. Zhang hopes is that his nephew understands that the real good thing about a teacher is how to help you grow instead of letting you blindly worship him.

"Zhang Shuping."

This sound is clear and bright, as if blown from the lungs, and has a penetrating power.

Then he patted his back gently with a hand.

Clinical accidents are too common. This is why we emphasize step-by-step and routine clinical operations.

Zhang Shuping's heart continued to pound and he was not completely calm. He saw that the patient was in this situation and he didn't know what to do.

Xie Wanying turned around and ordered the nurse to prepare for the operation. She was busy disinfecting and putting on surgical gowns, and continued to teach the students: "This situation is foreseeable."

"Thank you, thank you, teacher." Zhang Shuping couldn't speak clearly, and his eyes showed signs of tears.

Zhang Shuping felt that his lost soul had returned to his body.

For example, in Zhang Xiaohui's car accident, the heart was damaged. It cannot be ruled out that the sternum, ribs and joints are damaged. If you press the sternum, the vibration will cause the ribs that are already in danger to break, or even break so severely that the stump may be inserted directly into the lungs and cause lung disease.

Heavy bleeding.

He was not completely unaware of the situation; on the contrary, he was afraid of turning into a bear because he was too aware that he was dead.

Zhang Shuping nodded fiercely.

Teacher Xie knew this earlier! Zhang Shuping was stunned.

"Don't be afraid." Teacher Xie said again.

Next, we need to see if Teacher Xie is just pretending to fool the students.

"Are the ribs broken?" Xie Wanying asked.

You know, he was just about to be scared to death by himself and the patient.

Zhang Shuping sniffed the mucus that was about to flow from his nostrils again. Only a real boss teacher would tell his students that they are not afraid to take him out of hell. Teacher Xie is a real boss.

According to the routine, chest cardiac compressions must be performed first in case of cardiac arrest. The position of chest cardiac compressions is on the sternum. This is what the textbook says. In practice, ribs are often injured.

This fright was different from the previous terrifying situation. It was filled with warmth, as if heat was being reintroduced into his cold body that was controlled by the parasympathetic nerves. The sympathetic nerves were working hard to restart excitement.

"What should I do next as taught in the book?"

"Intrachest cardiac compressions."

After answering, Zhang Shuping took another breath and saw that Teacher Xie was really preparing to do this operation and ordered him.

"Wear surgical gown."

Thank you for your support!!! Good night, dears~

(End of chapter)

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