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Chapter 3877 [3819] Playing with fire and self-immolation

Chapter 3877 【3819】Playing with fire and burning yourself

"Yingying." When Cao Yong called her to make sure she had read all the messages, he could feel the subtle emotions on the other side of her from the phone line.

"I believe Senior Brother, if there is a patient who needs Senior Brother to take risks, Senior Brother will definitely not have any other concerns and will only come on stage." Xie Wanying said.

Cao Yong frowned, feeling that what she said sounded nonsense, but in fact there was something profound in it.

A doctor's medical ethics is cultivated from a young age. This is why Zhang Xiaohui's incident was severely punished by the leaders of the National Association of China.

If you do something wrong when you are young and do not punish it, it will not only affect the doctor himself, but also the doctor's apprentices.

Medicine is famous for its apprenticeship system.

A doctor's self-discipline is equivalent to a teacher's self-discipline. Not all doctors have this kind of self-knowledge.

According to her recollection, Dr. Guo should be around forty years old now, and he should have brought a group of apprentices, including her cousin. If something happens, can Ding Wenze and Dr. Guo be counted on to tell Dr. Shao the truth?

She felt it was better to rely on Brother Cao who was not the specialist.

I hope she thinks more. I hope the Dr. Guo at this moment is not the Dr. Guo in her memory before she was reborn.

Pulmonary bullae refer to bullae of the lungs.

Boss Zhang opened the conference room door and walked in. He scanned her with his small gray eyes and said, "Doctor Xie, have you heard the news? How do you feel about competing with your old company, the National Association?"

Others looked at the expression on her face in surprise, thinking that she was too confident or that the information was too stimulating and that she needed to use these words to cheer herself up.

"You—" Mr. Zhang wavered with his hand and pointed at the enigmatic smile on her face, "Did God predict something?"

Since their surgical demonstration by Guozhi amazed everyone, it proved that the technology was more advanced than Company B's previous successful surgery. This time Company B competed with them in an arena competition. In the same way, they increased the difficulty of their surgical cases to demonstrate their own skills.

Go one step further.

According to the information she learned from Senior Brother Cao, Xie Wanying said sincerely: "It's a good thing."

When she was talking on the phone, the meeting in the conference room had not officially started, and the two doctors present were listening to her secretly.

Mr. Zhang sat down and the meeting was ready to begin.

When it comes to competition in the medical community, what matters is that the technology is more advanced than the opponent’s and can be released first.

It is definitely a good thing to think about the patient. She can trust the medical ethics of the teachers from the National Association and Senior Brother Cao. The teachers from the National Association are the last line of defense for this operation.

"The surgery case performed by the other party said that in addition to coronary artery problems, there were also pulmonary bullae."

Xie Wanying quickly shut her mouth, fearing that her secret would be revealed.

Boss Zhang has clairvoyant eyes and rabbit ears. He knows what she is listening to when she walks in.

Last time I talked about the restrictions of COPD on surgical anesthesia. This patient with bullae should also be at risk. Therefore, the other party’s surgery may have to deal with the bullae first. In this case, the other party’s surgery is equivalent to pulmonary surgery.

The surgery and heart surgery were performed together, which was an unprecedented breakthrough.

Mr. Zhang estimated that the bulla should not be big. The other party could not really take the risk, just to show off his skills and cut a small bulla by the way.

No matter how the opponent played a more powerful card, Mr. Zhang encouraged his team of doctors and said: "I personally think they are playing with fire."

Mr. Zhang's poisonous tongue was so damaging that when he saw that the other party's bid was higher, he simply said that he was playing with fire and self-immolation, without thinking that he was playing a bigger deal.

Thank you for your support!!! Good night, dears~

(End of chapter)

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