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Chapter 3911 Finale

Chapter 3911 The Finale

On that day, Xie Wanying and a group of classmates attended the school's graduation ceremony and received their diplomas and degree certificates.

Teacher Ren hugged the first batch of graduating students in her class and burst into tears: she felt like a mother who raised a child and watched the child finally get married and start a business of his own.

Being a good teacher is really not easy.

"Come on, come on, thank you, classmate, classmate Pan."

When they were taking their graduation photos, Director Jiang, the director of the Academic Affairs Department, came to them and said, "Teacher Wu invites you two to his home for dinner tonight."

Professor Wu?

Zhao Zhaowei and the others looked at each other.

Ren Chongda thought: Well, I heard that a big shot deliberately pretended to be an ordinary teacher in front of his students. Now it seems that it is true?

A group of insiders secretly took a look at classmate Xie.

Xie Wanying didn't think it was a big surprise. She had met Teacher Wu several times and had heard that Teacher Wu helped students find employment units. Maybe she and Pan were recruiting for some unit this time.

It has nothing to do with her little cousin Zhou Ruomei. Presumably, Zhou Ruomei likes to borrow knives to kill people and will not do stupid things herself.

"Mom, you said you're married and there's no point in lying to you. Are you worried that he's cheating on you? There's no point in cheating you out of money. His dad is a big boss of a hotel chain."

The story ends here.

It is etiquette to bring fruits when visiting someone's home. Xie Wanying and Pan Shihua were stunned for a moment.

It was the classmate Xie whom he was familiar with in the past. Dean Wu grinned.

Even robots understand that before you play with a master, you must first show some human touch?

Sun Rongyu: How much did my daughter say to Mr. Song in private about her mother...

The Cao family is well-educated, generous and treats their daughters very well.

Everyone in the circle knows about her. For this reason, the olive branches extended to her by other units, including foreign countries, are all related to heart research.

"It's okay, let your dad wait for you."

My daughter is so beautiful, so I can’t let her family be too inferior.

(Fu Xinheng: As I said before, if necessary, we need to cooperate with Xie to scare the old naughty boy.)

The big investors have planned to invest more than several hundred million in the first phase of the project. If you, Dean Wu, can help me Xie Xie, student, to pay the liquidated damages, I can go to the pediatric general surgery department.

"I am Cao Yong. You should remember that my nephew and uncle are called Cao Zhile."

The ending is here: Classmate Xie used Teacher Wu’s magic to defeat Teacher Wu and won completely.

There is a beautiful elevator room in the community, there is a fitness center for the elderly downstairs, there are doctors from major hospitals nearby, and the business district has everything you need.

Who is Teacher Wu? With this question, Xie Wanying looked at classmate Pan again.

Afraid of losing their fellow villagers, the Wu family moved to the capital to live nearby, so that the family would not have difficulty finding a Songyuan person in the local area to reminisce about the past.

I had long heard that my eldest cousin had found the person who had been bribed back then. This person later came to the hospital every day to harass Zhou Ruomei and ask for property. Zhou Ruomei was afraid that she would make some medical mistakes and lose her insurance later, so she resigned and went home.

There are too many substances that are harmful to human health in medicine. For example, drinking too much water can cause death.

"She is Teacher Wu's wife." Cao Yong said.

I followed senior Zhou Junpeng and other colleagues on the plane and flew back to my hometown of Songyuan.

As she was about to go home, Xie Wanying's mood suddenly became complicated.

Hearing her father's words, Xie Wanying once again discovered that it was not easy to persuade her family to go to the capital. Her father and mother's working and living circles were all in the local area, and it was really difficult for them to give up everything here before they reached retirement age.

Cao Yong rested his chopsticks, faced Dean Wu's words carefully, and replied: "Yes."

The news about her dream spread, and a group of senior medical teachers, students, etc. from the National Association of China and Guozhi were not surprised when they heard about it. They just sighed: No wonder.

"I don't know how her family became like this." Sun Rongfang vaguely noticed something but thought it was impossible. How could her daughter have the ability to mess with her cousin.

Cao Yong thought to Xiao Jiujiu: Since you are always thinking about who that person is, I must instill in you that the person in the dream must be me.

The news that the National Association's technical team came to guide the local hospital was considered big local news. Before they arrived, it was broadcast on the local TV station. The name of the expert was prominently printed in the local news paper, and she, a native of Songyuan, was highlighted in it.


While listening to the questions and answers between Senior Brother Cao and Dean Wu, Xie Wanying could tell that Senior Brother had already done such and such things for her, and needless to say, she was filled with emotion.

As the car drove, she racked her brains to think about what to do.

The hospital has good benefits, and the annual travel expenses for home leave can be reported and reimbursed. Besides, the hospital recruited her and gave her so many benefits that she was exempted from the travel expenses. So the point of Director Fu's words was to let her return as an expert guide.

The hometown hospital shows the return to hometown in glory.

The scene in her eyes flickered, and she saw the tall figure at the door, like a man wearing a white coat and a stethoscope at night. His handsome face was comparable to that of a big star, which made her feel that Senior Brother Cao was always shining brightly.

Comrade Jiang Ying hurriedly bent down to help her rude husband pick up the chopsticks.

As a pharmaceutical expert, he knew that this matter was too difficult and he didn't want to waste her time. After much thought, Teacher Lu decided to do it himself.

Xie Wanying had already thought about this possibility, and now Senior Brother Cao gave her a rational analysis to confirm it again.

Sun Rongyu's mind needs to be sorted out: She is a colleague of her niece, and she knows her daughter, and takes the initiative to call her aunt. What does this mean?

Dong Dong Dong, when he heard that Brother Cao was coming, Xie Youtian rushed out in a straight line with joy.

The words "Please come in" rang out from inside.

Xie Yingjin would say yes, and he thought she would be stubborn. Zhang Huayao deeply felt in his heart his mother's merits. Everyone knows how difficult it is to pry Xie's mouth open.

Two old-fashioned electric fans whirred and made a harsh noise. The worst part was that they didn't feel much cooler.

The upper limit of medical people's knowledge of the world is very high. After seeing many strange and strange diseases in clinical practice, they know that the world is full of wonders.

The biggest lesson this incident taught her was that it was never safe for the elderly to mix with stupid relatives, so she had to bring her family to the capital.

"Yingying, the teacher knows that there are things that are difficult for you to do, so he contacted the police station for you first. There is something the teacher wants to tell you, don't feel guilty about me. It's me who feels guilty about you, and I have to restrain you to stay here.

The National Association has put a lot of burdens on you. It may be a bit difficult for you, but the teacher needs to be cruel to you. Sometimes, as a doctor, there is nothing you can do to be cruel to your own people."

Cousin Zhou Ruomei took the initiative to resign from the hospital, which was the result of her cousin Xiao Shugang's efforts.


If you go to other departments of cardiothoracic surgery, neurosurgery, and other departments, these large departments may seem to be prosperous but are actually internalized. You will definitely not be able to get promoted and make a fortune as quickly as you can in pediatric surgery.

When Teacher Lu's report came out, it reminded her of the memory of how she died before she was reborn.

Seeing that the senior fellow students and classmates beside her were a little embarrassed, Xie Wanying helped and took the initiative to resolve it: "Brother, you told me earlier, I know."

Not far from the hospital gate, she saw her father standing beside the car with his hands and feet looking cautious.

Boss Zhang is right. If she contacts bad people again, she will give them another opportunity. What she should do when she goes back this time is what Teacher Rulu said to be "cruel" to her own heart.

Sun Rongyu encouraged her father to accompany her sister to help with the eye surgery.

A smile appeared on Xie Wanying's face and she said: "Hello, Teacher Wu."

Teacher Xie's heart suddenly moved: Teacher Fu - is he grabbing her bag again?!

What made this family finally determined to stay in the capital was the "Songyuan counterfeit medicine" case that shocked the whole country.

The venomous boss stopped being venomous and took good care of her.

Everything the teacher said was true. Xie Wanying's heart was as heavy as lead, and the weight-bearing fluid in her eyes was flowing like water.

You can tell from my mother's tone that she is really famous in Songyuan.

It doesn't matter if your educational level is low. In a big city, you come into contact with people from all over the world, and your horizons are forced to improve, and your logical thinking level increases accordingly, so you won't be easily deceived. Even if you are deceived, there are many people around you with high knowledge levels to help you.

Learn to spot scams.

"Who are you--"

She doesn't have the ability. The people who messed with her cousin's family were not her and her cousin, but her cousin herself. Xie Wanying smiled.

Senior Brother Cao is busy with his own work, so how can he accompany her?

Now Zhou Ruomei relies on the support of the Ding family. Ding Yuhai is going to jail, and his son Ding Wenze doesn't want to be a doctor after his accident with Dr. Guo. I heard he is changing his career.

At the end of the sentence, Dean Wu gave Classmate Xie a meaningful look:

The car drove to the door of her grandfather's house.

Unexpectedly, young man Song started to encourage her: "Irene said that Auntie, you have very good eyesight, so you can go and help them get their eyes opened."

"Run more, do some push-ups, and exercise more arm strength." Cao Yong put his hand on the little brother's shoulder and patted him. It was the doctor's habit to check whether the little brother's body had grown stronger.

There must be subtle differences between myocardial fibrosis caused by other factors and myocardial fibrosis caused by aging. Based on this, pathological specimens can be classified in more detail. When she has accumulated enough pathological specimens in scientific research, she will use the same method as above.

Using the fMRI principle to observe which types of pathological specimens she had abnormal reactions to, she found that her eyeballs had abnormal activity in response to pathological specimens that caused death from myocardial fibrosis caused by drug poisoning.

Cao Yong filled the glasses of his junior brothers and sisters with juice and answered for them: "Whether it's good or not depends on the chef himself."

If, as she said, an employer signed an employment agreement with her for huge liquidated damages, it means that the compensation offered by the other party is sky-high.

Xie Wanying: Got it...

All in all, if their family wanted to live and work in the capital, it would be no problem, as all plans had been arranged.

Bang, sitting down on the office chair, Zhang Huayao let out a sigh of relief as he waited for her to open the bag.

Jiang Ying's tears fell down.

That night, Cao Yong made the suggestions he had made with Xie Changrong to their family.

"Dr. Song, are you here too?" Xie Wanying was definitely quite surprised at this moment.

"He said he wanted me to follow him to the capital." Sun Rongyu asked her daughter what was serious about the sudden visitor tonight, which made people feel strange.

Speaking of children, since she mentioned this dream, Cao Yong thought about it and said: "Both boys and girls can call it a dream come true."

As for what happens next when the old naughty boy shoots her in the foot, he is willing to wait and see. As always, as he promised, whoever dares to look down on her will have to wait for death.

What's wrong with going to the Children's Hospital?

Children outside the family are rich, not children inside.

The others scattered like a flock of birds.

The dean’s wife is not a very stingy person, and now she has clarified that it is not her big deal, which just proves the abnormality of Wu stingy today. Comrade Jiang Ying only had to add one sentence about her husband’s current embarrassment: Her husband was forced to be anxious

That’s it.

The next day, the whole family packed up their luggage and got on the plane.

Not to mention that Guo Zhi often has business dealings with Guo Xie. Her personal research business is linked to Mr. Zhang’s team, requiring her to go to Guo Zhi frequently to participate in project work. This is also the reason why Mr. Zhang is willing to let her go to Guo Xie. Anyway,

She cannot be said to have nothing to do with Guozhi.

Cao Yong would never have the leisure to wipe the old naughty boy's butt in advance on the road.

If you want to make stingy people stop being stingy, you can only make them realize that they will lose a lot of money if they continue to be stingy.

So I arrived at the door of Dean Wu's house and rang the doorbell.

The father and daughter put away their luggage and got into the car. Xie Changrong said to his daughter while driving: "I have discussed it with your mother. We will buy a second-hand car. Next time we pick you up, you can drive our own car."

Classmate Pan is a naturally gentle person, and she always remembers what she said to her. She knows that the reason why Classmate Pan let her choose her employment unit so late is just to work with her and to realize what she said to her at the beginning. She hopes that she can

Help her and prevent her family from becoming as regretful as his grandfather.

When the meeting was over, classmate Pan could be heard asking her: "Do you need me to go back with you?"

The National Association of Pediatrics is where he has put the most effort in recent years. He saw that he only missed a last-minute shot at a critical juncture.

For this reason, she couldn't waste the precious opportunity that her senior brother had secured for her. She dutifully reported to the leader: "No. Senior Brother Cao doesn't have the money to help me pay the huge liquidated damages."

In addition to the inspection report, there is a handwritten letter hidden at the back, which is a little thoughtful message from Teacher Lu to the new darling.

Comrade Jiang Ying smiled and added: "I really didn't buy these ingredients for him, he bought them himself."

The two-day schedule was very full. On the first day, I gave lectures and on the second day, I participated in discussions on cases of difficult and complicated diseases. On the way, I also accepted exclusive interviews with comrades from the publicity department of the local hospital and media reporters.

Teacher Fu, the robot, actually understands this?

Xie Wanying did not dare to take it lightly or answer casually. She remembered very well the first day when she was caught by Fu Robot and she was dripping with sweat.

Dean Wu was preoccupied with planning for her to come to Pediatric Hospital, and his mind automatically filtered out any unfavorable information. Otherwise, he would not have known it as long as he inquired carefully.

Teacher Lu:

The benefits of being a director are definitely not what ordinary doctors can have. More money is one thing, and more importantly, you can expand your career territory. There are some things that can only be requested from the hospital with the qualifications of a director.

Now after listening to what she said, Dean Wu suddenly felt anxious.

My mother, Teacher Lu, was a pharmacy guru. She has a lot of relics, which exist not only at home but also in the workplace. It takes time to sort out which personal belongings can be taken away by family members and which ones cannot.

She heard a young man she had never seen before shout to her: Auntie.

On the day the new employee joined the company, Dean Wu held a leadership meeting to make a grand introduction, and then personally took the new employee to the employment department, showing that everyone knew that these two people were his favorites. Dean Wu was not allowed to "bully" them.

There is one text message that you should pay special attention to. It was sent by Teacher Shi Xu on behalf of Teacher Tan, saying that Teacher Tan always remembered that she did not attend the class.

Xie Wanying: Senior Brother Cao is awesome, the brain expert makes a pun.

Picking up the brown paper bag, Xie Wanying's eyes were already red.

Cao Yong caught her eye: ...I forgot that she has an extraordinary memory.

It looked like there was another person hiding in the back, like a cat swooping into the passenger seat.

"Here, let's have a drink." Comrade Jiang Ying brought them water, tried her best to help her husband greet the distinguished guests from the hospital, and then moved two fans closer and placed them behind the guests to blow air.

Dean Wu was frightened on the spot and dropped the chopsticks in his hand to the ground.

Looking up and seeing her coming in, Zhang Huayao shouted to everyone: "Get out, I have something to do."

(Cao Yong: Wrong!)

Out of sight of her, a group of big guys were staring at Cao Yong:

"Cao Yong, we made an agreement with the police to let them close the net after she leaves to prevent her from being harmed."

(Dean Wu: Everyone among you has rebelled!!!)

Cao Yong had the same thought. When he saw the fruits she and Junior Pan were carrying, he criticized them: "I didn't let you buy gifts."

Originally, it was you, Dean Wu, who felt good about yourself and insisted on forcing others to say that you felt good about it.

Dean Wu stretched out his hand to his wife: "Give me a towel."

The scene was quiet, and as expected no one dared to laugh. This was a joke told by the cold robot leader.

Dean Wu said nothing.

Take a taxi to Guozhi after get off work.

A group of people who were waiting at the door walked into the house.

Knock, knock, knock on the door of Boss Zhang’s new office.

When Xie Wanying heard this, she was very surprised.

The old Xie family was crying.

Her mother was so good at talking that she helped her silence Lao Xie's family first. If it had been in the past, her father would have spoken the opposite tune, but this time——

This statement is in line with the judgment of neurosurgery experts. The human brain usually sees things and thinks about them, so it has dreams.

The car is parked on the roadside.

Sun Rongyu wanted to beat her daughter: Hey, I am a married person and I am not looking for a partner. You are my daughter and you tell me this, so you deserve a beating, right?

Xu Aileen: No, Mom, doesn’t this mother-in-law think that her son-in-law can’t at least ask for this?

Looking back on her internship course arrangement at the National Association, many people suspected that she was different from others from the beginning. In the end, it was confirmed that the person who made the internship plan for her was a great teacher.

"Take it and tell me if you have anything to do." Zhang Huayao said in a rough tone, strictly demanding that Dr. Xie has something to report to his boss Zhang.

Pan Shihua loosened his collar: Classmate Xie is really considerate.

Cao Yong pushed her back into the car, followed her into the car, and then pointed to the front passenger seat to let another person sit.

Her original intention was to let these relatives know that this thing would kill people and they should not eat it again.

Xie Wanying nodded: "No!"

The most important thing is that I, Dean Wu, can assure you that pediatrics is a key development department of the Chinese Association, and the money and support invested in you in the future will only increase, not decrease.

No matter how well the teacher arranges it, it will be of no use if the students themselves fail to live up to expectations.

There is a delay before the case is solved before it goes on TV. When they see the relevant news reports on TV, it is one day later.

"Thank you." Xie Wanying thanked her first.

Mr. Zhang was promoted to deputy dean and could take over the post of dean Liang when he retires at any time.

"Dad." Xie Wanying shouted.

Her father rarely expressed any objection, maybe because he was thinking of Dr. Chang who wanted to invite him for a drink.

This means that this thing was discovered in Teacher Lu's laboratory, and it also means that Teacher Lu might have been busy publishing her report in the last few days of her life.

I originally thought that Teacher Fu would give her a showdown just like when they first met.

In those days, mobile phones were expensive, and her parents shared one mobile phone. Because the mobile phone ran out of power on the road, the mobile phone charger broke again. When they arrived in the capital, they found a suitable charger and recharged it. By now, the old Xie family

I just called her dad.

Cao Yong: What did I say?

Sun Rongfang told her daughter: There were a lot of people watching the show around the house, so she didn’t have to go home to eat. The whole family would eat at her grandpa’s house tonight to avoid being watched by the crowd.

After a while, Dean Wu, wearing an apron, hurried out, his face stained with pig liver red, impatient and embarrassed. But Jiang was old, so Dean Wu quickly calmed himself down, waved to the young man and said:

"Come in, come in, there is only an old man and an old lady living here, nothing else."

Being a guest at the dean's house was quite different. Like two little uneasy rabbits, classmates Xie and Pan carefully opened their chairs and sat down.

"Teacher Wu." Xie Wanying listened attentively to the leader's instructions.

When I opened the door and went in, there were more people around Mr. Zhang's desk.

The sample contains: ****** (cannot be specified to avoid being used for real poisoning), which has the most significant toxic effect on the myocardium——

Pan Shihua had no choice but to smile awkwardly at her, trying to say that it wasn't that everyone didn't want to say it, but that the leader wouldn't let her say it.

It has to be said that her mother is the one who knows how to plan for her best. She has been bragging that her daughter is a great doctor in the capital. Then a bunch of relatives and friends will come up to her and ask Xie Wanying to help them go to the capital to find doctors and experts in various disciplines.

It's not a lot of trouble.

Xie Wanying explained clearly to Teacher Wu that it was the scientific research project she signed, a medical device project with a huge amount of scientific research output led by the funder’s father and many other funders.

What she didn't expect was that her cousin immediately went to find her third uncle after hearing what she said.

"Your father hasn't seen his daughter for so long and hasn't had the opportunity to love her. Today, he can enjoy it. What's wrong with letting him wait for you a little longer?"

Sun Rongfang thought that this was a special arrangement for her future son-in-law and wanted the two parents to meet. Her son happened to be on summer vacation and had time to go to the capital, so she had no intention of refusing.

Therefore, when you are a doctor, you must keep yourself clean, otherwise you will be ruined.

Is she hallucinating? Going back to when she saw Senior Brother Cao a few years ago?

No, Senior Brother Cao in the field of vision tonight was wearing a striped shirt, not a white coat and a stethoscope. She became energetic.

Are you okay? These were the words a passerby asked her before she died when he spotted her and ran over to try to save her. They were the last words she remembered in this world before she died. Maybe it was for this reason that she had this sentence in her soul.

I will always remember this person.

We are all doctors, and we know how to deal with patients with strange symptoms like Mr. Xie, and never say that question again: Are you okay?

She was not a pharmacy professional and could not learn pharmacy thoroughly in a short time, so she could only entrust Teacher Lu to find a professional.

The content of this project has nothing to do with pediatric surgery for the time being. Her going to work in pediatric surgery is equivalent to breach of contract.

Teacher Tan and Senior Brother Tao know so well what the Sword of Damocles is. Instead of giving her a "special course" early in the morning, they might as well keep it hanging over her head to warn her not to make any more mistakes.

After listening to what Senior Brother Cao said, it would be good to treat the things before his rebirth as a dream and start over, Xie Wanying thought.

Oh, I told her that people do not become simpler as they get older.

Xie Changrong's mind suddenly enlightened and he cursed the relatives across the way who wanted to cause trouble: "It was Lao San's fake medicinal wine that killed my parents. What are you looking for for my daughter? Go look for him!"

Sun Rongyu found some time to call and ask about her daughter.

Come to the living room.

The passerby who tried to save her was probably a doctor. His anxious and calm tone was the unique professional tone of medical staff.

Comrade Jiang Ying, who opened the door for them, asked Cao Yong with a mysterious look: Did you say that?

Fu Xinheng looked at her silence and continued: "Dr. Xie is a well-known model worker."

"Yingying." Sun Rongyu came over and pulled down her niece's clothes and asked nervously, "Who is this person? Does he know Irene?"

Cao Yong bent down and called out to his elders: "Hello, Uncle Xie."

"Doctor Xie, why don't I give you a few days off so that you can go home and visit your relatives?"

Uncle Xie was arrested for being involved in the case. Grandpa Xie and Grandma Xie were so stimulated that they had a heart attack and a cerebral haemorrhage. The old Xie family has always disliked hospitals and did not think doctors were useful, until this moment they realized that they had to send the old man to the hospital.

Xie Changrong follows the style of the old Xie family, loves face very much, and loves having a long face the most.

It is indispensable to invite her and classmate Pan to dinner. The dinner party between the two of them can be scheduled for a year.

"Ah, dad, did you drink this fake medicine?" Sun Rongyu thought of something, jumped excitedly, pointed to something on the TV and asked her dad.

As a worker, Xie Changrong was used to wearing work clothes. Suddenly he came to pick up the daughter of a big doctor. His neighbors, wife and others all said that he needed to dress better so as not to embarrass his daughter. He changed into a clean shirt, trousers and leather shoes, and shaved his beard.

, making him feel uncomfortable all over.

On the day I received my certificate, I held hands with Senior Brother Cao and told him about her "dream" along the way. I wasn't sure whether Senior Brother Cao could understand her "dream talk of rebirth."

At Songyuan Airport, Xie Wanying and her party received a warm welcome from the local health department and colleagues from the First People's Western Hospital. The following two days were followed by medical technical guidance at the First People's Western Hospital.

"Sit down." Dean Wu shouted, showing the dean's momentum.

Today's incident happened to classmate Xie's family, which surprised everyone.

Through the unit's special recruitment channel, she and Pan Shihua entered the Cardiac Surgery Department of the Chinese Association of Cardiology directly without going through the general recruitment examination.

You see, people say I am not good to you, but in fact Teacher Wu treats you the best.

It felt like Boss Zhang didn't call her specifically to talk about work this time.

For example, the highly educated intellectuals published in the newspapers were also superstitious about the "legendary local medicine" and had to undergo liver and kidney transplantation after eating the liver and kidneys. This made doctors lament that these people's brains were frightened by the "disease" and became "abnormal" first.


Sun Rongyu was frightened and threw the microphone on the ground.

Next, Xie Wanying will talk to Teacher Wu about the emotional cards.

Wu Lixuan, a young girl, came to see her godmother. She mentioned that she wanted to open a shop and find someone to join her as a partner. She asked her godmother to stay and build the shop, and asked her godfather to look after her company's small truck.

Who is this person? Seeing her calling her aunt so affectionately? Sun Rongyu's mind was filled with questions.

I would like to express my special thanks to Teacher Wu. She is so lucky to be able to learn from the best clinical teachers such as Teacher Tan and Brother Tao, so that her development in the medical career of Xie Wanying is extraordinary.

Xie Wanying helped others discover that Dr. Song doesn't like to talk, but her mouth can become sweeter when it's time to talk.

Small places don't have this kind of atmosphere, so they are always called frogs in the well.

Director Jiang had sent a message earlier, asking Senior Brother Cao to show them how to get to Teacher Wu's house.

After so many years in the National Association, she didn’t know that Teacher Wu was Dean Wu, but it didn’t stop her from hearing that Dean Wu loved to play the emotional card. There is a wise saying: Talking about money hurts feelings, but talking about money is worse than talking about feelings.

It turns out that before she was reborn, she had discovered a strange medicinal wine in her grandfather's house, which she suspected was related to the cause of her grandfather's death. While she asked someone to test the ingredients of the medicinal wine, she went to ask the cousin who gave her grandfather the medicinal wine.

It's been a long time since we last saw her brother. He's really grown up. He's suddenly taller than 1.67 meters tall. He's just a little thinner. His physique is like a bamboo pole like her father's.

The polite words are neither close nor far away, the respect in his eyes, and the academic etiquette revealed in his words and deeds are neither humble nor overbearing. Such students are always favored by others.

If you have to go to a big department to take exams, you will become stupid.

Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases require emergency treatment. Every second of delay at home will kill the patient. It was too late for the two elderly people to be sent to the hospital.

In the evening, the entrance to the Emergency Department of the Third People's Hospital has not been renovated and looks unchanged. It is a dilapidated old building and a light bulb is crumbling in the wind at dusk.

Jiang Ying said to the guests: "Eat quickly. If you don't eat, it will be a waste of his busy day."

Dean Wu pretended to be calm: "So I am the emperor going on tour incognito."

When Dean Wu saw his expression and answer, his heart skipped a beat: This?

The stingy old naughty boy who had always refused to admit his fault was suddenly willing to admit his fault. Cao Yong had no choice but to answer yes quickly.

It’s Teacher Lu’s calligraphy.

The whole table was quiet.

Cao Yong listened to her carefully and then commented: "I think about it every day and dream about it at night."

In retrospect, the reason why her grandfather drank this fake health-care medicinal wine was because he injured his waist while working when he was young, and his waist has not been feeling well since then. When he went to the hospital, he could not find any organic problems with his waist. It may be due to some psychological factors.

I was causing trouble, so I was tricked into trying "fake medicine".

Sun Rongfang was proud in her heart, but she was humble in her mouth. She knew that she could not bring trouble to her daughter by being too arrogant, so she said: "I made an agreement with your father that he is not allowed to brag for you when he goes out, otherwise he will bear all the consequences himself.

You are just a recent graduate and not qualified to make decisions."

The three of them immediately walked to "Teacher Wu's" house.

Just as she and Senior Brother Cao thought, the people of Lao Xie's family have always been the type who would not shed tears until they see the coffin. At this moment, she finally knew that she needed to find a doctor. She hurriedly called her father because he wanted her to treat the old man.

Of course, when we finally found her, it was definitely too late.

Zhang Huayao introduced her one after another: "I asked the police and they said that someone you know is helping you handle the case. They didn't notify you in advance because they were afraid of alerting the enemy."

It should be Brother Hu who is helping her handle cases across provinces. There is no doubt about Brother Hu's professionalism. Even the senior sister was unaware and could not give her a break.

Songyuan is a small place, and a little bit of trouble can become famous throughout the city.

Linlin made a trip to her hometown on the weekend to help her find out about this matter, and found out that it was really her cousin who gave her grandpa a bottle of health-care medicinal wine.

Jiang Ying, who was standing at the door, realized that something was wrong and shouted: "Old Wu, Old Wu -" and ran back to the house to tell the truth that the house might be "collapsed".

After discussing it, the big guys agreed with her idea:

Her brother called to ask about Brother Cao.

On her first day in the capital, Xie Wanying showed her renovated big house for her family to live in.

Send away the hospital leaders, and hold a meeting within the department to welcome new employees.

She could imagine why Dr. Song appeared in her hometown because of her cousin Dr. Xie. After all, her mother was cousin Xie's dear aunt.

Because the news was so shocking that it shook the heart of a well-informed old leader like him. He had never seen a first-year graduate become a top scientific research leader in the industry.

She immediately asked Linlin to take out a sample from the health wine for her, package it properly and mail it to the capital, and then asked Teacher Lu to help analyze it.

"Isn't this what the third child brought for you to drink? He wants to kill you." Sun Rongfang also remembered it and yelled at her husband.

Dean Wu, the great master in other units, gives him: a separate office, laboratory, talent room, subsidy, promotion priority...

Song Xuelin walked over and explained: "You and Irene look very similar, aunt, both have beautiful apple faces."

In fact, her grandfather's heart check-up did not reveal anything wrong, which aroused her doubts for a long time.

Everyone was so happy.

Xu Ailin was a tall girl, so she said to her mother without much thought: "Isn't he very good-looking? And he is your favorite professional doctor."

Ring ring ring, the phone is ringing, it's her dad's cell phone ringing.

Not surprisingly, Brother Cao's trusted future mother-in-law, Sun Rongfang, decisively rejected all matchmaking attempts.

On the way to her grandpa's house, she had to pass by the Third People's Hospital where her cousin worked.

Other units can say that they let her return to the National Association for Teacher Lu's sake, so they will urge Dean Wu not to neglect the new master.

Just listen to her mother say again: "Your grandparents still don't believe that you have become a great doctor. They don't believe what the TV and newspapers say. They ask you to go see them when you go home. I said they don't believe you. What are you going to see them for?"

There is no need to go back and embarrass their old Xie family."

Everyone in the family said so, and her father didn't object, so Xie Wanying accepted it.

Everyone raises chopsticks.

Since her family had moved here, she decided to move to Senior Brother Cao's house and follow the style of most people in the National Association to obtain the certificate first and then hold the wedding ceremony.

Her memories before rebirth were brought back by Teacher Lu's report.

(Dean Wu: You’re such a smart guy, you can guess that I’m recruiting people for myself.)

Seeing her calm look, the others said they were convinced and there was obviously no need to say anything more.

He respected his privacy and did not open the documents contained in the bag. However, Teacher Lu left another letter for his son and attached it to the leather bag just in case. He read it and knew roughly what the situation was.

"Who is that person?" Xie Changrong, who was driving, noticed a handsome man on the roadside with familiar eyes. Unfortunately, this young man looked like a radio singer, which was so impressive that he couldn't help but remember it.

"Come on, come on, take the fruits." Cao Yong took their fruits and handed them to the people behind.

Brain experts are bound to solve her knot.

He took out a thick stack of documents from the bag, which were all filled with pharmaceutical professional texts. Each word reflected Teacher Lu's dignified and rigorous academic style.

Dean Wu finally understood why other units went crazy and offered unprecedented compensation to carry Mr. Xie over.

The audience responded immediately, with applause pouring down like rain.

Of course our hero and heroine are going to get married.

Understand, Dr. Song is here to see her aunt. Xie Wanying had an epiphany.

Think about it, this is a future where you can be as happy as you want. Would you feel bad about it?

Sun Rongyu was dragged to help her sister take care of her elderly father and went to the capital together.

Everyone's eyes turned to classmate Xie.

Before getting off work, Boss Zhang called and asked her to come to Guozhi.

Xie Youtian, who had his brother pinch his muscles for a test, blushed a little and said, "I will try my best."

Dr. Xie Wanying and Dr. Pan Shihua, who had just been employed, were a little nervous about working under the most cold-blooded leader in the hospital.

Xie Wanying turned her face sideways and winked at Senior Brother Cao: Senior Brother Cao did it intentionally or not? Did Senior Brother Cao forget? She had seen the dean's wife and knew who the dean's wife was.

Cao Yong shook his head and said: Dean Wu must have said this himself.

It is close to the hospital, making it convenient for Dr. Wu to work, but the conditions of the house are far worse than those of a new house with an elevator. The living room area is small, and the power of the wires in the house is not enough to install an air conditioner.

Dean Wu is not really stingy. If he was really stingy, how could he recruit talented people from the capital of Beidu?

Senior Zhou Junpeng and others refused.

Since it is summer, the only way to eat at night is to open the windows for ventilation.

Dean Wu was fair and said to the young people: "There is also an element of your own efforts in this."

Due to her rebirth, as she had previously observed and feared, everything happened earlier. It was obvious that the God of Death was racing with her and was unwilling to allow her to be reborn to save people.

Xie Wanying, who was logical and cautious, asked: "What if there are both boys and girls?"

Jiang Ying complained about her husband's arrangement: "Didn't I say earlier that it would be better to book a hotel room to treat guests? It would be nice to have a meal at home."

The leadership style of that era was simple. No wonder she had repeatedly mistaken the simple Dean Wu for Teacher Wu. Look at the house where Dean Wu and his wife lived, it was an old dormitory distributed by the hospital.

It is impossible for Dean Wu to give up easily on what he is holding back.

"Teacher Lu's regret lies in the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery of the Chinese Association. Before she passed away, she repeatedly hoped that I would help her make up for this regret." Xie Wanying said.

Xie Wanying recalled that before she was reborn, her father was also given fake medicinal wine. Unlike her grandfather, her father was used to drinking beer and didn't like drinking it. He just took a sip and stopped drinking, thus saving her life.

.However, after the matter was revealed today, her father was most likely to feel dissatisfied with the old Xie brothers.

When she learned about the miraculous effects of fMRI, she couldn't find a suitable excuse to do the examination, so she borrowed the principle of fMRI.

Seeing her conflicted expression, Cao Yong said to the future father-in-law in front of him: "Uncle, this time Yingying returns to the capital, you can accompany her to the capital to see her work and living environment, and take a look at the capital.


So she had no idea that someone was getting on the plane and following her.

The son of a big hotel chain owner and a doctor at a major hospital in the capital. Sun Rongyu didn't dare to have such a fantasy and accept such a son-in-law.

It turned out to be "Teacher Wu", the biggest figure in the National Association.

Maybe they all heard where the two of them were going, so they all said to Cao Yong who came downstairs: "Doctor Cao, go to his house. There is no need to be polite to him. Please help your future wife and junior brother get more things."

(Zhou Junpeng: Cao Yong is here, what kind of light bulb should I make?)

"By the way, Yingying, your little cousin——" Sun Rongfang needed to tell her daughter about her relatives.

"Teacher Nie is a very good person." Xie Wanying said matter-of-factly that she could not do without the help of Teacher Nie.

One major difference between the doctor's profession and other professions is that there is no so-called leapfrog. You have to start from scratch and work step by step. Dr. Song, for example, had to start as a resident physician and work night liner emergency services to accumulate clinical qualifications year by year.

In other words, when they are promoted, they start from a low point.

As her research on the heart deepens, don't think that she said from the beginning that it may be cardiac myocardial fibrosis caused by aging that kills the elderly. In fact, her basic research is based on elimination methods.

After a few days it was time to go home.

Besides, Comrade Jiang Ying revealed the secret first.

Song Xuelin turned around and nodded quickly to her: Don't worry, Doctor Xie, I'm not here to be your light bulb.

Xie Wanying sincerely expressed that she understood Teacher Wu's painstaking efforts, but there were some things that needed to be said frankly: "Teacher Wu, this is not my business alone."

As expected. Xie Wanying narrowed her eyes.

This voice teasing her father came from her aunt Xu Aileen's mother, Sun Rongyu.

When it was time to get off work, groups of teachers and senior teachers passed by after getting off work.

In response to Dean Wu's words, everyone turned to Dean Wu himself: "Oh, when it comes to deceiving anyone, isn't it you, Teacher Wu?"

At this time, the old Xie family who looked down on her became a "big helper".

Leaders speak artfully. Xie Wanying and Pan Shihua straightened their backs, and they must not dare to answer yes.

Others were unwilling to speak to Dean Wu for him, so he had no choice but to go into battle himself.

Dean Wu glared at his wife: "What do you know? They go to the hotel to eat, how can they enjoy me being their chef? Isn't that right, Dr. Xie, Dr. Pan?"

Seeing the little look in her eyes, Dean Wu felt guilty and couldn't help but ask in a low voice: "What do you think of Professor Nie from the Department of Pediatric Surgery? Is he treating you well?"

"Hmm -" This suggestion was reasonable and tempting, and Xie Changrong seriously considered it.

Cao Yong added: "The person in your dream may be me."

After it was confirmed that Teacher Wu was Dean Wu, Xie Wanying couldn't say that there were no worries in her heart.

"Did you say you need Dr. Cao Yong's consent?" Upon hearing what she said, Dean Wu immediately turned to his subordinates with a stern face to show his fairness, "Don't worry, he and I have made an agreement. You can go to whichever department you want.

Whichever department you go to, no one can stop you."

"Doctor Xie Wanying." Dean Wu covered his mouth with his hand and cleared his throat.

Xie Youtian recognized it and said, "Dad has this medicinal wine."

The number of poisoning cases that go to major hospitals in the capital for medical treatment every year is clinically visible. Upon investigation, it is found that most of the poisoning cases are caused by superstitious "food" given to patients by relatives and friends at home. The injured are always the frail elderly, children and pregnant women.

The colleagues around her all smiled happily at her, telling her that she deserved it.

The Xie family father and daughter were almost dumbfounded.

When he came to rest in front of Brother Cao, Xie Youtian found that he was still a little shorter than Brother Cao. If he went to the capital to look up to his brother at that time, his eyes would be like those of a loyal fan: "Brother, I have grown taller."

The table for entertaining distinguished guests was placed in the center. The food on the table was so rich that it surprised even the brain expert Dr. Cao Yong: Is this stingy lock in Wu's head opened?

"Cao Yong, abduct her family members to the capital. Let her family go to the capital to have fun, and don't worry about other things."

The familiar scene reminded her of the night she came back from rebirth, and her mood fluctuated like the tide.

She called back to ask her cousin Linlin if her cousin had sent anything to her grandfather recently.

Looking again, there happened to be Senior Brother Tao standing behind him.

I don’t know how classmate Xie would react.

She hasn't been home for many years since she came to the capital to study medicine.

Seeing her reply, Dean Wu became very excited and continued: "Professor Nie admires you very much and thinks you are a good candidate for pediatric surgery. After our new surgical building is built, we will set up a huge room for pediatric surgery."

I can take you to visit the ward in person later. Professor Nie will take over as the director of pediatric surgery. As his most promising person, you will inherit his position."

Just because she went to work for the National Association of China did not mean she was completely separated from Guozhi.

It’s not that doctors in large metropolitan areas know nothing about this kind of thing. They all know something about it by reading newspapers.

Jiang Ying laughed in her stomach and looked at her husband sweating profusely: "Are you okay, Lao Wu?"

Let's start from the beginning.

On the afternoon of the next day, senior Zhou Junpeng thoughtfully asked her to leave early and go home early to reunite with her family.

Professor Nie Jiamin is an externally hired overseas professor who will leave sooner or later, and it won't be long before you become the director of the Department of Pediatric Surgery.

"Why don't you come in and sit down?" Sun Rongfang, who was busy in the room and had no time to go out, called for people to come in.

Referring to the person she remembered saying to her, "Are you okay?"

(Children Cao Zhile: My third uncle used this to seduce me at a critical moment.)

"Brother, why are you here?" Xie Wanying hurriedly opened the car door.

When she was the only one left, Zhang Huayao opened the drawer on the left and took out a brown paper bag. After hesitating for a moment, he placed it in front of her and pointed out: "It's your thing."

Tao Zhijie took the fruit and said to the two of them: "Keep it for you first, and then come and take it away from us. We don't accept bribes."

As a result, two days before she returned home, a large number of people wanted to marry her and crossed the threshold of her home.

"He is Dr. Song, a neurosurgery specialist in our hospital. Irene met Dr. Song last time she went to the capital to see me."

Xie's high level of knowledge gives the impression that her tutoring is good, and her family members don't seem to be stupid.

Her mother is a hospitable person and originally planned to invite her colleagues to her home for dinner.

In this way, Senior Brother Cao, Dr. Song, knew what she wanted to do when she returned home this time. This made her worried. She never wanted to drag anyone in to take risks with her. Who knew that Boss Zhang was helping her secretly leak the news.

Dean Wu rolled his eyes.

"No need." Xie Wanying calmed herself down and quickly and skillfully opened the seal of the brown paper bag, not letting Teacher Lu's hard work go to waste.

The origin and popularity of "fake medicines" have always been closely related to superstition. The degree of superstition in small places is much higher than that of people in big cities, which is related to the knowledge and cultural level of local residents and their social contacts.

When it comes to being stupid or not, sometimes it has little to do with a person's level of knowledge and a lot to do with a person's mentality.

"I asked your dad to borrow a car and drive to pick you up and take you home for dinner."

In the evening, she and classmate Pan dressed neatly and carried bags of fruit to the entrance of the hospital.

"He is -" Xie Changrong looked at the new face again, and he seemed familiar.

Soon, Dean Wu recalled the "joke" that Fu Robot once told him in his office, saying that Xie Xie was hiding something scary.

Suddenly, her fingertips trembled a little when she reached out to touch the cowhide bag.

When I arrived at the pediatric surgery department, I was trained as a future director of pediatric surgery.

Buying a piece of fruit can quickly turn into a bribe. Two classmates who have just graduated hope to work in the National Association of China and have learned from this.

It is very difficult to analyze the components of unknown liquids and verify the scientific results with legal effects. It is so difficult that only you can’t imagine. The main reason is that she couldn’t tell what was in the samples she provided. She only said that it was expected to be harmful to the human body.

Healthy ingredients.

Now, even the most stubborn Grandpa Sun was very moved.

It’s not surprising that Song Tiancai is a person with high IQ. He knows when to take a break and when to take action. It doesn’t matter if he is lazy on weekdays. The most important thing is to transform into a leopard and charge faster than anyone else at critical times.

I saw classmate Xie Wanying looking at Comrade Jiang Ying: "Who is this teacher?"

Maybe Xie’s special three-dimensional analysis and perspective ability can really allow his brain to dream about parts of the future.

"No one noticed? We need to wait until Yingying, who is thousands of miles away, comes to find out?"

Zhang Huayao coughed twice and explained the ins and outs of the matter to her: "It's my fault. I've been a little busy during this period, so I couldn't find this thing in time and give it to you."

I couldn't go home on the first night after I was busy, so I called home the next morning.

"Mom, I don't know when I'll be finished here. I'll take a taxi."

"What contract did you sign?" Dean Wu asked, not quite believing what she said.

In the evening, the future in-laws will meet for dinner.

In the end, before she had time to get evidence and call the police, she was hit and killed by a gang of bad guys driving on the road.

Xu Ailin: Her mother is really overly nervous and timid. She is indeed a rabbit. She and Dr. Song are not even close to each other.

Cao Yong smiled and stretched out his hand to touch the back of her head like a cute little sister.

It was not convenient for her to say these words, but it was very convenient for her senior brother to say them to her family.

Her father could be heard humming on the other side of the phone. Apparently, his view of her had changed completely since he worked with her to provide disaster relief. Furthermore, this time her daughter came home and appeared on TV and in the newspapers, directly giving him a chance to grow up.

Big face.

Xie Changrong fell back and sat on the ground.

The mobile phone in her pocket beeped from time to time. Today she officially went to work in the National Association. Many teachers and senior brothers and sisters sent congratulatory text messages and said they wanted to celebrate together. The enthusiasm shown by the seniors fully showed that it was them who decided to stay in the National Association.

More cheerful than she is.

"It's not okay to let you go home like this just to visit relatives. It just so happens that our hospital has a mission, and we have to go to the First People's Western Hospital in your hometown to provide technical guidance." Fu Xinheng suddenly explained the tolerance verbatim, "At that time, Zhou will be responsible for

The doctor leads the team, you can follow and reimburse the travel expenses."

"Do you need me to ask Dr. Cao Yong to come and accompany you?" Boss Zhang observed her appearance and asked her.

Hearing her voice and turning his head, Xie Changrong came to his senses and hurriedly came up to help her carry her luggage. As my sister-in-law said, it was time to care for her daughter who had not been home for a long time.

When it comes to home, for her, the sweet and sour taste fills her heart every time.

Grandpa Sun's hand desperately touched his chest, and he was still frightened for the rest of his life: "No, they just brought it, and Irene took it away——"

With a slight doubt, Xie Wanying walked to the desk, lowered her head and glanced at the ink characters on the brown paper bag, which read: Personally signed by Dr. Xie Wanying.

Classmate Pan Shihua started to hold back his pretty face, and couldn't help laughing, seeing that the stubborn classmate Xie had scared the leader to death.

The extra guests must have frightened Sun Rongfang and Grandpa Sun.

Hearing the sound of the car, Sun Rongyu took the lead to come out to greet the guests. When she saw a bunch of people getting off the car, she raised her eyebrows.

The specific method is to put a mirror around her head so that her eyes can observe eyeball movements through the mirror. For example, the fmri test method is to list the photos that may be related to the blocked memory and watch them one by one. For this reason, she found ways to collect them from home in advance.

All the photos of relatives and friends were taken, and at the same time, I used my special brain-eye judgment function to observe the eye movements in the mirror. Finally, based on whether the eye movements had abnormal reactions to the photos as the criterion, I selected a few photos, including those of her third uncle and her deceased uncle.

My aunt’s son is my cousin.

"I heard from the police that this thing has been sold in their local area for a while."

"I will buy your air tickets for you to come back. You won't go wrong by booking a few more."

"Did the National Association ask you to go home on a business trip?" Boss Zhang said why he asked her to come. The purpose was not only to hand over the mother's relics, but the most important thing was to warn her, "Don't touch anything you shouldn't touch when you go back."


It can be seen how much the old woman dotes on this new favorite, which makes Zhang Huayao jealous to death. For this reason, what Zhang Huayao can and must do is to continue to help the old woman dote on her. For example, he silently opens another drawer, which is full of things that the old woman helps the students do.

newspaper clippings, Zhang Huayao will continue to carry on his legacy.

The fake medicinal wine that her cousin got was from her third uncle. Her third uncle was considered the "dealer" above her cousin's "marketer". Then her third uncle, who was stupid enough to die, panicked.

, ran to ask the person above who actually produced the fake medicinal wine, and ended up revealing her information to these bad guys.

At that time, she entrusted Teacher Lu to help her find a pharmaceutical researcher to analyze the samples. She never expected that Teacher Lu would take the patient to do this for her personally.

Only Ding Lulu listened to her words and donated blood to Xiao Shugang to escape the disaster, and was very grateful to her later.

Cao Yong:……

It turns out that his wife may have really come back from the future, because she actually gave birth to twins.


Thank you for your support all the way!!! I have to go to the hospital, so the extra chapter is tentatively scheduled for May 1st, if my body can come back to update. The extra chapter is about traditional Chinese medicine technology, the protagonist is a beautiful woman from traditional Chinese medicine, and the male protagonist will be in this book


(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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