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【399】Return to your own hospital

After receiving the order, Liu Jingyun and He Xiangyu bent down and ran quickly with their heads lowered. They ran outside and got into the back seat of Senior Brother Cao. They continued to lower their heads and kept their confessions.

The two people behind walked to the car. Cao Yong opened the passenger door and let the junior sister sit in, then closed it and returned to the driver's seat to drive.

On the way, dark clouds filled the car, and the suffocating low air pressure made Liu Jingyun and He Xiangyu in the back seat afraid to gossip about Senior Brother Cao's Mercedes-Benz.

Glancing at Senior Brother Cao's stern profile, Xie Wanying followed her senior brother's instructions and reflected seriously.

Seeing that the three junior sisters were obedient, Cao Yong put his hands on the steering wheel and his foot on the accelerator, and drove them back to the National Association as quickly as possible.

Tonight, the emergency room of the National Association for Disease Control and Prevention was relatively quiet in the middle of the night. The surgeons and surgeons on duty had nothing to do and went to the duty room to rest. There were only some people left in the observation room who could not go to the ward and were in the emergency room for intravenous drips and observation of their condition.

Walking from the inpatient duty room to the door of the emergency room, Zhou Junpeng lowered his head and yawned. When he passed the nurse station, he saw the nurse was busy sorting out medical records, so he didn't call.

Standing on the steps outside the door, Zhou Junpeng seemed to be alerted by the cool breeze outside when he saw the Mercedes-Benz turning in from the gate, and his head became clear.

The car stopped at the entrance of the emergency room. Cao Yong said to the three junior sisters in the car: "Get out of the car."

It was an order, and the three of them stepped out of the car one after another. When they looked up and saw that it was really the emergency room of their own hospital, He Xiangyu sighed loudly and felt guilty. She was ashamed of whoever made her nose smell like alcohol.

Taking out a stethoscope from one side of his white coat pocket, Zhou Junpeng looked at the three of them and asked Cao Yong: "Teacher Cao, how are they? What tests are needed?"

Cao Yong wanted to park the car in the corner outside, then come over and ask from a distance: "Is the observation bed ready?"

"I called the emergency department before, they should be ready." Zhou Junpeng replied.

The emergency nurse heard their conversation and said: "Three beds are ready and are in the observation room."

"Can you three walk? Do you need us to bring a lathe and a wheelchair?" Zhou Junpeng paid careful attention to the three of them.

Seeing this senior Zhou, who usually smiles a little like a jade-faced fox, with a very professional and serious expression, makes people feel numb. Liu Jingyun and He Xiangyu thought: It is very uncomfortable to be suddenly treated as a patient by their seniors. They just seemed like

Professional doctors saved a group of people, but why did they suddenly become patients?

Xie Wanying replied to her senior: "Senior, we can leave by ourselves now."

Zhou Junpeng looked at her strangely: Hey, why do you look like you are the fastest kneeling person?

It's not that she likes to kneel down quickly, but she knows that clinicians cannot make decisions arbitrarily.

No matter which teacher or senior brother, why should they bother them when they have nothing to do? Senior brother Cao is very busy and wastes the observation hospital bed to have fun with them. In the same way, Dr. Wei from Xuanwu is the deputy senior high official and has no time to talk to them.

The students messed up.

It’s understandable that Second Senior Sister felt anxious about doing something wrong. But Senior Brother Cao is a master of technology, and asking them to stay and observe must be based on some kind of clinical experience and judgment. She always adheres to the idea she and Teacher Wu said,

The most important thing for doctors is their professional skills. They are rookies and need to respect the professional opinions of their seniors.

"Senior sister, let's go in." Xie Wanying turned around to persuade the second senior sister.

Seeing how quickly the junior sister surrendered, He Xiangyu was scratching her head.


Thank you for your support!!! Good night~

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