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【48】Separation and departure 3

Early the next morning, before the new students started school, Xie Wanying sent her mother to the train station.

The breakup was about to happen, and Sun Rongfang looked at her daughter, with a thousand words in her mouth, but her lips were trembling. She didn't know what to say, so she could only keep nagging: "Protect your body first, the body is the most important thing.

Mom not only wants nothing from you, she just wants you to be safe and healthy——"

"Mom, I know." Xie Wanying stretched out her hands and hugged her mother's arms tightly.

Sun Rongfang quickly wiped the red corners of her eyes with her hands, endured it, and waited for her daughter to finish hugging her. Then she turned around forcefully and carried her luggage directly into the check-in point.

Watching my mother's figure go further and further away and disappear at the end, it's like returning to the scene "Back" in the middle school textbook, except that this is the mother's back, not the father's. In every family, some father's love is greater, and some mother's love is greater

That's all.

Xie Wanying looked at the ceiling to prevent tears from falling. She had no right to cry. She still had many things to do to change her and her mother's lives.

She turned around and walked out of the train station with firm steps.

Going back to the dormitory to stay at night, Xie Wanying discovered: None of the roommates planned to go back to the dormitory at night?

Ring ring ring, the phone in the dormitory rang.

Jumping out of bed, Xie Wanying walked over and picked up the phone.

"Hello, classmate Xie Wanying, are you?"

"Yes, I am."

"Teacher Ren informed us that we should go to classroom xx in the teaching building for a meeting tomorrow. He is the counselor of our class."

This was the first time she heard the voice of her classmate. He was a boy. His voice sounded a bit muffled and his tone was quite formal. He seemed to be a person who was not good at talking. After hearing this, the other person didn't seem to know what to say.

, was silent for a long time.

"I understand, thank you, classmate." Xie Wanying had to take the initiative to resolve the embarrassment for the other party.

"You're welcome, you're welcome." The other party quickly hung up the phone.

After walking around the campus, she knew where the teaching building was. Xie Wanying was not worried, but she was used to going to the classroom early to wait for classes to start, so as usual, she took her schoolbag and notebook early, and rushed to the teaching building after breakfast.

It was seven o'clock when she went there, and people on campus could be seen reading English or reciting medical textbooks everywhere on the road. After all, this is the National Association, a place where proud students and top academics from all over the country gather.

There is competition, and the blood in the body seems to be boiling.

When she walked to the classroom, there was no one there. After confirming that she had gone to the wrong classroom, she found a seat in the middle of the third row in the front row and sat down. This seat was the most suitable for listening to the teacher's lectures and reading on the blackboard. She put down her schoolbag and took out her book to start school.

I read the new textbook I received when I was young and read it carefully.

As time goes by, more and more students come to the classroom. The voices around them gradually become louder. Anyway, in the absence of the teacher, the students are free and unrestrained.

She looked at her watch, it was seven fifty, and the teacher was probably going to arrive. Xie Wanying put the textbook back in her bag, so as not to give the teacher the impression of disrespecting her words. At this moment, she suddenly turned her head and realized: Oh, that's not right.

, no one was sitting in the seats next to her, not only that, but no one was sitting in the front row or the back row.

What's going on? She looked further away, and there were several students sitting in rows. There were probably forty or fifty of them. They were all looking at her, and some were covering their mouths and laughing.

This chapter has been completed!
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