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【504】Sudden reversal of the situation

There was chaos at the scene.

People from the Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery were probably wondering why a family member of a patient appeared and complained together?

He Guangyou looked at Tao Zhijie. Among all the people present, Tao Zhijie had the highest professional title and could be said to have the right to make the decision.

Tao Zhijie glanced at the two patients' family members, and then at the junior sister.

When two patients' family members pointed at her aggressively, Xie Wanying's face remained calm and she would not argue with the patients' family members.

What is the situation? Teacher Sun and Senior Brother Huang both know what she is afraid of.

Tao Zhijie, the younger junior sister, received this calm expression and couldn't help but smile. Then she turned around and said to Mrs. Guo first: "Can you let me go in to see how your husband is doing?"

A doctor's first priority is to treat illnesses and save lives, and other issues will come later.

"Who are you?" Mrs. Guo hesitated. The doctor in front of her had never been seen before, and unlike Sun Yubo and Xie Wanying, she looked like a fledgling boy.

"He is an expert in hepatobiliary surgery in our hospital." Sun Yubo said, "I called specifically to invite him here."

"To be honest, why didn't Director Shen come over?" Mrs. Guo raised the next question.

"Because Director Shen is not a hepatobiliary surgeon, specialist issues need to be solved by specialists. Now we judge that your husband's disease is not a simple upper gastrointestinal bleeding. The upper gastrointestinal bleeding is probably caused by another disease of his. "

"Isn't it possible?" Mrs. Guo was stunned.

"Go back and call your husband to see if he can wake up."

In fact, a group of doctors standing at the door looked at the patient lying inside from the door of the ward and already noticed something was wrong.

The complexion on Mr. Guo's face was sallow.

"I didn't dare to call him. I told him that I didn't dare to call him. He would scold me," said Mrs. Guo.

Sun Yubo pushed her away with one hand. He couldn't care less about what happened to this person now. The patient might be in a coma.

The doctors quickly walked to the patient's bedside. He Guangyou opened the patient's eyelids to check the pupils and called the patient: "Mr. Guo? Mr. Guo?"

The patient didn't respond and was snoring as if he had died in sleep.

"He, if you wake him up, he will scold him -" Mrs. Guo's defensive voice became smaller and smaller. It was not until the doctors slapped her husband's face and pinched her husband's hands that they failed to wake her husband up. Her eyes widened immediately, and then she couldn't take a breath, and her body slumped on the chair.

"It seems that this situation is acute liver failure. Could it be caused by some drugs he had taken before?" When He Guangyou said this, his eyes glanced at the face of the second general foreigner. Remember the second general foreigner? It is written like this on the consultation application form, which means that people who are in the second year of general foreign language have their suspicions first.

"Has he taken any medicine?" Sun Yubo asked, pushing Mrs. Guo who seemed to be stunned.

Mrs. Guo was trembling all over and looked straight at her husband: "What's wrong with him? Isn't he sleeping?"

"So didn't I tell you? You can't close the door. Our medical staff have to come in at night to check the ward."

"No, he was fine before and nothing happened."

"If he is really fine, will we require him to be hospitalized for examination and observation?"

"No, you didn't say he wouldn't wake up?" Mrs. Guo raised her head and yelled at the doctors.

"I came in for a check-up, but the results of the check-ups didn't come out so quickly. Before that, our people came in to check the ward just to prevent this kind of thing from happening. I explained this situation to you again and again, and you continued to lock the door, delaying our entry. .”

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