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【509】Transfer to Hepatobiliary Surgery

When she ran to pull the lathe, Xie Wanying heard the footsteps chasing her from behind.

Mrs. Guo caught up and grabbed her white coat: "Thank you, thank you for saving my husband's life, doctor!"

No matter how stupid you are, you just figured out that it was Xie Wanying who helped her husband.

"Send your husband for examination first." Xie Wanying said to stabilize the mood of the patient's family.

"Will you go with us?" Mrs. Guo, who was distracted, looked around and grabbed her hand as if she was holding on to the last life-saving rope.

"Teacher Sun." Xie Wanying asked for instructions from Mr. Sun, who was walking over. "I will accompany the patients for examination. After the examination, I will send them directly to the Hepatobiliary Surgery Department. Whatever happens to the patient during this period, we can rescue them as soon as possible."

Considering that this patient was admitted by Director Shen, it would be safer to have a doctor accompanying him. Sun Yubo nodded in agreement.

Now Mrs. Guo followed Xie Wanying the whole time and became her follower.

The attitude of the patient's family members changed too quickly, like a chameleon. When the nurse walked away with Xie Wanying, she whispered: "It's better if you guard against her. She always said she would complain to us before."

"It's okay." Xie Wanying comforted the nurse sister in turn.

Mrs. Guo is a timid person. She said it all depends on her husband. She dare not open the door when her husband scolds her. She never thought that her husband might be sick.

Being a doctor requires rational analysis of various issues and cannot be generalized.

Take the patient to the CT room in the elevator. After the examination, escort the patient to the hepatobiliary surgery ward on the ninth floor. I am not familiar with this ward for the first time. Fortunately, the nurses in this ward were notified early and prepared the bed, and the patient went directly to the CT room. He was pushed into the intensive care unit by a lathe.

According to the previous plan, the patient will be put on the artificial liver immediately. The door of the ward is closed, and all emergency equipment and artificial liver instruments are inside. The medical staff must prepare to insert the tube and put the patient on the machine.

The doctor on duty at the front line of the Hepatobiliary Surgery ward tonight is named Qiu. Dr. Qiu is on the phone with Senior He Guangyou, who is on the second line.

"You write a doctor's order to give him an artificial liver first. His wife knows about his situation. Let her sign and then we can do it."

"Does his family understand?" Dr. Qiu asked, "Senior, have you explained it to her?"

"I didn't. But I thought there were people on the way who did that part of the work for us."

Sun Yubo, who was standing opposite the person from the Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery, rolled his eyes secretly. Hearing this, he knew that he was referring to Xiao Xie doing extra work.

In response to Sun Yubo's expression, He Guangyou put away the phone and smiled: This is what your people did voluntarily.

Anyway, Tao Zhijie deliberately brought him to see his junior sister, twice, to make him feel that this junior sister Xie was interesting.

When doctors in general departments encounter this kind of patient, they would like to hand the patient over to other departments as soon as possible, which means that they have abdicated their responsibilities. Probably only Xie Wanying continued to follow the whole process, because she really only cared about the safety of this patient.

It is understandable that medical students are enthusiastic.

Sun Yubo thought: Xiao Xie's classmate is so hot-blooded. Hot-bloodedness is only temporary. People who are constantly hot-blooded will die long ago. She is called a tendon.

In the hepatobiliary surgery ward, the senior on the other side of the phone told them that a person named Xie Wanying had done some family work for them. Dr. Qiu was curious about who this extremely warm-hearted Dr. Xie Wanying was.

After taking the consent form and other documents, I had to go to the patient’s family to sign them.

This chapter has been completed!
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