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【562】Not a thief

After Hu Zhenfan thought about it, he said to Xie Wanying: "The thief you think is hiding a thirty-centimeter-long knife. Our colleagues from the police station rushed to the scene after receiving the alarm call from your hospital. When they opened the door, they were almost killed by him.

The knife was inserted into the body. Therefore, this case is obviously not an ordinary theft case. It was handed over to the criminal investigation team of the city bureau."

"You mean, he came to our hospital not to steal things but to kill people?" Xie Wanying was completely stunned after hearing this information. "The question is that he and I don't know each other at all."

"After interrogation by my colleagues day and night, I learned that he was following you, and he had been following you for several days. You may not have noticed it because you were busy at work. When he saw you coming out that night, he knew it was an opportunity to take action."

"I don't know him, why would he kill me?"

"Didn't you see someone drop an envelope before?"

There was absolutely no way that person was Zhang Tinghai. She knew it wasn't even by listening to his breathing. What was going on? Xie Wanying was even more stunned.

"He suspected that you were covering up medical staff who took bribes, so he wanted to kill you."

"I'm covering up a bribe taker? The envelope in question is not a red envelope!" Xie Wanying emphasized while thinking, it's really scary. Fortunately, she didn't say it was Dr. Zhang at the time. Otherwise, Dr. Zhang would not be able to clear himself up among the rumors now.

"You said no, but he thought it was. We also asked him where the evidence came from and thought it was yes. He had no evidence, but he definitely had a motive for the crime. Therefore, after our repeated questioning, we learned that his father originally wanted to be hospitalized in the National Association of

After waiting for a long time for surgery, I couldn't get a bed and had to go to another hospital for surgery. After the surgery, my condition was not good and I died. He inquired and said that it was the doctor from your National Association who did not arrange for his father to be admitted to the hospital.

, the bed was arranged because he had to receive red envelopes. He thought that it was the person from your National Association who accepted the red envelopes who killed his father."

"If that's the case, shouldn't he go to the doctor who treated his father to find out the reason? Why did he come to me?" Xie Wanying wondered.

"He sent an anonymous report letter to the director of your hospital." The female police officer interjected to add to the situation, "The evidence in the letter was written randomly by him. Your hospital has investigated it, but it couldn't be found out because he wrote it randomly. It just so happens that he wrote it randomly.

It was revealed that you seemed to be covering up bribe-takers, and he became anxious and wanted to take a knife——"

"Threaten me to tell me who took bribes?" Xie Wanying finally understood what was going on after listening, and was helpless. "The problem is, no one took bribes. He didn't threaten me with a knife, but came to ask me directly. Maybe I can help him

Go ask the doctor why he didn’t arrange for his father to be hospitalized in the first place. However, there are many patients in the National Association, so maybe the department’s beds are tight and it’s normal for his father to be hospitalized. What is his father’s disease?”

This involves the privacy of another department and other medical staff. Hu Zhenfan and the two police officers remained silent for the time being.

Xie Wanying understood and stopped asking.

"Now you have to follow me to the city bureau to testify whether it was him that night." Hu Zhenfan told her the purpose of coming to her today.

"But I didn't have time to see what he looked like that night." Xie Wanying said.

"Can you recognize his voice?"

"This is acceptable."

"Let's go."

After finishing the matter with the police, Xie Wanying called Second Senior Sister.

Unexpectedly, He Xiangyu suddenly opened the fire door and said to them: "I will go with her!"

"Are you hiding there and listening?" Hu Zhenfan turned back and became unhappy at her.

This chapter has been completed!
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