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【678】Formidable competitor

Tao Zhijie moved away from the position of the surgeon. At this time, he turned his head slightly and saw where Xie Wanying was standing. He saw her moving as the operating staff changed positions, so as to better observe the surgeon's operations.

Her concentration was terrifying even as a bystander. Tao Zhijie recalled the first time he saw her in the second operating room of General Surgery. He was really attracted by the expression on her face.

Putting on the gloves given by the nurse, Song Xuelin walked up and stood at the surgeon's position as ordered, taking the ultrasonic scalpel with his hand. His slightly delicate face was small, and the eyebrows exposed by the mask looked like two very light strokes of ink, which looked a bit...

Like a boy who has not yet grown up. Age is there after all. A newly graduated medical student is like a chick that has just emerged from its shell, and its childishness remains as young as a chick.

If you really think about this person like that, you are definitely wrong. Don't forget, this is the first time he came to the operating room and he was the young doctor who was immediately appointed by the chief surgeon to remove the tumor.

Just listen to Tao Zhijie say to the newcomers on stage: "If you are ready, you can strike at any time."

He is giving complete freedom to the newcomers. Don't think that this is just trusting the newcomers. This is also a sign of great technical confidence. This is a technical boss.

The entire operating room was silent because of Tao Zhijie's statement.

Xie Wanying's mind immediately thought of Teacher Tan. So don't underestimate Senior Brother Tao's gentle voice, his strong courage is no different from Teacher Tan.

Hearing the words of the surgeon, Song Xuelin whispered a word from his lips: "Yeah."

Not a single unnecessary waste word.

Holding the laparoscopic ultrasonic scalpel in his hand, the faint indifference between Song Xuelin's eyebrows seemed to have deepened. He didn't raise his eyebrows or raise them, without any waves. His dark brown eyes were like two mirror tubes, scanning the monitor quietly.


The most surprising thing was that his hands seemed to move very widely. It was completely opposite to the three doctors who had just performed the surgery. For a moment, Gong Xiangbin and He Guangyou were surprised by his hand gestures. They seemed to be surprised when they were surprised.

I now know how to cooperate with this strange newcomer.

It seems that there is no need for the cooperation of others. Song Xuelin was operating by himself and there was no intention of opening his mouth. The ultrasonic scalpel in his hand was moving all the way down on the monitor screen.

He Guangyou and Gong Xiangbin stared at the ultrasonic surgery screen on the monitor, their eyes shrinking as thin as pinholes. Because they could not see what this newcomer needed from them for the time being, they could only stay still.

Crack, squeak, squeak, the ultrasonic knife will cut in one moment, and the ultrasonic knife will coagulate and stop the bleeding in a while. There is no need to deal with anyone first, and the operation is very neat and neat at the same time.

The people watching outside seemed to be blinded.

Xie Wanying's heart skipped a beat, and she sighed in her heart: This is the strength of a medical student who graduated two years earlier than her, and is only a little older than her. Such a terrifying outstanding young senior, to a junior who is very close to her.

It's quite stressful.

Because a department full of talented people does not recruit people every year, but only recruits one every few years. As far as she knows, the department she most wants to go to is already overcrowded. In other words, she is very likely to be like this

Doctors of similar age compete.

Teacher Tan is not the main force in teaching, so she has not encountered strong competitors in General Foreign Language II before. Only with Senior Brother Tao, she began to meet young doctors who were as good as her or even better than her.

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