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【698】Let's go

Xie Wanying: Does Senior Brother Cao have ice cream at home?

Huang Zhilei: Yes!

As long as the little junior sister likes to eat, Senior Brother Cao has everything at home.

Xie Wanying smiled, but she had always wanted to ask: Does Senior Brother Cao have any older sisters at home?

Otherwise, how could Senior Brother Cao know so much about what girls like to eat? Although Senior Brother Cao said that the results were obtained by observing patients, she always felt that it did not look like it.

Huang Zhilei took the opportunity to tell his junior sister about the family situation of Senior Brother Cao: Senior Brother Cao has no sisters but two brothers.

Senior Brother Cao is actually the youngest child in the family. Xie Wanying was surprised and felt that it didn't look like him, because Senior Brother Cao was too stable, like an elder brother.

It was as if the junior sister needed to know more about Senior Brother Cao. Huang Zhilei rubbed his chin and made a calculation.

Xie Wanying thought of what happened yesterday and asked Senior Brother Huang: They said that Senior Brother Cao's name was changed when he was three years old.

Huang Zhilei: Who said that?

What's going on? Does Senior Brother Cao not like his private affairs to be known? Xie Wanying thought that must be the case and stopped asking.

Huang Zhilei was scratching his head across from him, thinking about who could have said "bad things" about Cao Yong to his junior sister in private. He knew that this incident would come out right after his junior sister went to the Hepatobiliary Surgery Department. Ninety-nine percent of the time, it was the Buddha who said it.

Although Senior Brother Cao’s story was not a secret, he thought it would be better for Senior Brother Cao to tell his younger sister.

Time passed quickly, and night fell quietly.

It was almost time to depart. Xie Wanying put on her clothes for going out, checked and brought all the ID cards and other relevant documents required for boarding. She didn’t bring dry food and water, and it would be troublesome to go through the security check on the plane. She packed her belongings and set off, walking quickly with her head down.

, arrived at the courtyard in front of the emergency room of the hospital. Doctor Qiu said to let her wait here for the ambulance.

Summer is here, and the nights are no longer so cold. Instead, there is a feeling of heat in the air.

Heat makes people feel more restless.

Standing in the open space waiting for her senior and the car, Xie Wanying habitually looked down at her watch to catch the time.

The emergency room behind her was always so crowded and lively. Critically ill patients were constantly coming in and out, some were shouting, some were crying, and from time to time the sound of quarreling came out, like a rooster's crow.

The ambulance rushed into the hospital with its siren blaring.

Passers-by moved out of the way.

As soon as the ambulance stopped at the entrance of the emergency room, the back door opened, and a cart came out with a young patient lying on it. The patient's family members cried out to the doctors for help, and doctors and nurses came out from the emergency room to pick him up.

Before Xie Wanying had time to take a closer look at the patient's condition, someone called her name in front of her.

"Xie Wanying!"

It's Dr. Qiu's voice.

Turning around quickly and seeing the figure of her senior, Xie Wanying trotted across the open space.

When going out on a mission, instead of wearing a white coat, Qiu Ruiyun wore a simple blue short-sleeved shirt and convenient black trousers. He carried a suitcase with a blue body and white cover in his hand, and hung a doctor's certificate from the hospital around his neck. He stood

In front of her, he told her: "This is an organ transplant box for storing liver sources. There is a special storage liquid in it to protect the refrigerated and moist organs."

Xie Wanying listened carefully to her senior's lecture.

"It's okay on the way to the plane. I'll tell you about the rest." Qiu Ruiyun stopped talking and took the time to take her to the ambulance.

The patient in the ambulance got off, and the driver just wanted to jump out of the cab to take a rest.

Qiu Ruiyun walked up to the driver and said: "As promised before, we will be sent to the Capital Airport at 11 o'clock. We are from the Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery and have an urgent mission tonight."

This chapter has been completed!
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