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【792】Big guy doesn’t mind

"Teacher, please tell me what needs to be done next. She underwent PBMV interventional surgery today. The chief surgeon is Dr. Jin."

Jin Tianyu confirmed: the last words of the man in front of her fully confirmed that she had no idea who he was and had no idea that she was talking to "Doctor Jin".

Xie Wanying couldn't care less. She should quickly hand over the rescued little girl to a professional cardiologist. She will go to rescue her immediately. The most important thing is to fully explain the patient's condition. As for the identity of the other party at this juncture, it is important to know

What does it matter? Doctors are the first priority to save people.

The more highly ethical a doctor is, the less he will care about this kind of thing.

Jin Tianyu didn't care and passed her by. He took out his stethoscope and listened to the little girl's heart. On the other hand, he looked back worriedly at the young doctors on the ground who were giving first aid to the injured.

"Doctor Song, where do you think the knife penetrated?" Xie Wanying asked Song Xuelin, who had examined the injured first. She absolutely trusted Dr. Song's ability, otherwise she would not have rushed to rescue the little girl and risked the most important thing.

My hair was given to Dr. Song.

Song Xuelin pressed one hand on a piece of gauze beside the knife edge, and at the same time helped hold Lin Hao's hand holding the handle of the knife, adjusting the position as much as possible to prevent the tip of the knife from moving.

Lin Hao, who was observing his operation from the opposite side, thought that this Beidu native was magical. After Song Xuelin's treatment, it was obvious that the injured person's bleeding speed had slowed down.

"The kidney was prone to massive bleeding for a moment, and the bleeding volume is estimated to be more than 200 milliliters. The patient's condition should be close to shock." Song Xuelin heard Xie Wanying speak when she came back, and replied in a steady tone, because he knew that she was calmly

The patient is entrusted to him, and he must deal with it more rationally.

There are two major elements in the surgical treatment of trauma patients. First, stop the bleeding as much as possible, which is equivalent to turning off the faucet, to prevent the body's own blood bank from being drained and the person will definitely die. Second, before the bleeding cannot be completely stopped, replenish fluids and add one to the blood bank flowing out of the body.

Go to several faucets and try your best to replenish fluids. It is best to replenish blood.

Dr. Song and Classmate Lin did their best to stop the bleeding in the first step. The nurses present did not relax, and upon seeing this, they already helped to inject the injured person first. The blood vessels around the patient with heavy bleeding sank, making it difficult to find the blood vessels. They made a prompt decision like

I injected the jugular vein like last time. This time, I don’t need Xie Wanying to do it myself. The nurse from the National Association can do it.

"Yingying." Wu Lixuan, who had stopped the bleeding a little and received the injection, seemed to be a little awake and called her friend's name with her eyes closed.

Xie Wanying grabbed her hand, lowered her head, put her ear to Faxiao's mouth, listened to Faxiao's words, and said, "It's okay, Lixuan, I'm here."

She doesn't worry about herself when she has friends around. What Wu Lixuan wants to say is: "Don't tell my family yet."

"Okay, I won't notify you yet." Xie Wanying nodded in agreement.

"Others-" Wu Lixuan gave her friend a meaningful look before closing her eyes.

Xie Wanying understood her look and thought: This is an accident.

Looking back, he saw that several young doctors were conducting rescue operations in an orderly manner. Jin Tianyu saw this and stopped speaking in a loud voice. He didn't like to yell at people, and he would never yell at people in this situation.

As more and more medical staff got the news, they rushed over to help.

The lathe was pushed over, and the injured person was lifted onto the lathe and quickly transferred to the operating room for emergency surgery.

This chapter has been completed!
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