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"How to get to the capital?" Lulu's mother was even more panicked. She didn't expect that her daughter's condition would be so serious.

"Don't be anxious, call your husband over." Village Chief Li grabbed her hand and comforted her, "Find a car to take you to the county hospital first. Take the X-rays as the doctor said, and then let the ambulance from the county hospital take your daughter.

Go to the Capital Hospital." After saying that, knowing that her family had difficulty in transportation, Village Chief Li helped her family find a car.

Rural people are honest and kind, and the village customs in the same village are good, and every household is like a family.

As soon as Village Chief Li said hello, Zhang Laosan from the village came in a minivan. Lulu's father was notified and rushed over. Along with him were the grandparents at home, and the whole family took the child to the hospital.

I brought the medical records written by the National Association doctor for my child.

Seeing that the leader of the pediatric surgery department saw a serious problem with the patient, the other doctors at the free clinic became more vigilant one by one to avoid letting the villagers miss the serious illness.

Dai Nanhui was measuring the blood pressure of a male patient. Suddenly his eyes were fixed on the patient's neck and he said to He Guangyou beside him: "Teacher, he has swollen lymph nodes in his neck."

What? The swollen lymph nodes in the neck may be something serious. He Guangyou quickly turned back to look at the patient, stretched out his hand to palpate the patient's neck, and asked the patient: "Do you have a big neck disease?"

"Yes. The doctor said I am deficient in iodine."

Dai Nanhui turned his face away, feeling a little embarrassed to see people.

He Guangyou did not criticize him, knowing that he was a rookie, and it was normal for him to misjudge thyroid enlargement and lymph node enlargement. The abnormal rookie might be Xie Wanying, who seemed to understand everything in clinical practice.

We have another special patient here in the pediatric department.

A ten-year-old boy was carried to the doctor by his grandfather.

It turned out that this child loved to play two days ago. He fell and injured his left leg while chasing after other children. The family did not expect to send him to the clinic for treatment, thinking that it was not serious, so they bought some bruises for him at home.

Wipe the wound.

A day later, the child's legs swelled up like an elephant's legs. Finally, the grandparents who stayed at home to look after the child became anxious and finally remembered to send the child to see a doctor.

"Put it on this bed." Village Chief Li patted the temporary wooden bed set up behind the shed, and asked two younger village cadres to help the old man lift the grandson, and put the child on the bed for the doctor to deal with.

Xie Wanying and Nie Jiamin put on gloves and walked to the child.

"Does this patient belong to your orthopedics department? Do you need to follow him to see him?" Dr. Jin reminded Chang Jiawei.

Chang Jiawei stood up, more out of curiosity to join in the fun, and walked over to take a look at the situation.

The ten-year-old boy showed signs of fever and his face was red.

Xie Wanying took a thermometer and put it under the child's armpit, took the temperature, then touched the child's head, then turned around and asked the teacher: "Do I need rehydration first?"

"No." Nie Jiamin shook his head, obviously not in a hurry and very steady.

Teacher Nie from overseas seems to be more unhurried than teachers in China.

Chang Jiawei stood by the side with his hands in the pockets of his white coat, waiting quietly for what the foreign expert was going to do.

This child's condition is actually not difficult to diagnose. Any doctor can tell at a glance that the child's wound is infected.

There was localized diffuse redness and swelling on the left calf, with unclear boundaries and obvious central pitting edema, which threatened to form an ulcer.

This chapter has been completed!
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