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A group of people looked at it and suddenly realized why they were nervous.

"Oops." Yao Jie exclaimed, how could he forget such an important thing.

The child can move. Run over and hold down the child's limbs, and then call others to help.

Once the anesthetic is applied, there is a needle after all. How can a child not be afraid of being stuck with an acupuncture?

When she put her hand on the child's forearm, Yao Jie realized something was wrong. The child didn't move? Could it be that the child was unconscious? She hurriedly turned her head and looked at the child's face again.

The ten-year-old boy's eyelids blinked. It was obvious that he was not unconscious. The child just didn't feel any pain.

With the clear reminder of Yao Jie's actions, the other doctors looked at Xie Wanying with surprise clearly in their eyes.

"Hey, doesn't the injection hurt?" Jiang Mingzhu stood up and looked at her junior sister.

"This technique is amazing." Dr. Jin was surprised and took it for granted at the same time. Because she had seen Xie Wanying's amazing performance before. Now this scene only made her feel more and more: "She is making super rapid progress."

Recalling that a few months ago, Xie Wanying performed emergency puncture on a pneumothorax patient outside. Everyone said that her courage was commendable, but it was obvious that she did not have as much confidence as she does today under the guidance of Fu Xinheng.

Obviously, after three months in general surgery and one month of upgrading training in hepatobiliary surgery, Xie Wanying has become a completely different person, constantly changing from a fledgling.

The essentials of local infiltration anesthesia are to insert the needle deeply, and inject the medicine while withdrawing, while paying attention to whether it accidentally penetrates into the blood vessel. Xie Wanying withdraws the needle bit by bit, pushes the medicine bit by bit, and adjusts the direction of the needle tip under the skin from time to time.


Not only did the child not feel pain, he seemed to feel very comfortable. Anesthetic can reduce the pain. Of course, if the anesthetic is administered well, the child will feel better first.

Just by looking at the expression on the child's face, everyone knew that this doctor was great.

The villagers stared until their eyes almost popped out of their heads.

The child's grandfather's head is stretched out like a goose.

Village Chief Li patted the child's grandfather on the shoulder: What, do you still want the doctor to treat your grandson?

The child's grandfather nodded fiercely: Treat it, treat it, treat it.

It can be said that parents from poor families are sometimes afraid not of having money to treat their children. In fact, they are most afraid of the bottomless cost of treatment. Therefore, the skills of doctors play a key role and can be a reassurance for parents to treat their children.


She said she wanted to be an angel who protects children. Nie Jiamin looked at the student with a glimmer of light in his dark eyes.

After applying anesthesia and putting down the syringe, Xie Wanying stretched out her hand to the nurse: "Knife."

Yao Jie handed her the scalpel.

Senior Sister Xie took the scalpel. Fan Yunyun couldn't help but feel excited. Her feet seemed eager to jump on the ground. Geng Lingfei and Dai Nanhui turned to look at her, the trainee, and frowned.

Holding the scalpel in her hand, Xie Wanying skillfully turned the knife and made a cross incision on the child's wound. She then returned the knife to the nurse and used her fingers to dig into the incision site to dig out the pus and necrotic tissue.

The syringe inhaled a large amount of normal saline. At this time, it would be better to have someone help Xie Wanying rinse the wound. Just as Yao Jie was about to step forward with the syringe to help, Geng Lingfei suddenly walked up to her and said, "Teacher, I'll do it."

Yao Jie unconsciously looked at Xie Wanying for instructions. Later she thought about what had happened to her, why she asked an intern for instructions and ignored the leader nearby.

This chapter has been completed!
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