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"Let's do it." Qiu Ruiyun told the nurse to calm down and walked to Xie Wanying to ask about the child's condition, "How is it?"

After Xie Wanying measured the blood pressure of the two injured people, she used a stethoscope to auscultate the child. Just looking at the blood pressure values ​​of the two people just now, it can be judged that the child's injury is more serious. Originally, children in car accidents are generally weaker and are more likely to be injured than others. Adults are susceptible to fatal injuries.

She placed the stethoscope head on the child's abdomen and listened. Xie Wanying's fingers gently touched the child's left upper abdomen under the left ribs and said, "The spleen is ruptured."

Hearing her words, Qiu Ruiyun's heart exploded and he thought: We're in trouble.

It is not uncommon for a child's spleen to rupture during trauma. However, a child with such an injury who said he quickly went into shock indicates that the rupture was serious and he was bleeding profusely.

"What's going on?" Nie Jiamin came in and asked this calm and elegant voice.

When the leader was in place, Qiu Ruiyun immediately moved out of the way.

Xie Wanying handed the stethoscope in her hand to the teacher and reported the preliminary results of her physical examination of the child: "The bowel sounds were significantly weakened, the blood pressure was almost undetectable, the child's expression was indifferent, his limbs were cold, and he was mentally unresponsive. Upper left Tense abdominal muscles."

While listening to her talk about the child's physical signs, Nie Jiamin examined the child carefully and said: "i.v.s."

The teacher is talking about intravenous injection, which is the abbreviation of intravenous injection. In case of shock, rehydration must be given immediately. Qiu Ruiyun returned to the car to look for something. For children with such serious injuries, venous incision or deep venous puncture must be considered to insert peripheral blood vessels. I'm afraid I won't be able to win.

Other doctors arrived one after another. Chang Jiawei and Zhu Huicang examined Wengui's mother's wound.

"It's a comminuted fracture." Chang Jiawei, an orthopedic surgeon, said that he could judge the condition of the injured man's lower leg with just his eyes.

Zhu Huicang put on a stethoscope to listen to the injured person's heart and lungs, and said: "Fortunately, it may just be a rib fracture. The heart and lungs sound fine for the time being. Send him to the hospital for observation for a few days and take a CT scan." To avoid the subsequent occurrence of delayed injuries without the doctor knowing .

I felt the injured person's abdomen again and found that nothing serious had happened.

"Mom, mom." After the doctor's instructions, Wang Gui called out to his mother.

Maybe Wengui's mother had a slight concussion on her head, and the wound hurt. She closed her eyes and didn't dare to open them, but she just moaned twice.

Chang Jiawei wanted to fix the injured leg, and Zhu Huicang and Yao Jie helped him.

In a blink of an eye, Qiu Ruiyun came back with his belongings. Seeing that he was alone, Yao Jie asked, "Where are the others?"

"It was intercepted." Qiu Ruiyun said.

Others were shocked: Who robbed someone halfway?

"It was said that the tractor hit someone, then ran away and drove to the next village and hit someone again. I heard that there were doctors running over to rescue the person." Qiu Ruiyun said, "The driver said that when I got back to the car, no one was there."

After hearing what he said, several people were stunned: It turned out that there were more than two wounded!

Bang bang, someone came running to the door. It was Dai Nanhui who was ordered to come over and ask for help: "Doctor Jiang asked me to call Teacher Zhu over, saying that there is a patient with hemopneumothorax."

Zhu Huicang received the news, raised his glasses and asked Yao Jie: "Is there a thoracentesis kit?"

"Yes." When Yao Jie answered, she pointed at the central venous puncture kit that Qiu Ruiyun found and said, "I don't know who prepared it. I didn't bring antibiotics, but these first aid items are all available."

"You didn't prepare it?"

"Where do I find the time to do this? And I don't know what you need. They are all prepared by the hospital. I am only responsible for inventory and management."

After the doctors heard this, they imagined that the hospital leaders were determined to let them show off their skills and advertise as much as possible.

This chapter has been completed!
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