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Chapter One Hundred

Zhu Biao marched all the way to a hundred miles away from Nanjing City, but the sky was already dark, so Zhu Biao ordered to set up camp. It was not a defeated army, so there was no reason to triumph in the middle of the night.

Several scouts were sent to Nanjing to report that the troops would return to the DPRK early tomorrow morning!

With such a big victory, the imperial court must organize it carefully before disseminating the battle report to the world. Now, it is estimated that 98% of the people in the entire Ming Dynasty do not know the news of their prince's expedition, let alone Feng Langjuxu.

Something like that.

After Zhu Biao and Zhu Di had dinner, they returned to their tent, resting their hands on their hands and thinking about what to do after returning to Beijing.

In fact, it is not too difficult to develop the population. After all, the world is already stable. The instinct of our nation is to cultivate and reproduce, but Zhu Biao is thinking about the issue of education.

Literacy and compulsory education played a big role in the rapid development and rapid development of China in later generations. If you know that even when New China was founded, nearly 90% of the people in the country could not read a single big character.

It's just that compulsory education is absolutely impossible. Even if Daming is sold, it won't be able to collect so many educational resources, and educational resources are still the smallest problem.

If the imperial power does not go to the countryside, the control over the countryside is very poor. If it is really implemented, it can only be implemented by the village chiefs, squires, etc. This efficiency...

We are poor in literature and rich in martial arts. On the surface, learning literature does not cost a lot of money, but pens, inks, paper, inkstones, and collections of classics and history all cost money. These things were still very expensive in ancient times. No matter how cheap a brush is, can it be cheaper than a pencil? If you let the people pay for it,

Many people don't have enough to eat three meals a day, and they still have to pay royal rations. How can they pay for this?

There is also money for hiring teachers, which can only be paid by the government. The problem is that the investment in this matter is too large and the output is too slow. The government will definitely not pay for this money and cannot pay it out.

Where do so many teachers come from? Compulsory education for all requires a large number of teachers. In ancient times, there were only a few scholars. The path to advancement was either to become an official in the imperial examination, or to be an aide, a master, or a private school teacher. Whenever possible, one would not do such a thing

Volunteer teacher.

Moreover, there is uneven fatness and thinness across the country. There are more people studying literature in developed places, but less people studying literature in poor places. I am so good at Suzhou and Hangzhou, why don’t I go to Guizhou?

Compulsory education is still guaranteed by legislation in modern poverty-stricken areas. Why? If you are poor, your children are still a labor force. If you want to study, you will be out of work. This means that you have one less labor force to support you. Not many people may be willing.

Unless the government pays for the children's meals, not only can they study literature, but they can also save food for the family. Why not? The problem is that the government cannot do it.

Zhu Biao couldn't sleep, so he ordered outside: "Please come here, Uncle Chengyi."

After a while, Liu Bowen came in. Zhu Biao stood up to greet him. Liu Bowen sat on a stool nearby and said, "Your Highness has just established an immortal career, why are you still worried?"

Zhu Biao sat on the couch and said: "Achievements are in the past, and it is not too late to remember them when you are old. I would like to ask you, Sir, if there is any way to broaden the people's wisdom?"

Liu Bowen stroked his beard and said: "Since ancient times, the world has been trying to find ways to fool the people. Why does Your Highness want to broaden the people's wisdom? This is not good for the stability of the country."

In fact, Zhu Biao also understood that given his position, he should vigorously promote the strategy of fooling the people. The people at the lowest level are just tools and do not need to have their own ideas.

From the feudal rulers' point of view, they prefer that the people be ignorant, stay at a certain stage, and just cultivate the land with peace of mind.

In ancient times, imperial autocracy was accompanied by ideological control and obscurant rule.

The divided country has achieved great unification after war and annexation. At this time, ensuring that the family, country and world will continue forever and that the imperial power is supreme is the core interest of the regime, such as cultural prosperity, advanced science and technology, happiness of the people, etc., everything

Everything must be compromised for this benefit.

What the imperial power wants is people who are obedient and like tools. If the popular thoughts are allowed to spread, the folk thoughts are active, and talents emerge in large numbers, the government's various administrative measures will often be riddled with holes under the questioning and speculation of various popular figures. In the long run, they will become

Shake the authority of the government and affect the foundation of rule.

It is better to defend the people's mouth than to defend the river!

Zhu Biao frowned and pondered for a while and said: "There are disadvantages in opening up people's wisdom in the present, but in the long run, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Unlike previous generations, not to mention the countries outside the ocean, even the surrounding small countries are also there.

With continuous development, if we continue to be entrenched, we may leave disasters to our descendants."

Liu Bowen looked at Zhu Biao and said, "Your Highness is trying to dig into your own family. Neither the courtiers nor your Majesty will support it."

Zhu Biao then gave a wry smile. This was the biggest difficulty. If Zhu Biao really did this, he would be betraying the interests of the landlord class to which he belonged.

But if we don't do this, Ming Dynasty will still have to follow the old path. Now it can be said that the landlord class is at its weakest.

After a few decades, the current noble ministers will form a stable interest group. As the leader of this group, the emperor does not matter how many people he kills, but if he wants to overthrow this class, he will be abandoned by everyone.

Zhu Biao glanced at Liu Bowen and said, "What do you think of this, sir?"

Liu Bowen stroked his beard and said: "For the country, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages, but for the country, the disadvantages outweigh the benefits!"

Liu Bowen stood up and bowed to Zhu Biao to persuade him: "Your Highness, Rong Chen speaks from the bottom of his heart. No matter who thinks of himself and his family first, it is the country's turn after all these considerations are taken into consideration!"

When Liu Bowen saw that Zhu Biao didn't speak, he continued: "Even if His Majesty agrees with this matter, the specific policies still need to be implemented by local officials. Does Your Highness think they will do a good job?"

Zhu Biao nodded and said, "Thank you so much for your advice, sir."

Liu Bowen bowed and bowed out. He was also from a noble family, otherwise how could he have the chance to become a Jinshi in his studies?

Zhu Biao lay back on the couch and looked at the top of the tent. He felt inexplicably lonely in his heart. No one would support him.

Zhu Biao was a little confused. It was obviously the right thing to do, but no one would support it. Liu Jin, who was waiting at the side, carefully covered him with a quilt.

Zhu Biao turned to look at Liu Jin, what if he relied on Jin Yiwei and Dongchang?

The idea that had just come up was severely dispelled by Zhu Biao himself. The establishment of a secret service agency capable of supervising the world was the sole authority of the emperor and could not be controlled by a prince.

Moreover, it is not enough to rely on one department to deal with one class.

What about supporting the business class? Capitalism?

Zhu Biao shook his head, it would be better to be honest. Zhu Biao did not want his descendants to be sent to the guillotine.


The next day, Zhu Biao got up, put on his gold armor, and led the army back to the court. When he was ten miles away from Nanjing, Zhu Biao saw a large and dense group of people standing in the distance, apparently tens of thousands of people.

The civil and military officials headed by Li Shanchang had all waited outside the city early. Zhu Yuanzhang issued an order yesterday, ordering the civil and military officials to take the people ten miles out of the city to welcome the crown prince's triumphant return!

When Zhu Biao led the generals closer, a burst of quaint music sounded behind the officials, which was the unique joy of triumph.

The officials headed by Li Shanchang and the people behind them knelt down to Zhu Biao and congratulated him: "I respectfully welcome General Tiance's squadron to report a victory, and return to the court after victory! I congratulate His Royal Highness the Crown Prince for overthrowing the Northern Yuan Dynasty, sealing the wolf to Xu, and establishing the throne."

Great work for the ages!”

After the officials finished speaking, the crowd behind them began to shout in unison: "General Tiance is mighty, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is mighty!"

Zhu Biao smiled and waved for them to get up, then dismounted and bowed to the city of Nanjing before exchanging a few words with Li Shanchang and others.

Li Shanchang smiled and said to Zhu Biao: "Your Majesty was very happy when he heard the news that your Majesty's disciple had returned to the court. Now your Majesty is waiting for you on the city wall of Nanjing."

When Zhu Biao heard this, he felt a lot warmer in his heart. He recalled inexplicably a few years ago when Zhu Biao led hundreds of officials to welcome Zhu Yuanzhang in triumph outside Nanjing. Zhu Biao wanted to know how his father felt now.


I cut out a lot of words, which makes me feel a little distressed, but they are all mixed with too much of my personal stuff and are not suitable for writing in a book. Please vote for recommendations.

This chapter has been completed!
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