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Chapter 118 Contradiction

Zhu Yuanzhang immediately put his arms around the Queen's shoulders: "Our son is sensible! There is no need for a lesson. Biao'er just took over a hard job. I told you about Shanxi immigration. Biao'er plans to go there in person.

Deal with it."

Queen Ma reacted as soon as she heard this. She naturally knew how difficult this matter was: "Chongba, it's a very important matter. Do you really plan to let Biao'er go?"

Zhu Yuanzhang smiled and said: "Since Biao'er was born, we have never made him suffer. As you said, Biao'er is a little too smooth. But we ourselves have been soaked in bitter water, so why would we want our children to suffer?

But Biao'er's status is different from other brothers. He will take over our family business in the future. It is better to suffer a little under our eyes now than to be wronged behind closed eyes."

Queen Ma looked at her husband who had a smile on his face. The two of them had not spoken so closely for a long time: "It's rare that you have spoken to me so much today. Are you not afraid that my harem will interfere with politics?"

Zhu Yuanzhang laughed and said: "We are worried about my sister. We just want to set the rules to prevent our descendants from being soft-hearted and the rebellion of Wu and Zhou will be repeated, and our descendants will be massacred."

Empress Ma didn't say anything. She naturally knew what Wu Zetian had done, and she was not interested in court matters. When Zhu Biao had a child, she could enjoy the happiness of her family.

Zhu Yuanzhang was afraid that his wife would worry about his son: "Now that Biao'er is gone, we plan to let him take away all the talents selected by the imperial examination, so that we can also cultivate some wings for Biao'er."

"These people will become the mainstay of the imperial court in ten or twenty years, and they can assist Biao'er. Now we take the opportunity to sharpen them and see how good they are. If they are all bookworms, they will not be able to govern the place.


Empress Ma thought for a while and asked: "The matter of relocation is complicated and Biao'er is young. What should I do if I make a mistake?

Zhu Yuanzhang squinted his eyes and said: "How old is Biao'er? If something happens, someone must have deceived the superiors and deceived the subordinates. Then we will just find corrupt officials in several places and behead them.

When Queen Ma heard her husband's arrangement, she pushed him and said, "My son has made a mistake. You don't want to discipline him, so why do you want to cover it up for him?"

Zhu Yuanzhang said slowly: "We believe that our son can do a good job, and he also has this ability. If there are some complaints from the people, we will not care. The ministers in the court also understand that no one will be able to avoid doing this job. Our prince's shoes will be stained

You are not afraid of some mud, but whoever dares to throw mud on him is seeking death!"

Empress Ma saw her husband's serious murderous intention and knew that his mind was determined, so she changed the subject and asked: "What about Biao'er's marriage? Should it be brought forward or postponed?"

When Zhu Yuanzhang remembered that his son was going to marry a princess, he said happily: "We have already ordered the Ministry of Rites to advance the wedding, but we have to find a good day."

Queen Ma nodded and said, "It would be better if Biao'er could have an heir as soon as possible."

Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly thought that it would be better if he had a grandson. When the prince would be old enough, he could take over the government affairs. He grasped the general direction, and left the rest to his son. He would train his grandson well, so that

The family business of Ming Dynasty can be passed down safely.

The couple couldn't help but be happy, and the two of them had a rare tenderness. Zhu Yuanzhang had to spend all his energy throughout the day on dealing with the world's government affairs, so he was a little irritable when dealing with things. When Empress Ma saw him, she couldn't help but talk about him and let him

To kill less people, Zhu Yuanzhang was too tired to quarrel with his wife every day, so he simply went to the concubines.

Those women expected Lao Zhu to be obedient, and how could they dare to interfere with Zhu Yuanzhang's will, so the couple hadn't spoken together for a while...

Now Zhu Biao's responsibility makes Zhu Yuanzhang feel a lot more at ease. He climbed out from the bottom and overthrew countless heroes, so he knows how many capable people there are in the world.

The thing he has been most worried about since he came to the throne is that if he suddenly dies suddenly one day, his children are still young, and those arrogant soldiers have let themselves go after the founding of the country. Without his deterrence, his son will have a chance.

Will you inherit this family fortune?

That's why he brought Zhu Biao into contact with government affairs very early, and asked him to accomplish the feat of recovering Yanyun and destroying Beiyuan, just in case.

Empress Ma leaned on her husband's shoulder. She knew how much pressure her husband was under. After a while, Empress Ma asked Zhu Yuanzhang to lie down and said: "You are tired too. I heard that you go to bed very late every day these days.

How can you feel better after such a long time? Just take a nap, I’ll ask someone to make some food and call you later.”

After Zhu Yuanzhang lay down, he took a deep breath and slowly closed his eyes, but he still held his wife's hand tightly in his hand. Empress Ma did not struggle and touched her husband with her other hand pitifully.

of sideburns.

She said softly: "Chongba, you are in your prime but you already have a few gray hairs. Don't worry so much. Your children and grandchildren will be blessed."

Zhu Yuanzhang did not open his eyes or speak. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, feeling the calluses in his wife's hands, which were all worn out in order to sew clothes for him and the general's adopted sons.


Zhu Biao returned to the East Palace all the way. He didn't even think that his father could really hand over this matter to him so quickly. Thinking of the smile that could not be concealed in Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes just now, Zhu Biao felt inexplicably sad.

My father was a small farmer in China, one of the few at the top of his socio-economic background. He was a genius. He was born in poverty and was begging for food as a boy. As a young man, he rose from a young officer to the King of Wu. During this period, he was always accompanied by hunger, war, conspiracy, and betrayal.


But he did not immerse himself in it, but studied hard and eagerly asked everyone for advice on the knowledge of governing the country.

This is a quality that many generals and even emperors born at the bottom do not possess, and it is also the most essential difference between him and the likes of Chen Sheng, Wu Guang, and Li Zicheng.

Zhu Biao actually felt that his father might have some mental problems, a bit like persecution paranoia or nervous anxiety.

He has experienced too many conspiracies and betrayals. After becoming the emperor, his old brothers also began to distance themselves from him. This made Zhu Yuanzhang feel very unsafe, as if he was isolated by the children in his hometown, and everyone began to do things for him.


For the sake of his career as emperor, he was able to tolerate everything. After establishing the empire, he cared about everything and eliminated all doubts for the sake of the empire's "eternal existence."

He is always worried that civil servants will betray him, and military generals may take away everything that belongs to him. He is always forcing himself on himself. He has no pursuit of pleasure at all. Female sex is just a way for him to vent his emotions. He only has sex with Zhu Biao or Queen Ma.

Zhu Yuanzhang seems more relaxed when they are together.


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