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Chapter 119 Division Party

His father's childhood experience shaped his confidence and courage, but also created some inferiority and suspicion. As his status rose, he eventually became multi-faceted and contradictory.

Zhu Biao suddenly stopped while walking on the road and looked back at the palace with overlapping buildings and tents, as if he was looking back in later generations to see the Hongwu Emperor who had completely released himself after the death of his wife and son.

A heart ailment requires heart medicine. What Zhu Biao could do was to comfort Zhu Yuanzhang with actions and let him know that Zhu Biao would protect the foundation he had worked so hard to build.

All the way back to the East Palace, Zhu Biao began to plan for emigration. Yun Jin had come back. She was now the fifth-rank Shang Palace of the Shang Palace Bureau, almost a female official. This shows how much Empress Ma likes Yun Jin.

Zhu Biao counted the days. There were about ten days before the imperial examination, and then the wedding, before he could go to Shanxi.

First, there was the imperial examination. Although he was not in charge of it, it was the first imperial examination after the founding of the Ming Dynasty. As the prince and crown prince, he had to go and see it in person.

And although I haven't heard of any very famous ministers among these scholars, I think it's not too bad. As long as they don't die in ten years, they should be able to sit in the fifth or sixth rank official position.

Of course, the most important reason is the factional issue among the imperial examination candidates. For the examiners or supervisors, these people may serve as envoys or governors in various provinces across the country in 20 years, or even serve as ministers of the six ministries in the central government.

Shangshu. This resource is so rich. No fool would try to win them over. Moreover, in order to avoid suspicion, many high-ranking officials would instruct their students to submit memorials if it was not convenient for them to speak out.

For these new scholars, although they have passed the Jinshi examination, which is considered a leap of faith, they still have to have someone to protect them! After all, the road ahead is still long, and it is necessary to find a big backer.

It's good to be able to stay in the central government, but what if you are assigned to a local area? Therefore, whether you are an outstanding candidate selected into the Hanlin Academy or the Sixth Department, or an ordinary candidate assigned to a local area, before taking office, find a senior

It is right for the leader to visit a dock.

But the emperor was very taboo about these things. As the most polished commander, the emperor was very afraid that his subordinates would form cliques for personal gain, and it would be bad if he would be sidelined. Therefore, everyone used the guise of teachers and students to engage in reasonable hook-ups.

In fact, many so-called teacher-student relationships are simply fake. Most of them are when you take the exam, I am the invigilator or the marking teacher, and then you pass the exam, find a teacher-student excuse to worship the dock, let's

The two are considered to be bound together.

Coupled with the influence of thousands of years of Confucian thought of respecting teachers and valuing education, since there is a relationship of interest and an emotional basis, the teacher-student relationship in the officialdom is generally relatively strong, just like Li Shanchang and Hu Weiyong.

There is no way for Zhu Biao to end personally. The current situation is that the Huaixi Party must be suppressed, so it is impossible for Li Shanchang to absorb these fresh blood into the Huaixi Party.

But the only person with the qualifications and prestige to preside over the first imperial examination of the Ming Dynasty was Li Shanchang.

Zhu Biao came to an end. After the results came out, he invited the new scholars to have a meal in the East Palace. With the opportunity to contact the prince, who would take refuge in the examiner?

Li Shanchang is a smart man, not to mention how old he is. When waiting for some new scholars to become fifth-rank officials, he may have been lying in the ground for several years. Therefore, he will refuse the visits of those new scholars.

In this way, everyone will be happy.

Zhu Biao was going to visit Li Shanchang and his teacher Song Lian tomorrow. After Zhu Biao made the plan, he went to sleep with Nuanyu in his arms.

The next day, Zhu Biao got up early and took Yun Jin to Kunning Palace. At this time, Zhu Yuanzhang and the ministers were still attending the morning court. They had to attend the court from early morning to noon. Officials of fourth rank and above could talk directly with the emperor. Other officials

It was necessary to submit the memorial through the eunuch, and after the morning meeting, the ministers went home to do business.

At noon, the emperor began to have dinner. At this time, the emperor had to choose which concubine would sleep with him in the evening. After a short rest, he would start reviewing the memorials handed over by his courtiers in the morning. This was Zhu Biao's daily work.

There were usually a lot of memorials. The emperor had to correct them all afternoon. In the meantime, he had to hold a small meeting with the first-rank officials to discuss urgent or key government affairs. He had the second main meal in the afternoon and then continued to deal with government affairs after eating. Just like Zhu Yuanzhang, in the evening

It is common to review until early in the morning.

However, Zhu Yuanzhang felt sorry for his son who was growing healthy, so he usually drove him back to the East Palace to sleep as soon as it got dark. In fact, Zhu Biao also felt sorry for his father. He also mentioned the establishment of a cabinet once, but now the prime minister is still there, and Zhu Yuanzhang is not at ease.

Let others intervene, and in the end the matter will become unclear.

Zhu Biao grinned as he thought about his father's workload in a day. This is not the work of a human being.

When they arrived at Kunning Palace, Zhu Biao bowed to his mother and then walked up and picked up Zhu Lu: "Lu'er, have you been good these past two days?"

Zhu Lu wore her cute pigtails and nodded: "Be good (^o^)/"

The brother and sister talked for a while, but little classmate Zhu Lu was not happy. Why is it not over yet? I want to go to the ground to play!

Zhu Biao had no choice but to put her down and watch her waddling and running outside. A group of palace maids immediately protected her.

Zhu Biao sat down with a smile. Queen Ma looked at her son and said, "Biao'er, you must do your best to relocate the people."

Zhu Biao looked at his mother and replied: "Don't you worry about my son's work? Since I took the initiative to take over this matter, I intend to do my best."

Empress Ma shook her head and said: "Mother is afraid that you are just acting on a whim. The immigrants are already suffering, so you have to be considerate. Even if there are people who are dissatisfied and resisting, you have to send people to persuade them first, but don't do it directly.

Suppress with killing."

Zhu Biao nodded and said in relief: "Don't worry, we are not going to fight on the battlefield. Those people are also my subjects of the Ming Dynasty. Unless it is really a last resort, I will never kill a common person indiscriminately."

Queen Ma felt relieved after hearing this: "I also talked about it with your father last night. There are a lot of cattle and sheep that you drove from the grassland outside the capital. This time, I brought more and distributed them to the immigrants. They saw the livestock.

It also makes me feel more at ease.”

Zhu Biao patted his mother's hand and said: "As expected of the empress, she is indeed a mother who cares about the world. She doesn't even care about her son's marriage. She only thinks about your people.

Empress Ma glared at her son and scolded her with a smile: "You brat, you are talking about serious matters and you are still talking nonsense here. There is no room for my mother to interfere in your marriage. Your father has already discussed it with the Minister of Rites dozens of times."


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