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Chapter 186 Listening to the play

After making it clear to Chang Yuchun, Zhu Biao went out. He had to give Chang Yuchun time to sort out his thoughts. Zhu Biao also had to tell the people from the Ministry of Industry about more specific matters.

After leaving the door, Zhu Biao didn't know where he was going, so he asked Liu Jin beside him: "What is the Crown Princess doing?"

Liu Jin bowed and returned: "The Crown Princess has invited some ladies to come as guests and is talking in the backyard."

Zhu Biao nodded, which meant that he couldn't go back to the backyard now. Most of the people who could come out as guests were boudoir girls, and Zhu Biao didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble.

Political marriage is unavoidable. He will not be picky about whether he is beautiful, ugly, fat or thin. This is his responsibility as a prince. The same goes for his other younger brothers and sisters. After enjoying the glory and wealth for more than ten years, there will naturally be a price.

Zhu Biao was walking in the palace, with Chang Mao following him. Zhu Biao casually asked: "How is Duke Yan Sheng?"

Chang Mao thought for a while and replied: I heard that Duke Yansheng invited scholars and scholars to hold a banquet last night, so I went to see Li Xiangguo again this morning."

Zhu Biao smiled after hearing this. The Guizhou donkey was at his wits end, and Kong Xi couldn't learn the great weapon of passing down the Imperial Seal. The last resort was still the same old one, trying to change Zhu Yuanzhang's will with the help of the so-called people's support.

But it’s already this time, something should have happened in Duke Yansheng’s mansion, and the same is true for Mencius. Some people are actually very happy to betray their ancestors for profit. After all, they are not the ones who inherit the title, and their descendants will not live for a few generations.

will become a side branch.

Of course Mencius also had descendants, but his descendants were far less prosperous than the descendants of the Confucius family. They had already arrived in the capital, but unfortunately they were indifferent. The Confucius family both supported and suppressed them, so Mencius' descendants became sacrificial officials.

If you take it seriously, you can get some title.

The same was true for Zhu Biao's expected arrangements for the Confucian family. He could not be given the title Yanshenggong. It was enough to be a sacrificial officer of the Confucian Temple, and he would honestly cut cold pork for the sages of the Confucian Temple.

Ever since Zhu Biao blocked the fiercest offensive by Qian Tang and others, there was no suspense about this matter. It was just about how much the Kong family would pay.

Now that the things in Beijing are almost over, we have to hurry up and go to Shanxi. Taking advantage of the weather getting cooler, we can just start emigrating. Shanxi is not far from Fengyang, and we can arrive in autumn.

Zhu Biao told Chang Mao: "We will leave for Shanxi in a few days, so make preparations as soon as possible."

Chang Mao's eyes lit up and he immediately agreed. They, the noble disciples, all have false titles, but they don't actually have any errands. It's rare to go out with His Highness to do errands. No matter how you calculate it, it's good.

After wandering around for a while, the eldest ladies reluctantly said goodbye to Chang Luohua, and each took a carriage back to their own mansion.

However, Zhu Biao was not dissatisfied. The love of the boudoir was naturally precious, especially to ancient women. If sisters like Chang Luohua were married too low, they might not even be qualified to visit the East Palace.

Chang Yuchun also came out at this time, and invited the whole family to have another meal, and then called the opera troupe. This was the first time for Zhu Biao to listen to opera seriously in his age.

Zhu Yuanzhang strictly prohibited his sons and daughters from watching this kind of thing, thinking that if they watched too much, they would have random thoughts and delay their studies. Zhu Biao himself was too tired to study every day, and he had no intention of thinking of ways to watch it.

After finishing the meal, the stage outside had been set up. After Zhu Biao sent the order not to return to the palace, Chang Mao immediately left the palace and invited the best theater troupe in the capital. They were not easy to hire, and the schedule was full, but the Kaiping Palace

I've invited you, who dares not to give me face?

When we arrived at the palace, we found out that the prince would be watching later. The troupe owner was excited and frightened at the same time, so he quickly sent someone to get everything ready and show off his ability to pack boxes.

Zhu Biao led the people out, and the troupe number 780 immediately knelt down on the ground and greeted him respectfully. Zhu Biao sat on the main seat in the middle, with Chang Yuchun and Chang Luohua on both sides, and the others sat down one after another.

Zhu Biao looked at the people on the ground and said, "Everyone, get up. It's rare for me to hear an opera once. I hope you won't let me down."

The people below kowtow to ensure that the only way out for the lower class is to be appreciated by nobles. Of course, the prince is a noble man, and they will work hard to perform.

Chang Mao took out the play list and handed it to Zhu Biao respectfully. Of course, His Highness had to decide which play to watch. The others were just foils. Zhu Biao had never seen it. Of course, he had heard of "The Injustice of Dou E".


He circled it casually and handed it to his princess: "It's rare to listen to a show together, so please have some."

Chang Luohua took it with a smile and discussed it with his mother and sisters. It seemed that they had listened to the opera a lot. That's right, there were no other entertainment projects in this era. If they didn't listen to the opera, they would just sleep.

Chang Luohua circled some loose pieces such as "Tian Jing Sha·Autumn Thoughts", "Mo Mei", "Zhe Gui Ling·Spring Love", etc., and then handed them to Liu Jin to Chang Yuchun. The men of the Chang family were naturally more interested in dramas.

After the approximate repertoire was circled, the performance began on the stage. Zhu Biao also watched it carefully. Finally, he found that Yuan opera is indeed interesting, and he can understand some truths from it, but he only needs to watch it carefully to get it.

We watched until the sky was getting dark and braziers were lit all around. Fortunately, it was summer, the sky got dark late and it wasn't too cold. Zhu Biao was also very satisfied with what he saw.

The two scenes of "Orphan" are also very interesting.

Zhu Biao's interest was gone, and Chang Mao who was beside him also came out and said: "Your Highness is tired, why don't you go back and have a rest. I will invite Your Highness to watch the show another day."

Zhu Biao smiled and turned to look at Chang Luohua and asked, "Do you want to watch for a while longer?"

Chang Luohua shook his head and said: "It's getting late, let's go back and rest."

Then the two of them stood up. Chang Yuchun and others naturally wouldn't say you come and leave first. We haven't seen enough of this, so they all stood up together. Everyone on the stage was frightened and thought it was the prince.

Satisfied, they all knelt down in a hurry.

Zhu Biao said a word of appreciation to Chang Mao, then said a few words to Chang Yuchun and his wife, and then led his princess to the backyard. She would return to the palace early tomorrow morning, so she had to rest early tonight.

When I walked out of the courtyard, I heard the opera troupe shouting in unison behind me: "Thank you, the prince, for the reward, thank you for the reward, the prince. The people kowtow to the prince."

After receiving Zhu Biao's reward, their fear this night was not in vain. Not to mention the fare, even the government servants had to respect them a little bit, otherwise they would have a hard time living as a low-class person.

Back in Chang Luohua's boudoir, Zhu Biao and Chang Luohua were sitting on chairs drinking tea, while the maids were making the bed. Zhu Biao suddenly thought of something and said to Chang Luohua with a smile: "Ordinarily, the newlyweds will come home, no?"

Should the couple sleep in separate rooms?”

Chang Luohua gave him a helpless look and said, "You led me directly back to the house. Who dares to let you go out?"

Zhu Biao smiled and said: "I see, then I'd better go to sleep next door."


This chapter has been completed!
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