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Chapter 232 Zhumen wine and meat stink

There were not many people at Zhu Biao's table. Apart from the three princes and royal highnesses, only Fei Ju, the Marquis of Pingliang, and the prefect of Fengyang were accompanying him. The rest of the people were seated elsewhere, and it seemed that many small groups had already appeared.

Xu Yungong and Chang Mao didn't deal with each other very well, not to mention Li Qi standing by, Guo Chong, Li Jin, Zhang Fan and others also had conflicts, and some like Fu Zhong isolated everyone else by themselves.

Even though they are Zhu Biao's confidants, they still have many internal conflicts, and they will not all become good brothers just because of this. However, this is also within Zhu Biao's expectation, and there is even an element of his tacit approval in it.

But no matter what, it will not lead to hatred, because they know that Zhu Biao's indulgence has a limit. They can disagree, but they must not hold each other back, and there will always be a few people who act as lubricants.

As the soju was served and the meat slices were put into the pot, the atmosphere immediately became lively. Zhu Biao also smiled and started drinking with the people at the same table. The spicy wine slid down his throat, and his whole body seemed to be on fire.

Zhu Biao didn't make any toasts during this meal. He just simply asked them to have a lively meal. They could naturally feel that if His Highness wanted to be lively, then make it lively.

The thin slices of meat cooked very quickly, and Zhu Biao felt a sense of satisfaction when he picked it up with chopsticks and put it in his mouth. It was a pity that there were no various dipping sauces in later generations, otherwise the taste could have been tasted several times.

Liu Jin actually prepared a sauce for him, which was made with wine, salt, soy sauce, pepper, etc. The taste could only be described as average. At least Zhu Biao didn't like it much. He preferred dipping sauce based on sesame sauce.

It is a pity that although sesame seeds were brought back to my country by Zhang Qian on his mission to the Western Regions in the Han Dynasty, their planting range is not large, and more importantly, they are mainly used for oil extraction and are rarely made into other edible products.

Zhu Biao can remember it as soon as he eats hot pot, but he is too lazy to order someone to make it when he is not eating. People in this era are not interested in sesame sauce. After all, they can't eat enough, so they don't have time to care about the taste.

This meal lasted for an hour, and it was the first time for the protagonist to feel so full. I can only say that the cows made a great contribution in those two days. They were indeed fighting cows, and Zhu Biao's hard work to get them from the grassland was not in vain.

Bring it back.

Zhu Biao silently looked at the satisfied people, and suddenly felt that he had to strengthen the protection of the cattle. They could not let them fight all the time. He was forced to eat beef every day, and even Zhu Biao felt distressed.

Zhu Biao squinted his eyes and looked at His Highness King Jin, who had only eaten beef but not sheep. He saw him putting his hands on his belly and licking his lips, looking like he was still unfinished.

Zhu Biao asked softly: "Second brother, are you almost done with dredging the river?"

Zhu Xi cheered up and replied: "It's almost done, and it won't be easy to continue grooming after winter."

Zhu Biao nodded and said: "Then I'll give you another job. It's cold, and the livestock must be properly placed, especially the cows. After spring, they have to be pointed to plow the land, so I don't want to hear about another cow dying."


The corner of Zhu Xi's mouth twitched. He had just planned to sow discord between a few cows in a few days, but he didn't expect that the hero would die before he left the army and the hero would burst into tears.

Naturally, King Jin could not admit it so easily: "This cow is a beast after all. The cowshed is only so big. I can't stop them from fighting. Besides, it's not impossible that they slipped and fell to death on the sidewalk."

Zhu Biao didn't speak, he just looked at Zhu Chong with a smile. Finally, he lowered his head and promised that the cows and cows would live in harmony and that no more cows would lose their lives before spring.

Zhu Fan was also a little regretful, but Zhu Di didn't take it seriously. He preferred to eat mutton. After the other ministers had had enough wine and food, Zhu Biao let them all go back. The three brothers of the Zhu family stayed here with Zhu Biao.

This meal is very simple, but it is also a good way to deepen emotions. This is also a tradition since ancient times. No matter what you want to do, it is always right to go around the wine table.

Early the next morning, Zhu Biao led his brothers out of the city. The snow was no longer as heavy as the previous two days, but it still didn't stop, and the wind also picked up. The winter of this era was far colder than that of later generations.

Zhu Biao and others had already put on clothes made of fox fur, which felt very cold, not to mention the common people. Although cotton-padded clothes were distributed, it was up to him to see how effective they were and whether they actually fell into the hands of the common people.

Go see it with your own eyes.

When winter comes, he can enjoy a comfortable and carefree day with new fermented wine made from green ants and a small red clay stove, but the common people are frightened, fearing that another family member will freeze to death in this season.

Zhu Fang and the others didn't want to come out. It was so comfortable to sleep under the quilt in the cold weather. Why bother riding horses in the wind and snow? Of course, Zhu Biao couldn't let them go. Suffering together was also a good way to strengthen the relationship.

Maybe Zhu Biao just couldn't stand how they were enjoying themselves.

After passing several villages, Zhu Biao went in and took a look. The roads in the villages were empty. Everyone was staying at home, eating less, drinking less, and relying on dilapidated houses to protect themselves from the wind and snow.

The chimneys are all covered with green smoke, and the trees on the surrounding mountains have basically been cut down. The charcoal that is suitable for burning, and the unsuitable charcoal, is transported back to be used as firewood. What is being burned now should be firewood, and it is not the coldest yet.

At that time, people should be reluctant to use charcoal.

Charcoal is made from a large amount of wood, and the price is still relatively expensive in this era. Ordinary people take the fired charcoal to the houses of dignitaries and sell it in exchange for food and other items. They rarely say what they use because it is too expensive to make.

The trouble and cost are too high.

It's not just the common people who can't afford to burn charcoal. With the salary of the Ming Dynasty, even low-ranking officials can't afford it, let alone the more expensive coal. At the level of Fengyang prefecture, the charcoal stored in the family can only be so little.

This is when Zhu Biao came and ordered large-scale felling of trees. Otherwise, no official would dare to issue such an order. Especially Fengyang is an imperial hometown and most of the mountains and forests are state-owned. If you secretly pick up some branches, no one will care about you, but if you cut down without permission,

Trees are going to be boarded up by the government.

Not to mention that it was like locusts crossing the border and cutting down the mountains and forests. Without the permission of the imperial court, Fengyang Prefecture would not be able to keep its black gauze hat. But if Zhu Biao made the decision, no one would dare to pursue it.

Stopping in front of a random house, Zhu Biao got off his horse and walked in. Fu Zhong walked in front. His heavy back really hindered Zhu Biao's sight. There was no response in the room. Fu Zhong knocked on the door before someone hurriedly agreed.

After a while, a young man opened the door. He was so frightened when he saw so many people that he took a step back, thinking that he would not have done anything wrong.

After looking around in fear for a few times, he saw the savior. He suddenly fell to his knees and said, "The common people have seen His Highness King Jin."

Zhu Xiang shivered, looked at the man carefully and said, "It looks familiar. He must be the common people who dredged the river with me."

Zhu Fang was just about to reveal his eldest brother's identity. After all, he should salute the prince first. Zhu Biao shook his head at him, and Zhu Fang understood.


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