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Chapter 268 Cherish feathers

In the evening, Zhu Biao watched the news coming from the capital in the house. Generally speaking, there were no changes. It was just that Wang Guangyang was suppressed a bit miserably. He basically passed the affairs of Zhongshu Sheng and Liubu, and in the end it was Hu Weiyong who made the final decision.

I don't know if it was because he was beaten down by Yang Xian and lost his ambition. He was just trying to catch a fish, and he never said anything about the orders given by Hu Weiyong. He was more tolerant than Li Shanchang in the previous two years, and he didn't know what he was trying to do.

Although Zhu Yuanzhang did not expect him to be able to check and balance Hu Weiyong, it was too shameful to relinquish power to Qiu An in such a fair and just way. It made Lao Zhu, a person who was specially promoted, lose face. If this went on, Zhu Yuanzhang would have him without Hu Weiyong taking action.

Kick it down.

There was not much movement in the rest. After the death of Yang Xian, the East Zhejiang Party suffered heavy losses, and was chased and beaten by the nobles of Huaixi. They were either demoted to local places or took refuge under Liu Bowen. It is a pity that according to the current situation

, Liu Bowen could not protect himself.

The rest of the court officials ignored this, especially Xu Da from the military, Chang Yuchun and others looked on with cold eyes. However, if they did not express their opinions, they would default to supporting Hu Weiyong. After all, they were all from Huaixi.

Zhu Biao smiled. He had missed a lot of good things after walking for half a year. He picked up the report from Fengyang and said that the current situation there was very good. Zhu Xi, Zhu Fan and Zhu Di looked at the local officials and they were honest.

The crops are growing well, and the people from the Ministry of Revenue have seen it. As long as there are no natural disasters, the harvest will be good, and there will be no need for the court to allocate food after the autumn harvest.

Finally, there is the letter sent to him by Chang Yuchun. There is no problem in the north at the moment. When Chang Yuchun got free time, he led thousands of horses to hunt on the grassland. He had a lot of dealings with various Mongolian tribes, not to mention the big tribes and the small ones.

Some of them are satisfied with the current situation and have no thoughts of causing trouble.

This is why Chang Yuchun is in a special situation. His daughter has become a princess, and his son is working with Zhu Biao. Otherwise, he would never dare to be so promiscuous. As the commander-in-chief of the border defense army, it would be a big deal to wantonly go deep into the grasslands and make friends with the Mongolian princes.

It's a taboo that even Xu Da and Li Wenzhong wouldn't dare to do.

Zhu Biao thought for a while but didn't say anything. He didn't think Chang Yuchun would have any other ideas. He had reached this position and pointed out that if the rebellion succeeded, it would be better to hope that Chang Luohua would give birth to a son soon.

Zhu Biao shook his head helplessly. Only Chang Yuchun would dare to do this. Under the same conditions, Xu Da would never do this. This is also due to his personal personality. Xu Da is stable and Chang Yuchun is reckless.

Turning to the back, Zhu Biao explained the dredging of the northern canal before Chang Yuchun left. There were many obstacles. At this time, the north was far inferior to the south in all aspects, whether it was population or other things. Forced corvee harmed the people too much, and Zhu Biao also

He was reluctant to part with it, after all, population was what he valued most.

When Xu Yungong and Chang Mao were thinking about it, Xu Yungong and Chang Mao walked in. It seemed that he had drunk a lot, but he still knew that he wanted to see Zhu Biao, so at least he was still rational. After they saluted, Zhu Biao joked a few words, everyone has a sense of humor.

Emotionally, it's not easy for these two people to go back and forth with him.

After a few words, Xu Yungong took out a stack of banknotes from his arms. After taking them, Chang Mao took out the same stack from his arms and walked forward together and placed them in front of Zhu Biao.

Zhu Biao was not surprised. He stretched out his hand to take it, weighed it and said with a smile: "The Jiangnan family is really rich. They have given up so much land and can still come up with so much money."

Xu Yungong bowed and said: "Each family has brought in many children. The reason for giving these money is to look after one or two more when they get to the capital. After all, they still have no confidence in their hearts."

Chang Mao grinned and said: "If it was a few thousand taels, I would have accepted it, but this whole hundred thousand taels of silver notes are too hot to handle. I have to leave them to His Highness. The two of us accepted them. Wait until we get back."

Just go to the capital and take them to have a few drinks and make some friends."

Zhu Biao shook his head and threw the banknote back and said, "Since it's for you two, just keep it. When you return to Beijing, teach them more. Don't blindly point to the money and lose the face of the East Palace."

Xu Yungong bowed and said: "This money is said to be for both of us, but we all know that it will be handed over to His Highness for his own purposes in the end. Since Your Highness will not accept it, I will return it."

Chang Mao felt a little distressed, but he also knew that the two of them had not yet reached the point where they could receive one hundred thousand taels, so they could only give each other ten thousand taels. After all, they had just started with one hundred thousand taels, so they were not afraid of feeding their appetites.


Zhu Biao thought for a while and said: "It's better not to accept the begging from you. Let each of you keep ten thousand taels, and the rest will be returned to the head of the Zhang family. Tell him that I hope to borrow some people, and each of them will go his own way."

Everyone in the industry is required, especially the craftsmen who make banknotes."

Xu Yungong understood it as soon as he heard it. Zhu Biao took a sip of tea and said: "You have been with me for so long and you know that I am not a picky person. As the saying goes, if the water is clear, there will be no fish. There are always some human relationships in the world.

Just know how capable you are and don’t worry about things you can’t control.”

The two looked at each other and bowed and went out. Zhu Biao looked at the two people walking away. He was not worried about Xu Yungong, because he was someone who had pursuits, but Chang Mao was hard to say.

It's not that Zhu Biao cannot accept the money, it's just that he doesn't care about it. Money is certainly a good thing, but the Crown Prince's authority is more important. There is no comparison between the two.

In the final analysis, this kind of thing is still bribery, and it will spread throughout the family within a few days. If someone without any brains commits a crime under the banner of Zhu Biao, should we help him or not? In the end, whether he helps or not will have a huge impact on Zhu Biao's reputation.


What's more, what does he need this money for? He definitely doesn't need it himself. He never spends money to enjoy himself. Is it possible that he uses the money from bribes to pay salaries to ministers? This is a big joke. If bribery is allowed, what will happen to the ministers?

We can pay the emperor a salary in the future.

These are two different things from those who want to acquire land. The premise of these two is that the Jiangnan clans were involved in selling illegal salt and were cornered under the pressure of Li Wenzhong. Zhu Biao protected them for various reasons, the most important of which was to maintain the stability of the Jiangnan region.

For development, Ming Dynasty is now inseparable from the taxation of Jiangnan.

Zhu Biao didn't save an acre of land for himself after all this trouble, just because he didn't want to involve too much. The formation of the interest network is just this bit by bit. If Zhu Biao takes the initiative, it will not be easy to control the people below him in the future.


The reason why Lao Zhu can kill corrupt officials with peace of mind is because he never accepts the filial piety from his subordinates. Even when the Red Scarf Army was in chaos, all the gold and silver he got was distributed to his brothers. He never took the lead in sharing the stolen goods. Otherwise, how could he convince the public?


From now on, except for the Chen family, he will not have much contact with the Jiangnan family. If his children are capable, they will naturally be good. If they are not capable, Zhu Biao will not go out of his way to support them. Only in this way can everything be treated fairly, and others will not be able to say other weird things.


If you want to achieve big things, you must not be blinded by money. If you are a prince from other dynasties, it will be fine. You need money to win over officials and cultivate party members. As a prince, Zhu Biao does not need to form a party or taint himself, so he has to be grateful for his father's kindness.

, feathers should be cherished more.


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