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Chapter two hundred and seventy sixth official government office

It was like this for the next few days. Zhu Biao went to court every day to listen to politics, went down to review memorials, then discussed with his father, then returned to the East Palace to plan the government office, and finally worked hard with his princess to have a grandson.

The most troublesome thing was reviewing memorials. Zhu Biaopi had a headache, but one day he finally seized the opportunity. Ru Taisu, an old guy, because of a big deal, wrote a memorial of 50,000 words.

Zhu Biao excitedly ran to tell Lao Zhu. Lao Zhu waved his hand and ordered people to push Ru Taisu to the door of Fengtian Hall and beat him with thirty sticks. Of course, he was spared, otherwise the old man would have been beaten to death.


The next morning, Zhu Yuanzhang came up to him and cursed him so hard that all the courtiers knelt down and begged the emperor to appease their anger. Zhu Biao also pretended to persuade him a few words. Finally, the emperor ordered that all future memorials must be concise, and he formulated administrative document standards for about five years.

If it is less than 100 words, the speaker must present the pros and cons, be concise and meaningful, and have no redundant words between the lines. No long speeches with quotations from scriptures are allowed!

The memorials in the next few days were indeed much more streamlined, and Zhu Biao felt comfortable reviewing them. The civil servants were still a little uncomfortable with it, but the generals and nobles were very happy.

In fact, Zhu Biao attaches great importance to this not only because it will waste time in reviewing memorials. If it becomes a habit in the long run, the official style will inevitably turn into empty talk about ideals. The political power will be idle in the documents, but no one will do the actual work.

Empty talk will harm the country, but hard work will rejuvenate the country. Historical evidence is conclusive. Zhu Biao did not want to let officials hang around in the ranks and waste office time year after year in vain words.

Zhu Biao has also almost planned the integration of government offices. Especially since Zhu Biao knows that the Zhongshu Provincial Capital will be abolished in the future, he must arrange several backup government offices in advance to ensure that the six ministries can be supported in case of emergencies.

Keep the country running.

Moreover, Zhu Biao also had to form the prototype of the cabinet. Of course, Zhu Yuanzhang was watching, which was the Central Secretariat. It would be good to read the local memorials, but that was fine, as it would free up Zhu Biao to focus on other things.

At present, it has not been a while since Zhu Biao finished handling the memorial. There are too many big and small things in such a big country every day? In the morning, Lao Zhu also ordered that no matter what local affairs must be reported to the court? In this way, small things and big things are mixed together, and Zhu Biao

You have to look through the labels one by one.

Zhu Biao planned to imitate the Song Dynasty in setting up a grand scholar in the imperial palace. The position of a grand scholar would be to serve on the left and right, serve as an advisor, and rank as the fifth rank. He would first serve as a false position to assist in the processing of simple memorials.

In addition, the General Affairs Department should be established to be responsible for receiving internal and external regulations, filing reports, seals and refutations. Whenever the four parties make suggestions, complain about grievances, or accuse illegal matters, they should write down the reasons for the complaint in the book and submit the complaint.

To smell.

To put it simply, it is to be responsible for the transmission of information from the royal family, the court, and the world. This includes issuing imperial edicts to the lower levels, delivering reports to the upper levels, and making complaints to the people. In short? Any official document of the Ming Dynasty cannot bypass the General Affairs Department.

If someone wants to write a small report to the emperor, they will deliver it to the general affairs envoy after writing it. If someone wants to meet the emperor, they will arrange it? And they will also be responsible for keeping confidentiality. In this regard, they

Be a professional? Comes with a range of perks.

It is also necessary to add a Dali Temple, which is equivalent to the Supreme Court in later generations, to handle the trial of criminal cases? Together with the Ministry of Punishment and the Metropolitan Procuratorate, it is called the Three Law Divisions. In major cases, the three divisions must be heard together before a verdict can be pronounced? This is also Zhu Biao's purpose to restrict the Ministry of Punishment?

Its current responsibilities are somewhat overreaching.

Only the Ministry of Punishment is responsible for trials? The Dali Temple is responsible for review, and the Metropolitan Procuratorate is supervising to ensure the fairness and strictness of the criminal law. In the future, Zhu Biao will strengthen the authority of this department. The fairness of the law is undoubtedly extremely important.

Then there is the clan mansion. Now that there are more and more princes, it is time for this department to be established. With this Zhu Biao, he will be able to directly control the relatives of the emperor and be responsible for writing the genealogy of the emperor and recording the clan clan.

The legitimate concubines of the members' children, their names, titles, successions, dates of birth and death, marriages, funerals, posthumous titles, etc.

Zhu Biao also abolished several yamen, such as Taichang Temple in charge of sacrifices, Guanglu Temple in charge of banquets, Taipu Temple in charge of horses, and Honglu Temple for entertaining foreign guests. These conflicts with the responsibilities of the six ministries, so it is better to concentrate them than to disperse them.

There is also Zhu Biao's own Zhan Shifu, which is an organization responsible for assisting the prince. Zhu Biao feels that it is of no use, and he has to kill himself for such a thing, otherwise how can he convince the public? It just so happens that his Zhan Shicheng Yang Xian also died


Then he is preparing to establish the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which is the department in charge of the palace's internal affairs and royal property. In the future, Zhu Biao plans to return the functions of treasure banknotes and seals to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He can only rest assured if he puts it under his own eyes.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs will be a behemoth in the future. Relying on the authority of the Ming Dynasty, it will sweep the world's wealth. Everything gained will be used to cultivate talents, promote scientific research, build bridges and roads, accept orphans, and establish professional colleges.

These cannot be promoted by national justice, but can only be achieved by using a large amount of wealth and resources. The reason why Zhu Biao never cares about money is that he knows that as long as the foundation of the Ming Dynasty is perfected and the great voyage is launched, the world's silver will continue to flow.

of inflow.

Because the Ming Dynasty was far ahead of them, silk, tea, porcelain, etc., there were so many good things that made them drool all over the place, enough for them to risk their lives and cross the sea to bring their money to the Ming Dynasty to buy these things.

If they openly plunder the world's resources to supply a country, then there is nothing to fear. Even now, the Ming Dynasty has an absolute advantage and is still recovering. As long as the problems left by the war at the end of the Yuan Dynasty are solved [Mist and Rain Novel www

.jinxiyue.net] The Ming Dynasty will open up a new future.

What Zhu Biao has to do now is to stabilize. The future is so bright, so it is even more important to lay a good foundation. Tall buildings will rise from the ground. Zhu Biao is willing to spend ten years laying the foundation, so that China can take the lead in this wave of the times.

Zhu Biao put away the bottom few pictures. Those were about local areas. Now is not the time to take them out. Slowly rectifying them from top to bottom according to the current situation is the best choice.

As for the six departments, we have to wait a little longer, and now they are in chaos. The central administrative structure envisaged by Zhu Biao is that the emperor directly controls the six ministries, nine ministers, and the prime minister, and the cabinet assists in the supervision of the six departments.

In this way, the system will be clearer, responsibilities will be clearer, and centralization will be deepened again. Zhu Biao picked up a thick stack of papers and went to his father. As long as Lao Zhu nodded, he could start preparations.

All the way to the Jinshen Hall, Zhu Biao looked nervously at Comrade Zhu who was frowning and reading above, but he thought there should be no problem. Some of them were from the government offices in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, but they were abandoned in the Yuan Dynasty, and since the founding of the Ming Dynasty.

Since then, we have been adjusting the government offices.

Zhu Yuanzhang looked seriously and took a sip of tea. Zhu Biao's heart skipped a beat. Wasn't there a plan?

As a result, Lao Zhu sighed: "You kid, why didn't you think of it earlier? You really didn't work hard before it happened!"


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