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Chapter 290: Surrender Ceremony

After Zhu Biao heard this, he knew that Wang Guangyang could not escape this reprimand. Fortunately, he was still useful, otherwise he would have to be beaten down.

Zhu Biao turned his head slightly and looked at his father. Sure enough, the veins on Comrade Zhu's forehead appeared, his cheeks were slightly bulging, and he could tell that he was gritting his teeth.

Zhu Yuanzhang said word for word: "There is so much auspiciousness in recovering Bashu, so why didn't it happen when Beiyuan was overthrown and Yanyun was recovered?"

Wang Guangyang was startled. This kind of thing didn't just pass by with everyone having fun. The other officials who had wanted to join in the fun immediately stood up with their hands solemnly. Wang Guangyang didn't have a few confidants to come to bear the thunder, so he only

Able to stand up for myself.

He hesitated for a while and said: "There should be some, maybe no one saw them."

After Wang Guangyang said this, he saw the superior's face getting darker, and suddenly felt that he should go home and pack his things. After all, he was the one who had been spared once, and he might be able to live more comfortably this time.

For some reason, Wang Guangyang relaxed instead. This time he was inexplicably transferred back from exile and directly became the Prime Minister of the Left. It just felt wrong.

Zhu Yuanzhang originally reprimanded him severely to teach other officials a lesson, but when he saw Wang Guangyang's calm look, he suddenly felt a little embarrassed. This guy was exiled for his innocence back then, and now he is using him as a bait to hang Hu Weiyong.

You still have to make room for others.

Even Zhu Yuanzhang was a little embarrassed to target such a person. In fact, Zhu Yuanzhang would not have heard of such things in ordinary times. In the four years after the founding of the People's Republic of China, he heard the most about these two things in the morning. One was where

It's auspicious, and the second thing is that there is rebellion again.

But the news coming from various places recently was enough to make him worried. The country was in dire straits, and various places were short of food and clothing. How could he think of pretending to be a prosperous time with these officials and playing auspicious tricks?

Zhu Yuanzhang ignored Wang Guangyang and turned his attention to the other officials, especially those from the Ministry of Rites, and said in a deep voice: "We don't believe in things that we haven't seen with our own eyes. We believe in governing the world without cheating. In the future, you should not report any auspicious things to the court.

Only when abnormal disasters and locust drought occur must be reported immediately, and we can clearly distinguish which is more important!"

Hu Weiyong immediately stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, respecting Heaven and working hard for the people is a blessing to all people in the world. It is also the ancestral precept of the Holy Son and the grandson of God. I will obey your teachings carefully."

The other officials also immediately knelt down and said this in the afternoon: "I am respectfully listening to the holy teachings."

At this time, only Wang Guangyang was sitting on the wax, and his whole person was gloomy. He was not a fool, so he naturally figured out that he was being plotted. How could this happen so coincidentally when the Holy Spirit was not in a good mood?

But there was nothing he could do. He was alone in Zhongshu Province. The cliques he had formed in the early years had been broken up by Yang Xian. Although he was now the nominal prime minister, he was suppressed by his deputy.

, he originally admitted that everything was up to Hu Weiyong, but now he feels that Hu Weiyong has gone too far.

Standing on top, Zhu Biao could clearly see clearly that Wang Guangyang finally had some fighting spirit, which was good, otherwise we would have to see what he was capable of if he was brought up.

There was silence in the court for a moment, and then the Minister of Rites stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, Duke Ying has escorted the former Xia Kingdom Lord Ming's newly promoted master back to Wuchang Mansion and will arrive in the capital soon. I don't know how to prepare for the surrender ceremony. Could you please

Your Majesty’s signal.”

China has been a country of etiquette since ancient times, and all kinds of etiquette and rituals are very comprehensive. In addition, wars have continued in the past dynasties, and surrender and destruction of countries have also occurred from time to time. Therefore, the etiquette of surrender of a subjugated country also has a set of norms.

Zhu Yuanzhang asked his ministers for their opinions, and the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment stepped forward and said: "There is an ancient law to follow. Let Mingsheng tie himself in white clothes and hold a jade in his mouth. The officials of his country wear mourning clothes and the scholars hold the coffin and lead the Xia Kingdom. The clan knelt three times and kowtowed nine times outside the capital. The Holy Emperor sent someone to reprimand him, and then he was untied, the coffin was burned on the wall, and the ceremony of canonizing and surrendering was completed."

Song Lian stood up and said: "This is too humiliating. I suggest that according to the surrender etiquette of Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin accepting the Shu Lord Meng Chang, let Mingsheng, the leader of the former Xia Kingdom, wear plain clothes, invite the white sheep to reward the master, kneel down to present the surrender form and the edition form. Perform three prostrations and five bows."

The other officials were also excited and expressed their thoughts one after another, some of which were very humiliating. After all, the loser would be severely trampled under his feet. There was also hope that Ming Sheng could be tolerated. After all, he was just a child. Overdoing it would be a bit petty.

Zhu Yuanzhang listened for a while and looked at his son and asked: "Prince, what do you think?"

Zhu Biao turned around and bowed and said: "I heard that Ming Sheng is a man of pure virtue and elegant character. He is well versed in the Classic of Filial Piety and The Analects of Confucius and is loved by the people of Bashu. He is not as arrogant and extravagant as Meng Chang. As for the state affairs of Xia State because of his young age, His mother, the Peng family, has always been in charge, but now that she has surrendered, why bother to humiliate her more? Why not show kindness to her father and show his kindness, so as to appease the hearts of the people of Bashu."

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded with satisfaction and said: "What the prince said is absolutely true. What do you all think?"

The Minister of the Ministry of Justice, who had just called me the most cheerful, knelt down and choked up: "I am ashamed that I am still arrogant in my forties. I am far less benevolent than His Highness. I feel extremely guilty after hearing His Highness the Crown Prince's words. I am the great Ming Dynasty. If you have this kind of demeanor, young children in Ming Dynasty will feel at ease and submit to you if they receive such kindness, and the people of Bashu will also become kings as soon as possible."

As for the officials who had just expressed their wish to be dealt with lightly, they seemed to have won a great victory and even echoed the words. They all thought that the prince was really kind and treated the defeated leader who surrendered the country like this, let alone his own subjects.

In fact, few people want to serve a ruthless emperor. After all, ruthless people are like this both internally and externally. However, the current situation of the Holy Emperor has long been established and he is invincible, so they have no choice but to bow their heads and behave like human beings.

But they don’t want future emperors to have the same character as the current emperor. Everyone is seeking fame and wealth when they become officials. Why force us to death? Many people are already silently hoping in their hearts that Lao Zhu will control the dragon and ascend to heaven as soon as possible. In this way, they It's nice to take a breather from the scorching sun.

Zhu Yuanzhang smiled brightly from above. He knew very well what his ministers were thinking. He had also worked under others, so he naturally knew what it felt like to silently curse his superiors to death.

Looking around silently, Zhu Yuanzhang thought to himself, not to mention that my body and bones are stronger than those of you old sticks. Even if I really die, I will have to take your whole family with me. You should still hope that I can live a few more years.

In fact, there were still many courtiers who surrendered to the Yuan Dynasty in the imperial court, especially civil servants. Zhu Yuanzhang's Huaixi nobles were basically warriors who could not conquer the world and rule the world, so he had no choice but to accept many such people.

After all, it was the last years of the dynasty and it was a time of chaos. There were only so many people who could read, and there were also only so many Han people with experience in being officials. If you didn’t use them, the court wouldn’t be able to function. If we really talk about it, Li Shanchang, Liu Bowen and others They all served as officials in the Yuan Dynasty.


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