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Chapter 300 Knowing and Making Good Use of People

Knowing people well and making good use of them is also a necessary course for people. For people like Dao Tong, it is okay to be in a lowly position now, but it is just that they cannot get along well with their colleagues. If they are promoted to other departments or transferred to local places in the future,

He will definitely face off against those corrupt officials, and he will definitely not be the same person.

In history, it is not surprising that this person was killed by Zhu Liangzu. This is indeed not an administrative character. Even if Zhu Biao hopes that local officials will be honest and honest, he does not want them to be like Yushi Yanguan. Someone has to endure it.

Do hard work with humiliation.

After talking to Daotong for a few words, he let him go. It would be useless to talk any more. This person's vision and structure were not enough, and he was not yet able to take on a big responsibility. Therefore, Zhu Biao planned to give him the treatment of a student of the Imperial College, and he would first assist the imperial envoy.

Before leaving, he remembered what happened to his sister and future brother-in-law, and asked the Minister of Etiquette to revise the regulations on the prince-in-law. Fortunately, Zhu Fan was in charge of this matter, and since it was the early years of the founding of the People's Republic of China, changing the regulations was not a big deal.

There are still some restrictions. The consort is not allowed to enter the Zhongshu Province and cannot lead troops. The rest can be relaxed a little. The princess palace still needs to be built. Zhu Biao does not want the golden branches and jade leaves of the Tian family to serve his parents-in-law, but the consort should also move in.

You can't just make love between a young couple and it depends on what the old lady wants.

Then he got in the car and went back to the palace. When he passed by Cao Guogong's mansion, Zhu Biao wanted to go in. After returning from Hangzhou, he still didn't have time to talk to Li Wenzhong. But after all, it was not a government office, so Zhu Biao didn't want to come rashly.

After all, Li Wenzhong was his cousin, and Zhu Biao had to give him the dignity he deserved. He ordered Liu Jin on the side: "Tomorrow, I will take out two pieces of Baoginseng from Korea as a tribute and send them to Cao Guogong's mansion from the warehouse tomorrow, and I will prepare something else. You can watch."


Liu Jin felt a little distressed when he heard this, but he could only agree. Zhu Biao didn't care at all. The possessions outside his body didn't matter. There was only Baoshen in the palace, but it was gone. He just issued an edict to ask Gao Li to pay tribute.

It was already dusk when he returned to the palace. Zhu Biao looked at the setting sun, and Yang Guang's poem suddenly appeared in his mind. Where the setting sun was about to set, the sight was so gloomy.

After watching for a long time, Liu Jin on the side said anxiously: "Master, be careful with your eyes. It's not good to look at the sun for too long. Please turn around quickly."

Zhu Biao exhaled and went straight to Jinshen Hall. It was summer and the imperial study was not ventilated. Zhu Yuanzhang had already moved his official duties to Jinshen Hall, but an eunuch in the distance was so confused that he almost shed tears. Should he go back?

Report to the Holy Emperor that the prince is coming? But if the prince changes his ways and goes back to the East Palace, he will really lose his head.

Zhu Biao naturally didn't know, but he was indeed going to see Comrade Lao Zhu this time. After entering the Jinshen Hall, Zhu Biao bowed to see him, Lao Zhu didn't even raise his head and continued to deal with official duties, while Zhu Biao was minding his own business.

Start the afternoon trip.

After Zhu Biao finished speaking and Lao Zhu finished approving, the father and son walked out of the hall with their hands behind their backs and started walking without talking. They walked around in silence for half an hour.

After they had eaten together, Lao Zhu said: "The candidates for the imperial envoy have probably been decided, but I don't know how many will be able to fulfill their duties faithfully."

Zhu Biao took a mouthful of Qibao duck meat and said: "I'm afraid that the first batch of imperial envoys will probably not be very responsible. After all, most people are still waiting and watching. Although a storm is coming, they don't know whether it will be heavy thunder or small raindrops.

A violent storm sweeping the world."

Zhu Yuanzhang smiled softly and said: "Then they will be disappointed. We are ready to clean up the world and completely eliminate the corruption that has been cultivated in this officialdom for hundreds of years. These imperial envoys are just serious about their work. If they dare to cover up and conceal it, then they will still

We must be one step ahead of those corrupt officials."

Zhu Biao nodded. If he didn't kill the first batch of people, they thought it was a joke to purge the officials. After dinner, he returned to the study and asked everyone to leave. Only then did Lao Zhu take out the decree that he had drafted. This time it was mainly about

Led by Kaimeng, the left minister of the Ministry of Punishments, there were four groups of imperial ministers who openly visited the imperial envoys. There were also four groups headed by Yushi Youcheng who secretly visited the imperial envoys.

Zhu Biao looked at the candidates. They were all not of high rank, but the forces they belonged to were different. Some were old friends of Wang Guangyang, some were subordinates of Hu Weiyong, as well as former officials of the Yuan Dynasty, Yu Shiyanguan, etc.

Zhu Biao also discovered an interesting thing. Their inspection routes were very vague, and the areas they were responsible for overlapped. This means that they may have visited the same place before and after, so their reports may be different...

Zhu Yuanzhang thought for a while and suddenly said: "Biao'er, in the future you have to help them beg for mercy in the court. We say that for the Yi and Qi tribes, you can just ask for the whole family to be executed. We say that they will all be executed in Lingchi. You can help them beg for it."

A decisive decision."

The corner of Zhu Biao's mouth twitched when he heard this. Is there any big change in this? Otherwise, he will die. However, Zhu Biao also understood that his father was giving them some hope, and the rest of the province was scared to resign.


Zhu Yuanzhang leaned on the chair and said: "Officials are actually the same as the people. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, they will not rebel. We are going to be a tyrant, so we must give them some hope so that they can feel like they can be benevolent kings if they beat me to death."

Living under it.”

Zhu Biao nodded helplessly. His father's tricks were very deep, but he was right to think so. Dogs will jump over walls when they are anxious, and rabbits will bite people when they are anxious. What's more, there are a group of powerful feudal officials.

What's more, we have to attack the nobles who hold military power in the future. They are really capable of cholera. Even if they will definitely be suppressed in the end, the damage they cause in a few days is enough for the court to spend several years.

Kung fu makes up for it.

It would be unforgettable if the emperor and the prince were both equally jealous of evil. Someone would probably do something stupid if they knew they were going to die. People who were born in troubled times would have the courage to take down the emperor even if they were killed.

And if the current prince is kind, then they will hold on to a glimmer of hope. Don't underestimate this glimmer of hope. Those in despair will often regard this as a life-saving straw. Even if they know it deep down, everyone has a lucky mentality. The more desperate they are, the more desperate they are.

The more lucky you are.

What if the emperor spares me this time for the sake of the prince?

Even if I die, it will not be a loss if the prince can save the lives of my family.

The Crown Prince is the future Crown Prince, and His Majesty favors him. His Highness's request may have a chance of survival, but it is better than endangering the nine clans.

Lao Zhu wanted to pave the way for his son. A benevolent king is what officials and people all over the world long for. The more ruthlessly Zhu Yuanzhang kills, the officials can only protect themselves by taking shelter under the wings of the prince, because when the time comes,

In the end, only the prince is their hope. What everyone hopes for, this is what everyone hopes for!"

Zhu Biao naturally knew this. Why Qianlong was the most comfortable in life? Isn't it because all the officials were afraid of being killed by Yongzheng. It was rare to find a lenient person. Naturally, he had to coax him well, for fear of making him anxious. Learn to

His father eliminated the officials.


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