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Chapter three hundred and fiftieth eight changeable hearts

On the surface, there were people following the imperial envoy to protect him, and secretly, there were special people who recorded the conversation and behavior of the imperial envoy and the local gentry, including whether he invited people into the house late at night, whether he suddenly sent luggage and packages home during the trip, etc.

The spies and inspectors everywhere are Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes and ears, and the imperial envoys and ministers are just another kind of bait. How could corrupt officials not take a bite and try to drag them into the water?

Of course, it is not impossible that the spies and inspectors of the pro-military Duwei Mansion would be complicit with them, fail to report what they knew, and even judge corrupt officials and imperial envoys as good officials. This involves another eternal problem, who will supervise and supervise

Whether the person has committed a crime.

Even the salaries of officials in the Ming Dynasty were very low, let alone the spies who inspected the school. Not everyone could resist being tempted by the free money. The same was true for the imperial envoys who could not resist the pro-military Duwei Mansion.

This is why Zhu Biao deliberately separated Quan Xu's Jinyiwei from the Pro-Army Duweifu. The two organizations have the same nature and purpose, but their personnel structures are indeed different. The Pro-Army Duweifu is Lao Zhu's personal

They were composed of pro-army soldiers and scouts selected from the army. It cannot be said that they were disloyal, but these people were originally rough soldiers and had not received any special training since childhood.

The most important thing about a spy agency is the beliefs and ideas that have been instilled since childhood. Their abilities can be weaker, but they must be loyal to the core. The advantage of elites in the military is high combat effectiveness, but the disadvantage is that they have unstable personalities. Being able to be an elite

Most of them are veterans.

Not to mention the inspection spies under the pro-military captain's mansion. They are a ragtag group of three religions and nine streams. They are forced to serve because of the power and interests of the pro-military captain's palace. Once the benefits are enough for them to take risks, their betrayal will be

It's logical. Anyway, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, so how can there be money?

After all, the Qingjun Duwei Mansion also came out of troubled times, and suddenly came to this peaceful and prosperous age. Some habitual bad habits have not been changed. Just like the founding heroes, they always feel that they have worked hard but did not get what they deserve.

Prosperity and wealth.

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Quanxu's Jinyiwei is an orphan that Zhu Biao has gathered all the way. There is a fundamental difference between the two. The reason why Zhu Biao's East Palace is so poor is because all the resources have been invested there.

I dare not say that the trained Jin Yiwei can maintain their original intention of loyalty to the emperor and patriotism throughout their lives, but at least they can maintain enough faith in the ten years before they start a family and start a business. This is enough. Zhu Benbin does not intend to erase their humanity.

Even if they quit the Jinyi Guards after they get married and start a business, Zhu Biao will arrange them into other departments based on their achievements in the Jinyi Guards. As the emperor's personal military personnel, they will hold important official positions in the imperial court. After all, their loyalty is higher than that of most civil servants.


A department like Jinyiwei must not be succeeded by father and son, nor should any old people be allowed to form cliques for selfish purposes. The organization must always be kept clean and the thinking pure, so Quanxu has never stopped recruiting orphans, just to cultivate batch after batch of

A batch of fresh blood…………

While Zhu Biao was thinking about it, Zhu Yuanzhang had already finished reading the small pile of memorials. Most of today's tedious imperial memorials were left in Zhongshu Province. Only the memorials related to important military and state matters were sent away by the little eunuch with trepidation.

Go to Jinshen Hall.

Afterwards, the father and son rested on their chairs. They were together on weekdays and had nothing to talk about in particular. It was not easy to go out for a stroll or ask the Zhongshu Ministry to send memorials. After all, Lao Zhu had just fainted once in the morning.

The bright sunlight shone through the window into the Jinshen Hall, and the dust rose and fell in the light and shadow. Both of them squinted their eyes and fell asleep unconsciously. The surroundings were quiet, except for Liu Jin who walked in lightly from time to time.

Replace the ice mirror.

Chang Luohua had long been taken back to Kunning Palace by Queen Ma to rest. The palace, which was noisy an hour or two ago, had returned to its usual calm. Perhaps only some concubines were still angrily waiting on them in their own palace.

The palace maid and eunuch are angry.

The father and son stayed in the Jinshen Palace until the evening. After the imperial doctor came to ask for his pulse again, the emperor's fainting incident was considered to be over smoothly. Zhu Yuanzhang went straight to the Dragon Boat Festival and went to Kunning Palace to rest, while Zhu Biao took the opportunity to retreat.

Rest in the East Palace.

Zhu Biao, who had been hungry for a long time after returning to the East Palace, brought the imperial meal and sat down with Chang Luohua, who had also just returned to the East Palace: "Tomorrow I will leave Beijing with my father, and I am not sure when I will come back. You stay in the palace."

Just take care of your baby and don't think too much."

Chang Luohua nodded and said: "Just as my mother was guessing, before I returned to the palace, my mother said that my father might have to go to Fengyang's hometown because of Marquis Yihui, but she didn't say that even His Highness would go."

Zhu Biao did not explain: "Don't worry about it, I will leave Liu Jin to take care of you, so that someone will help you deal with things in the East Palace. If you are bored, just go to the Queen Mother's place, or invite your mother-in-law to come into the palace to talk.

My father and I have both gone out, so it’s okay for my mother-in-law to stay overnight."

Chang Luohua nodded obediently and then couldn't help but reach out and touch his lower abdomen. Zhu Biao's eyes suddenly became much gentler when he saw this. Four months later, he really didn't expect that he would be a father at this age. Although he didn't know the gender yet,

But after all, it is my own blood.

At this time, the meals were also laid out. After Liu Jin served the dishes, Zhu Biao started to eat. When he was hungry, everything tasted delicious. He only ate a few snacks that day and drank a lot of tea, but in the end he couldn't bear it.


His body was still in the period of rapid growth. He would feel hungry if he didn't eat a meal, and he would digest very quickly. He would only exhale comfortably after finishing a bowl of rice, and then he would start chewing slowly again.

Chang Luohua ate half a bowl with him with a crooked look on her face. Her appetite was also increasing, but since she eats six or seven meals a day, she would not be too hungry.

Chang Luohua put down his spoon and said, "I just received a letter from home, saying that my father has arranged a marriage for my brother."

Zhu Biao laughed when he heard this and said: "Chang Mao is not young anymore. It's time to make a decision. Which family does the girl belong to?"

Chang Luohua replied: "Three books and six pins haven't left yet, but it seems that my father really likes her. He wrote a letter in person to urge my mother to send someone to see her. I heard that she is the legitimate daughter of Yu Mingyuan, the prefect of Baoding, and she will be married this year.


Zhu Biao put down his chopsticks after hearing this. The princess seemed dissatisfied. She thought for a moment and said, "Yu Mingyuan was born as a Jinshi in the former Yuan Dynasty. He has good conduct and outstanding abilities, but his family status is a bit low. Chang Mao

After all, he is the eldest son of Prince Kaiping. If you are not satisfied, I will just send a letter to my father-in-law."

Chang Luohua hurriedly said: "What did you say? How can I, a married man, take care of my mother's family's affairs? It's just that I really don't know the foundation of the Yu family. I'm afraid that my father was drunk and accepted."



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