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Chapter 387 Immediate departure

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded and said: "My husband is the most important thing. When your mother was pregnant with you, we were still fighting abroad, so we could only place her in Chen Di's home. Only after you were born could we have time to go back and take a look."

Zhu Yuanzhang had a lot of emotions tonight. He sat on a chair and talked to his son about the past events of the year. Zhu Biao also had no intention of sleeping, so he drank tea and chatted with him.

It's also quite interesting to talk about Chen Di. He originally took care of Zhu Biao's birth, so after the founding of the People's Republic of China, he deserved to be granted the title of Marquis for his merits. After all, his wife and children were involved, and Lao Zhu accepted his affection.

However, this person was a merchant after all. Probably in the 22nd year of Zhizheng, Chen Youliang asked Zhang Shicheng to attack Yingtian from east to west with the intention of dividing Zhu Yuanzhang's territory equally. Yingtian's civil and military officials were shocked, especially those belonging to the civil service, most of whom were in the capital.

In persuading surrender.

Zhu Yuanzhang naturally knew that these officials could survive if they surrendered. He and his son would be killed sooner or later, so he naturally would not agree. Moreover, he had great confidence in himself and would definitely have a chance to win the final victory.

After Zhu Yuanzhang made his position clear, many civil servants frantically asked Chen Youliang and others to surrender, fearing that they would be liquidated after Zhu Yuanzhang's defeat. Of course, some wanted to run away, but Zhu Yuanzhang would rather kill them than let them surrender with information.


Naturally, only a few people managed to escape to Chen Youliang alive, including Chen Di's family. After all, he was originally responsible for purchasing and transporting grain.

The result can be imagined. After this battle, Zhu Yuanzhang came out of the abyss and immediately had the image of swallowing up the world. Naturally, those who betrayed could not buy the medicine of regret. In the 24th year of Zhengzheng, Zhu Yuanzhang went to Wuchang again to supervise the troops.

During the siege, Chen Li finally left the city and surrendered, while Chen Di also committed suicide by hanging from a beam that day.

Zhu Yuanzhang always punished traitors, but Empress Ma still cared about her past kindness and saved Chen Di's wife and children and sent them back to their hometown to let them live in peace.

It's good if you can save your life. Of course, you don't have to think about titles or anything like that. I heard that the Chen family is now in ruins. It can be seen that the success or failure of a family can all depend on one thought.

If Chen Diben had done his duty, the Chen family would have completely transformed from a wealthy businessman's family into an honorable and powerful family, and it would definitely be a direct descendant of the East Palace.

The father and son chatted until three o'clock in the afternoon, when Lao Zhu yawned loudly before driving his son away. Zhu Biao went out and looked at the bright moon in the sky. He suddenly felt dull and went back to his room to sleep.

Early the next morning, Zhu Yuanzhang, who was in high spirits, gave Wang Shijian and other people who were about to tour the west a lesson. After waiting for a while, he watched them leave before officially driving back to Beijing.

Zhu Biao did not get into the chariot this time. Instead, he followed Yihui Hou Liu Ying and rode beside Zhu Yuanzhang. The people of Cangyang were still kneeling on both sides of the road, as if there was no difference when he followed.

After leaving the city, they marched all the way. When they set up camp to rest at noon, Zhu Biao put on the clothes of ordinary soldiers, mixed with Han Zheng and others among dozens of cavalry, left the camp, and went straight to Huaiqing City.

After galloping for more than an hour, we arrived at Fucheng. We were greeted by guards who had been waiting at the city gate for a long time. Yesterday, more than 300 Fucheng guards changed into civilian clothes and entered the city with the help of Chen Jialiang.

The imperial guards were directly affiliated with the Zhu family. Different from the guards under the Governor's Palace of the Fifth Army, the imperial guards were directly subordinate to the emperor. They were in charge of young troops and took turns guarding the palace with swords. Most of them were from the time of Lao Zhu.

Orphans gathered while conquering the world.

The loyalty and fighting ability of these people far exceed those of the pro-military captain. After all, they have no contact with the outside world, let alone surveillance and other tasks. The only thing they have to do is to obey the king's orders.

After entering the city, everyone dismounted and walked on the street. Liu An, who had been here before, said: "Sir, two streets ahead is Liu Ji's Grain Store."

Zhu Biao nodded and looked at the vendors hawking along the streets in Fucheng. Under the hot sun, the loudest vendors were those selling sour plum soup and herbal tea, and the most crowded ones were those selling hair and sideburns.

Although the body, hair and skin are inherited from parents and dare not be damaged, which is the beginning of filial piety, there is always a lot of tolerance and contingency among the people. What's more, if the hair and beard of people with strong hair are not trimmed in time, they may grow like a mess, covering most of it.

Even sleeping and eating will become a problem if you keep your face open.

Since the Tang Dynasty, the social atmosphere has been tolerant and open, and men and women have pursued beauty to the extreme. It is common to cut off hair and make hairstyles, use wigs to make hair extensions, shave eyebrows and re-thread them, etc.

Nowadays, haircuts are more commonplace, but haircuts are still a big deal. You must choose an auspicious day and store or burn the cut hair to show respect for your ancestors and prevent it from being taken by villains.

Do things that make you tired of winning.

Zhu Biao had never had his hair cut outside. After all, he was doing haircuts on his head. Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, he had used one of Zhu Yuanzhang's township party members. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, a group of eunuchs were trained in the harem to set up a grate room to be responsible for haircutting in the palace.


According to Lao Zhu's rules, when the princes and princesses turn 100 days old, in addition to shaving their fetal hair, they also have to have their hair cut or shaved according to each stage of growth, and then cut into different hairstyles as needed.

Some hairstyles were simply horrible, and Zhu Biao was naturally unwilling to do so. At first, Lao Zhu was not happy, but he didn't say much. After all, Zhu Biao studied hard and worked hard, and Song Lian was praising him every day.

Needless to say, the rest of the princes, the second and third eldest were not good at learning, and Zhu Yuanzhang naturally would not tolerate them. This resulted in the princes wearing silly hairstyles for many years before they started to tie their hair long.

So far, I can be considered somewhat elegant with long hair reaching my waist.

When they walked to Chen Ji Liang Shop, seven or eight people including Zhu Biao and Han Zheng went straight in, while the rest continued forward, circled a few times and then entered in batches.

When they arrived inside, Chen Rongyan and a few guardsmen dressed as servants had been looking forward to it for a long time. They were relieved when they saw Zhu Biao walked in safely. After being led to the back hall to salute, Zhu Biao ordered: "From now on, just call me young master."

, you can use my name if you call yourself, there is no need to be too rigid in etiquette."

Everyone agreed. If Zhu Biao didn't speak, they really wouldn't dare to speak. After all, they were facing the crown prince of the country.

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Chen Rongyan cupped his hands and said slowly: "Young Master, I have made a lot of connections in the past two days. Fortunately, there are noble people who can guide me. I have collected more than 40,000 stones of food and have started to load it into the truck. I will probably be able to finish it and set off early tomorrow morning.

If the young master is in a hurry, you can leave now and leave some people behind to finish."

Zhu Biao nodded and said: "We can't wait until we set off immediately. Those behind will catch up in two days."

Naturally, Chen Rongyan kept his promise and immediately went down to prepare. This was just a grain store owned by the Chen family in the city. It couldn't hold 40,000 shi of grain. We only met here because it was close to the city gate.


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