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Chapter 40 The Founding Ceremony

The entire palace has been busy since New Year's Day. Although Zhu Biao doesn't have to be busy, you can still feel it.

Zhu Biao glanced at the sky. It was still covered by clouds, but the people from Qintian Prison said, "It will definitely clear up on the day of the ceremony!"

Of course, Zhu Biao felt that this was not what people like them were saying. They had always been those who were 80% sure of saying 50%, and they were probably forced to do so by Zhu Yuanzhang.

Time passed, and tomorrow morning was the grand ceremony. Zhu Biao changed into a red four-clawed dragon robe early. This is the crown prince's dress, and it was specially prepared by Zhu Yuanzhang by the officials of the Ministry of Etiquette.

It is estimated that many people will not be able to sleep this night!

Zhu Biao was also in such high spirits that he was not ready to sleep at all. The four little girls and Liu Jin all looked at Zhu Biao with tears in their eyes. This is what they relied on for life, and they were blessed with honor, disgrace, and misfortune.

Zhu Biao stood in the yard, watching the sky turn from dark to bright, and the fiery red sun finally showed its face.

As the palace shook, Zhang Yuanquanxu came to greet him. Zhu Biao glanced at the people behind him, then smiled and walked out of the palace surrounded by a group of people. The Guards Department prepared a guard of honor, and the soldiers lined up outside the Wuchao Gate.

Both sides of the road were decorated with colorful flags, and five carriages were prepared in front of Fengtian Hall for the emperor, queen, and other royal personnel who were preparing to attend the ceremony.

Zhu Biao's carriage was right behind the emperor and empress. The majestic carriage marched to Purple Mountain. When the auspicious time came, Zhu Yuanzhang walked alone to the altar that had been set up long ago.

Zhu Biao stood next to Ma, watching Zhu Yuanzhang's figure walking forward step by step. The figure was not majestic but stepped on everyone's heart like a god.

Finally, Zhu Yuanzhang came to the altar that symbolized heaven, earth, and the country. The sacrifice of the country was the top priority. Generally, the altar was set up as a community. On the altar, "green" symbols were placed in the five directions of east, west, south, north, and middle.

It is covered with five colors of soil: white, red, black and yellow, which is the so-called five-color soil.

Yimu in the east is green, Geng metal in the west is white, Lihuo in the south is red, Kuishui in the north is black, and Wutu in the center is yellow." It symbolizes the unification of the country, and under the whole world, it is the king's soil!

Zhu Yuanzhang, dressed in a crown, knelt in front of the altar, praying to heaven for smooth weather, praying to the earth for abundant harvests, offering sacrifices to his ancestors, and praying for the immortality of his motherland!

Then Zhu Yuanzhang stood up and slowly turned around to look at the crowd. The crowds all over the mountains and plains knelt down at the same time and shouted long live the mountain!

It is as if there is no one in the world who can stand in front of him!

Zhu Yuanzhang majestically asked everyone to stand up, and then put on a new dragon robe at the request of the officials of the Ministry of Rites.

This is the completion of the sacrifice to heaven. Heaven and earth have assigned the authority of the human world to the emperor. Only the emperor can make a final decision on everything from sentient beings to ghosts and gods!

Zhu Yuanzhang pulled the queen onto the dragon chariot. The dragon chariot was driven by six snow-white horses in front. The carriage was inlaid with gold, silver, jade, gems and pearls; the carriage was also engraved with dragon and phoenix patterns.

Zhu Yuanzhang led the civil and military ministers back to the palace. Along the way, there were soldiers holding colorful flags waving on both sides of the road. When they arrived outside the Meridian Gate, two ceremony staff entered the palace holding commendations. At this time, the palace was decorated with lanterns and bright red lanterns.


The drumming started at the first watch. Although it was midnight in winter, the officials had already put on their court uniforms and stood waiting outside the Meridian Gate, while the ceremonial officials entered the palace hall to report preparations.

At the third watch, officials below the prime minister entered the palace. The new emperor Zhu Yuanzhang was wearing a dragon robe and sitting on the emperor's throne. At this time, the drums were beating loudly. After the drums stopped, the officials responsible for holding the emperor's seal took over this power.

The symbol is placed on the treasure case.

Zhu Yuanzhang stamped the emperor's seal on the edict of enthronement! After receiving the edict, the Minister of Rites took it out of the Hall of Supreme Harmony and placed it in the Dragon Courtyard where someone was carrying it outside the Meridian Gate.

Then, under the escort of drum music, ceremonial guards, and civil and military officials, they went out of Taihe Gate, Meridian Gate, and Duanmen to the outer city tower. The imperial edict officials knelt down and kowtowed three times before placing the edict on the yellow table on the edict promulgation platform.

The proclaimer came on stage, stood facing west and read the edict.

"The Emperor was entrusted with the destiny of Heaven, and the edict said: I am the king of China. Since the end of the Song Dynasty, Heaven has ordered the real person to live in the desert and enter China to be the master of the world. He has passed it on to his descendants for more than a hundred years, and this destiny has also come to an end. The territories within the sea are divided into heroes.

Struggle. We, the common people of Huaiyou, are favored by heaven, and the spirits of our ancestors take advantage of the autumn of chasing deer, and bring heroes and virtuous people to our left and right. All the Huaihe, Zhejiang, Jiangdong, Jiangxi, Hu, Hunan, Han, Mian, Fujian, and Guang

, the barbarians in the counties in Shandong and southwest were fighting with bandits everywhere, and they repeatedly ordered the generals and generals to show their might and force, secure the land in all directions, and make the people peaceful in the fields."

"Today, the ministers of civil and military affairs, hundreds of ministers, and the common people have jointly urged us to advance and respect me as the emperor to rule over Qianli and Guizhou."

"In response to the requests of many people, on the fourth day of the first lunar month of the second year of Wu, we offered sacrifices to Heaven and Earth at the Yang of Zhongshan Mountain, where the emperor was located in the southern suburbs. He was given the title of Ming Dynasty, and was built in Hongwu of the Yuan Dynasty. He paid homage to the Imperial Ancestral Temple, and honored the imperial concubine of the fourth generation as

The emperor and the empress established a great society and great empire in the capital. They named the Ma family the empress and the crown prince."

"Publish it to the world, and the envoys will know it."

Because it was high and sacred, it sounded like the sound of heaven. At this time, the civil and military officials south of Jinshui Bridge under the city tower and those invited to watch the ceremony lined up in order according to the order of official positions, kneeling facing north, kneeling three times and kowtowing nine times.

A big gift to thank the emperor for his kindness.

After the edict was read out, the edict officer rolled it up, placed it in a wooden tray shaped like a cloud, and came to the Golden Phoenix Tower in the middle of the gate of the tower.

The title of the imperial edict was placed in the mouth of the wooden golden phoenix, and then the golden phoenix was hung with a yellow velvet rope. It stomped on the middle of the mouth of the outer tower and slowly descended to express the order of the emperor. The golden phoenix rode on the clouds and descended from the sky to the world.


At this time, officials from the Ministry of Rites had already dragged the cloud plate down and knelt down to receive it, and the edict in Jinfeng's mouth just fell into the cloud plate.

At this point, the ceremony officer waved his whip to signal everyone to be silent. Under the guidance of the etiquette personnel, the officials lined up to enter and stood at their respective saluting positions. The regular music played continuously from the time the officials entered to the station, just like in today's large-scale events.

The same music must be played when VIPs enter the venue. When worshiping, they must kneel and bow. The ceremony officer must also perform a "worship dance ceremony" and shout "Long live my emperor, long live the emperor" three times in a row.

This is considered to have completed the emperor's enthronement ceremony!

After that, the first court meeting of the new dynasty will begin, and the queen will lead all the princes to retreat, and Zhu Biao is no exception.

The prince does not need to go to court without the emperor's order, and there is no place for him below. After all, he is not a civil servant or military commander, nor is he in the ranks of nobles.

As soon as he exited the Great Fengtian Hall, he was stopped by a eunuch: "Your Highness, Your Majesty asked you to wait here.

Queen Ma glanced at Zhu Biao, "Your father is probably going to announce your vassal status in the East Palace. Just wait here."


This chapter has been completed!
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