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Chapter 420 No Forgiveness

Zhu Biao's tone of voice paused and he continued: "It's just that the appearance comes from the heart, the situation changes with the heart, and the destiny is made by oneself. Who can you blame if you can't bear to be greedy?"

Fang Liangpin sighed: "Official affairs are private, I regret when I am lost, I regret when I am not at ease, I regret when I am ill, my sins are unforgivable when I have reached this stage, but I ask Your Highness not to show mercy."

Zhu Biao looked at Fang Liangpin with great interest and said: "Is it true that Magistrate Fang is going to die and his words are good, or is it a cruel trick?

Fang Liangpin said with a smile: "Then it depends on your Highness's choice. I am now a withered body, even if I am not punished, I will not be able to survive for a few days. If Your Highness is willing to do it, you and I can become a couple."

It’s a good story, even though I am infamous, my name is still in the annals of history.”

Standing outside the door, Chen Rongyan's eyes lit up. Fang Liangpin was a corrupt official, but under the teachings of His Royal Highness, he suddenly realized that the few paragraphs he just said were also very good. They only need to be slightly modified. If they are spread, they will have a negative impact on the reputation of His Highness the Prince.

Great help.

Zhu Biao shook his head and said: "It is natural for criminals to be punished. Rather than reputation, I want to seek justice for the victims who starve to death because you embezzled food for disaster relief."

Fang Liangpin coughed a few times and smiled bitterly: "I am really afraid of pain, really afraid."

After saying this, he fainted. Zhu Biao asked people to carry him down to recuperate. Don't die before being tortured, otherwise it would be too cheap.

The rest of the people were even more frightened, but they all knew that begging for mercy was useless. His Highness the Crown Prince was investigating them anonymously, so how could he let them go so easily? Everyone was so sad that they burst into tears.

Zhang Mingyuan clutched his painful knee and suddenly said with red eyes: "Brother Chen Xian, haha, Prince, you are really interesting. Wouldn't it be nice to enjoy your life in the capital?"

Zhu Biao smiled and said: "Of course it's good, but after enjoying the blessings for a long time, you will want to suffer. But I didn't expect Zhang Shishu and Brother Zhang to be so polite, and the wine and beauties entertained me warmly, so I didn't suffer."

Zhang Mingyuan took a few steps on his knees and suddenly his expression changed and he begged: "Your Highness, you still remember, please give me a way out for the sake of my father and son's warm hospitality."

The smile on Zhu Biao's face also subsided: "Brother Zhang, I have experienced blessings and created sins. Now it is time to accept my fate."

Then he raised his head and said: "The same is true for you all. There is no need to be embarrassed and begging for mercy. They are all ministers of my Ming Dynasty. They dare to do what they dare to do. Those people who starve to death have not even enjoyed a day's blessings. You, the rich fish and the beautiful women, enjoy ten

It’s fair to suffer a little after a few years.”

Tang Shizhong on the side waved his hand, and the army guards came forward to pick them up and drag them away. The imperial officials who had scolded Fang Qiu were now no different from dead dogs.

Zhu Biao's mood was waning, he didn't feel any happiness, he just felt blocked in his heart. Killing people is never something worthy of happiness, let alone killing more than just one or two people.

"Arrest them according to the drawn up list. No family members or servants of the prisoners will be spared. If they resist, they will be killed on the spot. If there are any infants, they will be placed elsewhere."

"Order the Guards Army to hand over their weapons and stand by where they are. Anyone who resists will be shot to death."

"Open the prison in Pingliang Mansion, release all the officials who are unwilling to join the criminals, and immediately return them to their posts and obey orders to calm the people."

"Search all the grain shops in the city to find out who their owners are, and throw those involved in the case into jail. This is the case for all the gangsters wandering around the city."



Various orders were passed down, and the situation changed suddenly overnight, but it had nothing to do with the victims. After they woke up from a sleep, they still held their rice bowls and queued up at the porridge shop, even if they heard that the prince was in the city.

News, there was no expression on his numb face.

Their families are broken, their wives are scattered, and all they have left alive is their shells. What benefit will belated justice bring to them?

Even many victims do not hate those superior officials at all, because they have no contact with them at all. All the victims can see are those vicious soup kitchen workers. How do they know that their life-saving food has been embezzled by the officials.

When the level gap reaches a certain level, the two are people from two worlds, and there will be no apparent intersection at all. What's more, the people are ignorant and have limitations on what they think. They are far inferior to the people of later generations who have broadened their wisdom.

By noon, Zhu Biao had already taken charge of the Pingliang government office. A large number of grain trucks drove out from the guard station to assist the victims in Fengxiang and other prefectures in Qingyang. Guo Chong, Li Jin and others also rushed to other prefectures to take over the overall situation, while Zhang Fan

He was left to help Zhu Biao handle Pingliang affairs.

In the two consecutive days of hustle and bustle, countless mansions in the city were destroyed, pampered young masters, pampered young ladies, servants who worked for the tiger, and of course there were many people implicated. They could not be said to be guilty, but they could not be said to be innocent, but still

He was thrown into a stinking prison.

In just two days, Zhu Biao received a report that no more people could be crammed into the prison, so he ordered that in front of the victims, a group of police officers who oppressed good people and some low-grade officials should be killed first.

More than 700 people were pushed to the execution platform in turn and beheaded in one day. The ground under the execution platform was soaked with blood. Even after digging with several shovels, only red and black soil could be seen.

Dozens of executioners lay down from exhaustion. After all, there were more than 700 pigs, and killing them would be exhausting, not to mention beheading and beheading, which were both physical tasks.

This time, many government soldiers who had not seen blood were allowed to practice their skills. However, the wailing sounds of the government servants who were not dead after being stabbed were a bit scary. Except for some very special victims, no one watched at all.

Complete punishment.

Zhu Biao did not watch it at all. He was not interested in watching the punishment, but he would not refuse to govern the world with heavy laws. There were too many ills left over from the Yuan Dynasty, and it cannot be said that they were just from the Yuan Dynasty. They should be the ills accumulated by the officialdom since the Song and Yuan Dynasties.

It's too deep, and it's impossible to reverse this evil trend without heavy punishment.

Zhu Biao does not require everyone to be a sage, but everyone should have a bottom line. If he embezzles 20 to 30 percent of the life-saving disaster relief food, Zhu Biao will ignore it. Even if the remaining 70 percent of the food is not enough, it can still make him satisfied.

Disaster victims survive.

However, a full 70% of the food for disaster relief was embezzled, and only 30% of the food mixed with sand was used for disaster relief. How heartless and lawless this is!

Zhu Biao had no pity for them, including those officials, officials, young ladies and young ladies who were not familiar with the world. This is how it is in the world. Those who enjoy blessings and majesty should also suffer the same hardships. How many victims were starved to death, how many children were not familiar with the world, and how many could not survive.

How can the boys and girls who go down there not be miserable for the rest of their lives when they are taken away by brothels?

The only kindness Zhu Biao could show them was to give them a happy life without having to suffer the same torture as his father and brother. If there were other corruption cases, Zhu Biao would still keep some people in the church or escort them to Fengyang as slaves, but the disaster relief corruption case

There is absolutely no reason for forgiveness in this case!


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