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Chapter four hundred and forty seventh thinking again and again

Therefore, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, Zhu Yuanzhang ordered that part of the official and private land should be allocated to cotton cultivation. As a result, when the cotton planting order was first implemented, it encountered resistance from many common people. The common people cherished their land and would never waste the land that could grow food on anything else.


After all, no matter what you plant, you have to pay land tax, not to mention that eating well comes before wearing warm clothes. For various reasons, even though the people were forced to plant cotton under the government's orders, they did not take care of it seriously and still put all their efforts into it.

on food.

Seeing this, Zhu Yuanzhang ordered to plant more cotton flowers and collect taxes!

This order had an immediate effect, and the minds of the people in the Jiangnan area became active. Although growing food can fill their stomachs, it will cost money to pay taxes. There is no need to pay taxes to grow cotton. You only need to sell a handful of your efforts and harvest cotton next year.

After selling the cotton for money, you can buy grain again.

The thinking of the common people is so simple and simple. Of course, the gentry and landlords will not let go of the preferential policies of the court. They have no shortage of food, so they are more ruthless than the common people in growing cotton.

He is just a person who is covered in robes, not a sericulture person...

Cotton is extremely comfortable whether it is used to make clothes or bedding, so the price is not low. Too many people grow it at home and are reluctant to use it for themselves. Most of them are sold, leaving a little for their young children and grandchildren.

This is true even in the south, which has a variety of cotton, let alone the north. Lao Zhu promoted cotton, and the biggest beneficiaries were the people who had enough food and clothing. The lives of the poor people have not changed much. After all, cotton has only been officially planted for three or four years.

The output still pales in comparison to the required population.

I think it will take more than ten or twenty years before cotton output increases and the price drops to truly benefit the world. However, this is also common sense. Even the coal studied by the Ministry of Industry is the same. No matter how cheap it is, there will always be people who can't afford it.

Those who cannot afford it are precisely those who need it most...

However, things still have to be done. For example, cotton has been introduced into the country for who knows how long, but the wise kings and ministers of the previous dynasties have never promoted it.

The same goes for coal. Coke ironmaking had already begun in the Song Dynasty. This was a very important and epoch-making invention in the history of metallurgy. Compared with Europe, China was hundreds of years earlier.

China has never lacked innovation, but it rarely serves the people at the bottom. It is more in line with the needs of the ruling class to keep the people ignorant and weak. But now, times have changed.

The world is about to be connected, and the era of sticking to one-third of an acre of land is gone forever. Even though the isolation of the country can continue for a while, the general trend of the world is vast. Those who follow it will prosper, and those who go against it will perish!

Facing the majestic trend with nowhere to hide, we should actively engage in it and take advantage of the situation. Like a golden carp, we can cross the dragon gate along the tide of the times and become the leader of the world again.

Zhu Biao thought so and did so, otherwise he could have asked the Ministry of Industry to study those luxury goods first and make a good profit, but those things were of no benefit to the country or the people.

If Zhu Biao was just a commoner businessman or even a distinguished prince, then he wouldn't care so much, let alone put effort into planning, he would just make money with peace of mind, and in the worst case, he would lead some of his confidants to go overseas. At this time, over there

It's all in chaos, and it wouldn't be difficult for someone with money to get an autonomous territory for themselves.

But he is the crown prince of the country, so his roots are here and cannot be abandoned, so he will make plans day after day, year after year, because he knows that if he only cares about his own death, he will not care about the flood.

If he entertains himself with monstrous thoughts for the rest of his life, he will definitely regret it when the day comes."

People always have responsibilities when they are alive. He will be responsible for the country and the Ming Dynasty. When Zhu Biao stopped thinking, he saw that his father had ordered people to open the five-dragon gongzhu incense burner that was burning incense.

, took out the half-burned smoke, and threw the dark coal in with great interest.

After ordering the eunuch to light it, he watched happily. After looking at it for a long time, he said: "Those coal mountains belong to the imperial court. The cost is nothing. The price for selling them to the people should be lower."

Zhu Biao shook his head and said: "It's already low enough. Any lower price will be a huge blow to other merchants who sell coal for a living. What's more, there aren't many that can be sold to the people this year. After all, the northern frontier army also needs a big one."


Zhu Yuanzhang calmed down after hearing this, and nodded: "Yes, there have been continuous wars over the grassland in the past few days. Although it has not affected our Ming Dynasty, such movements have to be guarded against, and these coals are given priority to the border troops."

Zhu Biao responded: "Even if we open a factory near the coal mine, the initial investment is indispensable. I just told the minister of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce that fifty thousand taels will be spent from the Ministry of Household Affairs..."

Zhu Yuanzhang sat back and said: "Yes, but the Ministry of Industry must arrange coal production as soon as possible. It is already autumn and we cannot delay."

After finishing speaking, Lao Zhu smiled bitterly and said: "This silver was only put into the treasury yesterday. This morning, all the ministries sent memorials asking for money. The Ministry of War alone asked for 100,000 taels, the rest of the staff wanted 50,000 taels, and the Ministry of Rites asked for 20,000 taels.

Liang, the Ministry of Household Affairs said that we should keep one hundred thousand liang for ourselves, but the lion opened his mouth."

Upon hearing this, Zhu Biao helplessly replied: "It's rare for a big piece of fat to suddenly fall from the sky. Everyone in the department is probably thinking that if they are quick, they will be slow, and there will be no soup in the end."

The father and son said a few words in vain, and then Lao Zhu looked at the still burning incense burner and said: "You are going to meet a lot of people tonight, what are your plans?"

Zhu Biao nodded and said: "I didn't think too much when I invited yesterday. I just wanted to take advantage of the situation to see the distance and distance. I didn't expect that this morning would lead to this situation. Let's see what Hu Weiyong's plan is tonight."

Zhu Yuanzhang was a little confused when he recalled the situation in the early dynasty. It is said that he only wanted to take down the local officials who had violated the law, and had no intention of involving the capital or the northern frontier army.

After all, he had a plan for both aspects. He could only close the net when the time came. The gain would be greater than the loss by trying to scare the snake first, but Hu Weiyong's actions were like a fish-dead-net gesture.

Zhu Biao continued: "Hu Weiyong is a smart man. He should be just testing. Things are really getting serious. Although my father's plan is messed up, he is really going to lose his head. I guess tonight

He should take the initiative to bow his head."

Zhu Yuanzhang frowned. Hu Weiyong's reckless temptation was really not in line with his usual style of doing things. After his struggle with Yang Xian, Hu Weiyong had become very steady and mature in his work, and he had the bearing of a prime minister.

It can be felt from his effortless and free-spirited defeat of Wang Guangyang that he has completely emerged from the influence of Li Shanchang and can be said to have established his own sect. The six yamen of Zhongshu Province and even some distinguished generals respect him.

Normally such a smart man wouldn't be so reckless, but he just did it, even going into battle himself, which forced him to think twice.


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