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Chapter 467: Civilization Limitations

To be honest, Zhu Biao would rather have good weather and no disasters in the grassland this year. They are now a rogue and settled, and the Ming Dynasty is prosperous and prosperous. How can Zhu Biao be willing to use exquisite porcelain to go head-to-head with chipped earthen pots? He will win.

Also lost.

It's just helpless. We can't appease Mongolia with a lot of food just to prevent them from invading the border. In that case, what's the difference from the Song Dynasty?

Zhu Biao couldn't afford to lose this person, especially Lao Zhu. He would rather die in battle than tolerate this happening. It would have a huge blow to the reputation of the Ming Dynasty. The people would be alienated and the ambitions of the gentry would spread everywhere. The Ming Dynasty would lose

The majestic and orthodox suppression of the world's prestige.

What's more, the Ming Dynasty could not squeeze out the grain that could be supplied to the grasslands. Unless it immediately sent troops to forcibly collect the rations of the common people and gentry, the autumn harvest of taxable grain would not be enough.

In this way, contradictions cannot be reconciled and wars cannot be avoided. This is the cruelty of reality and the inevitable contradiction between nomadic civilization and agricultural civilization.

The economic characteristic of farming civilization is self-sufficiency. Economic self-sufficiency can solve the problems of survival and development. The spiritual characteristics formed on this basis are tranquility and conservatism. It does not seek expansion of space, but hopes for the extension of time. Its culture is to stick to the local area.

, stable and conservative, simple and solid, calm and steady, advocating peace as its characteristics, profound accumulation and strong compatibility, it is a wide-ranging cultural integration.

The economic characteristics of nomads are: first, they are monotonous and need trade to make up for their shortcomings. Second, they are unstable. They face a survival crisis immediately when encountering natural disasters. Economic shortcomings cannot stably solve the problem of survival, let alone the problem of development. Movement and attack have become

its spiritual characteristics.

Its culture is characterized by fluidity and aggressiveness, advocating competition, internal unity, combativeness, aggression and the concept of wealth. The breadth and thickness of its culture are different from those of agricultural civilization.

But in terms of combat power or desire for war, the nomadic peoples go south, get richer and richer as they fight, and plunder along the way. Supply is not a problem, while the farming people go north, and the more they fight, the more desolate they become. As the supply line lengthens, supply becomes more and more difficult.


The nomads plundered the livestock and property of the population, and lost nothing if they lost. The agricultural civilization gained little even if it won. There were few prisoners, no useful trophies, and the land they occupied was not suitable for farming. As the war prolonged, morale became worse and worse.

The lower.

This is why all dynasties in the past dynasties took advantage of the favorable terrain and mountains to stay at the defense line of the Great Wall, hoping to achieve the goal of stopping the barbarian soldiers from subjugating themselves through the ages and creating tranquility with thousands of flesh and blood.

Within the linear border defense facilities such as the Great Wall, successive dynasties have built a large number of closed city defense systems. The Great Wall stretching thousands of miles and countless cities, large and small, have been built from north to south. This is the conservative psychology of the farming people.

, the most vivid externalization of defensive psychology.

It is a pity that the Great Wall, as the material existence of the defensive psychology of the Central Plains dynasty, has a limited role after all. After the appearance of the Great Wall, from the victory in the offensive during the Qin and Han Dynasties, to the peaceful coexistence after the Tang Dynasty's attack, to the complete failure of the Song Dynasty in retreat, the Great Wall

It turned out to be a line of defense for foreigners.

What's more, even if the Great Wall can resist foreign enemies, how can it contain internal strife?

Disasters arise within the weak walls, and the dangerous walls are covered with tired eggs.

Therefore, Zhu Biao has always been opposed to the imperial court spending a lot of resources to build the Great Wall. As early as after he led his troops to recover the Sixteenth Prefecture of Yanyun, many ministers in the imperial court proposed to use Yiji to build the old city, Daning Wei, Kaiping Wei and Dongsheng.

The three important towns of Wei are supported, with high walls, deep moats and beacons connected to each other. High and thick smoke piers are built in each place to store May grain, firewood, medicine and crossbows, and wells are opened next to the piers to connect to the old city.

In fact, in the final analysis, we still need to build the Great Wall, hoping to suppress the Mongols in the grassland forever. Even if they invade, they can still use the high wall to curb the sharpness of their cavalry.

But Zhu Biao knew clearly that in history, even if the Great Wall of the Ming Dynasty was built solidly and beautifully, it ultimately failed to stop the Manchus from marching southward. This is not to say that the Great Wall was not strong enough, but the embankment of a thousand miles collapsed in an ant nest. It could stop foreigners, but it could not stop Li Zicheng.

Wu Sangui and his ilk.

Emperors of Qin, Han, Wu and Tang all proved one thing: defense is not as good as offense, offense is the best defense. Peace is not something to beg, it is to be fought.

The grassland is not suitable for farming, but it has vast pastures and rich mineral resources. Zhu Biao embarked on the great voyage to break the limitations of agricultural civilization. No matter what system is implemented, it will inevitably decay in the end. Only by opening your eyes to the world can you always take the initiative.


Although the Ming Dynasty does not have enough national power to drive away from the country and drive north, Zhu Biao will solve this matter sooner or later. The grassland is no different than others. It is on the side of the Central Plains. How could Zhu Biao allow this problem to persist for a long time?

In ten or twenty years, Zhu Biao will eventually save enough money to completely eliminate future troubles. Of course, he does not want to massacre the grassland, but to assimilate after a great victory. Fortunately, under the strong influence of the economy and culture of the advanced nations, the backward ethnic groups have

Gradually integrating with advanced nations is the general trend of national integration.

The Mongols have occupied the Central Plains for hundreds of years, but in fact a large part of their aristocratic class has been assimilated. The wealth and enjoyment that the Central Plains can provide them are by no means what the backward grasslands can provide.

The two sides have been entangled for hundreds of years and have buried hatred, but they also have a real connection. The Yuan Dynasty ruled the Central Plains and the grasslands, so the Ming Dynasty can do the same.

Simple killing will never solve the problem, and resistance and uprisings will never end. When the Ming Dynasty was strong, it might be able to suppress all dissatisfaction, but once the country is weak, a single spark can start a prairie fire.

Who would have thought now that privet, which is mixed in the black mountains and white waters, could take over the Central Plains in the future and tame the grassland Mongolia? No nation should be underestimated at any time.

To unite all forces that can be united, there were many Mongolian generals in the Ming Dynasty who were equally loyal and fearless, such as Generals Lou Guili, Wu Cheng, Tuo Huan, Tuo Huo Chi, Tomu Timur, Su Huo Erhui, etc.

There are also civil servants like Daotong, and there are countless people at the grassroots level. It is undeniable that there are good and bad officials, but are all Han officials honest and upright?

Zhu Biao has always believed that cultural identity is better than blood. Even if blood is really discussed, it should be for whites and blacks. The Ming Dynasty has a large population, but looking at the world, it is too small. There are only tens of millions of people.

How much space can it occupy?

Of course, Zhu Biao is not a kind-hearted idiot. He naturally knows how much friction national integration requires, and he also knows that foreigners are not so easy to tame, but this is a process that a large empire must go through.

The Sinicization of the Xiongnu people from the Late Han Dynasty to the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the Sinicization of the Xianbei people during the Northern and Southern Dynasties, and the Sinicization of the Khitan and Jurchen people during the Liao, Jin, and Yuan dynasties. These experiences have a lot to learn from.

Zhu Biao now has a lot of ideas, which is why he plans to deploy Mongolia and Goryeo. The tea and silver trade is not just to make money, but to strengthen cultural invasion.


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