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Chapter 482: Emphasizing Agriculture and Suppressing Business

To be honest, when Zhu Biao heard the roar of prosperous business outside, he even thought about raising business taxes. You must know that in order to rebuild the economic order, Zhu Biao adopted a low-tax policy for business.

Before the founding of the Ming Dynasty, businessmen were levied official store money at a tax rate of one in fifteen. Because before the unification of the world, his territory was the smallest and agricultural taxes were the most difficult to collect. Therefore, collecting commercial taxes became the focus.

For this reason, when he occupied Nanjing and proclaimed himself King of Wu, he changed the name of the official store to the Propaganda Department, and the official stores in various places to the Tongke Department. All of these levied taxes on passing ships and goods brought by merchants.

However, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the tax was relaxed to 1 in 20 tax, and soon it was relaxed to 1 in 30 tax. The sales of private production tools, daily necessities, cultural supplies, wedding and funeral items, etc. were exempted from tax.

There are both pros and cons. Zhu Yuanzhang had the intention of stimulating the recovery of business development, but he still didn't care much about business. His thoughts were still limited to focusing on agriculture and suppressing business, and did not take business too seriously.

But on the other hand, the recovery of the agricultural economy has also laid an important material foundation for the vigorous development of industry and commerce in the future. The increase in agricultural production has created surplus agricultural products entering the field of trade circulation, and the regular circulation of surplus agricultural products has contributed to

Transition from surplus product to commodity production.

Why all dynasties have adhered to the policy of focusing on agriculture and suppressing business is not to destroy the new productive forces in social laws. The Chinese civilization is not not ignorant of capital accumulation, nor is it disdainful of capital accumulation, but has long had insight into the nature of capital and understood capital accumulation.

Various changes in post-society, environment, nature, and concepts.

When capital uses money to measure life achievements and uses money relationships to replace family affection and love, the distortion of the human soul is inevitable, which goes against the principles of heaven and man pursued by the ancients.

The prophets of Chinese culture divided people into different classes according to the levels of scholars, farmers, industry and commerce, tried their best to tame commercial capital, guard the hearts of most people, and regarded traditional ideals as the highest level of pursuit. It is also a characteristic of Chinese civilization that the pursuit of ideals is higher than material pursuits.

Life is full of vegetation and autumn. Traditional Chinese people seek in low desires. Although it is rare to seek something, they are not driven by material desires and maintain the freedom and vitality of the soul. This is commendable.

It would be okay if there was only China in the world, but it is a pity that no one can live in paradise forever. The social form and natural conditions in Europe are destined to become capitalist, and the productivity of capital society is destined to be higher than that of traditional farming society.

In the current era when world geography has not yet been discovered on a large scale, the laws of the dark forest also apply to all countries. Others are hell and an eternal threat. If you fall behind, you will only be enslaved and squeezed, and if you fall behind, you will be beaten.

Zhu Biao looked at the patterns on the roof of the car with a deep look, and listened to the shouts and shouts of the vendors in his ears. It would be quite difficult to protect this prosperity now.

The car made a squeaking noise. Even though the car was carefully built by the Ministry of Engineering, it did not have much comfort. It could only rely on the soft cushions under the buttocks to reduce the friction and collision between the buttocks and the wooden board.

After a while, the hustle and bustle around my ears gradually died down, and the lively sounds seemed to be thrown somewhere behind me. It turns out that quiet and noisy can be so distinct.

Liu Jin on the side said: "Sir, we have crossed the Zhenhuai Bridge, and it is much cleaner here."

Zhu Biao nodded and looked at the car window. Yun Jin carefully opened a corner. There were indeed fewer pedestrians around, and there were no vendors hawking along the street. They were all intimidating mansions. The simple words on the plaques,

They are all important ministers of the imperial court and distinguished generals.

Along the western section of the Qinhuai River, from near the Zhenhuai Bridge to the Lower Floating Bridge, there are many mansions built by the Ministry of Industry on both sides of the river. In the first year of Wu Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang ordered that official residences and some private residences be uniformly allocated by the imperial court according to grade, and stipulated that those with spacious surroundings of the residences of meritorious officials

Ten feet of open space can be left behind the house, and five feet on the left and right sides, but neighboring houses are not allowed to build gardens. There are not many open spaces for other official residences. Those who exceed the limit will be withdrawn. If there is not enough space, the government will arrange separate housing for the children and grandchildren.

Naturally, there are not many people who are qualified to be divided into mansions by the imperial court, and they are basically not allowed to buy and sell each other. If they retire, they will keep the mansion and return to their hometown to rest. It is only four years since the founding of the country. Naturally, there are not many people who have retired. Most of them are

The door of the pro-military Duwei's mansion was broken into, and he was taken out and taken to prison.

Naturally, the mansions of nobles can be lived in for generations. This is why nobles look down on ordinary civil servants and generals. Even if you are lucky enough to ascend to a high position, your descendants may not be able to maintain it. I don’t believe that you can live in it for generations.

Everyone has bad luck.

Most of the civil servants, dignitaries and military generals have settled here. Since last year, the Ministry of Industry has begun to build princess mansions here. Although the status of Princess Goryeo is not as high as that of Princess Ming, she is here to marry into the East Palace after all, so

So I temporarily moved into one of the princess mansions whose main body had been built.

Zhu Biao's car stopped steadily in front of the mansion. The Goryeo wedding ministers and some of the dowry servants who had been notified long ago bowed to the ground respectfully and neatly, shouting in Mandarin with some awkward accents.

"On behalf of me, Princess Pingyang of Goryeo, the ministers of the foreign vassals kneel down to welcome His Highness the Crown Prince of Ming Dynasty and kowtow!"

A loud and neat voice sounded, followed closely by the sound of people bowing down and greeting each other from inside the palace gate. Because the princess palace has not yet been fully completed, the surrounding buildings and mansions are naturally similar, so there is not much flow of people, so it is obvious that they are greeted respectfully.

The sound of singing the promise is particularly clear.

Liu Jin opened the car curtain first and got out of the car. Liu An, who was holding a small wooden stool on the ground, hurriedly offered it. Liu Jin took it and quickly checked it and put the stool away. He looked up at the end of the street and saw Jin Wuwei in the sun.

He looked down at the armor with a faint glint of cold light, and looked at the imperial guards guarding the gate of the princess's palace, and then he felt at ease and asked Zhu Biao to get out of the car and drive.

During this period, the people of Goryeo who were kneeling on the ground did not move at all, like sculptures, as if they would kneel forever without hearing the voice of the Crown Prince of Ming Dynasty. Liu Jin looked very satisfied, and the small barbarian country also understood

some rules.

As Zhu Biao appeared, a breeze suddenly blew through the surroundings, and dense guards appeared in an instant. They were dressed in cloth and leather armor, and they did not have any conspicuous weapons. They only had bulging bags on their waists, which they could probably take out at any time.

A deadly cold front.

Don’t have money to read novels? I’ll give you cash or coins, and you can get it for one day only! Follow the public account [Book Friends Base Camp] and get it for free!

Zhu Biao glanced inside the palace gate, and he could vaguely see a group of maids in blue dresses kneeling on the ground surrounded by a woman in red clothes and gold hairpin. It must have been deliberately prepared to make people focus on the girl in the middle.


"Excuse me. You came to the Ming Dynasty to protect the princess and have made great contributions. The princess has been in good health for several months, which shows your loyalty and diligence. I will reward you all."


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