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Chapter 505 Ministry of Industry

"How presumptuous! Do you think I should blame the monarch when I have done something wrong? How dare you be so rude in front of His Highness the Crown Prince? I will definitely read it to you tomorrow!"

"I have absolutely no intention of doing this. I was just speechless for a moment. Please forgive me, Your Highness. I will die."

After the censor of Youdu reprimanded him, Yan Donglai, the minister of Dali Temple, also looked deeply at the frightened official in front of him, as if what he said just now was really a slip of the tongue.

The rest of the people also opened their mouths to accuse, but it was an accusation, and they still cast their eyes on Zhu Biao. Whether that person meant it or not, they finally expressed their attitude.

Everyone knows what Lan Yu is. If there is a war about to start, it would be most appropriate to throw him over. Just like everyone believes that Lan Yu will cause trouble, everyone also believes that Lan Yu will not cause trouble on the battlefield.

Let the court down.

But it is just a matter of suppressing bandits within the territory, and thousands of soldiers and horses are mobilized. It is really not appropriate for His Royal Highness to let Lan Yu go. Killing chickens with a sledgehammer is not only overkill, but also easy to cut oneself. Now something has happened, His Royal Highness.

There should also be an explanation.

These people are not afraid of King Kaiping, they are just vulgar warriors. Now is not the time when heroes are fighting for survival. The Holy Emperor is on top and all the ministers bow their heads. There are rules and laws for the operation of mountains, rivers and crops. Chang Yuchun is just a minister.

, everyone is an official in the same palace and the civil and military affairs are separated, so why should we be afraid?

If you want to punish Lan Yu, you can ignore King Kaiping's attitude, because everyone is not on the same page, and they have to draw a clear line between public and private matters. The emperor will feel more at ease in entrusting them with important responsibilities if they make things worse.

Therefore, the Ministry of Education and the Yushitai have never stopped attacking the nobles. Even though they know that the nobles are powerful and trivial things cannot touch their foundation, they still continue to attack them for several years...

But they can't ignore the crown prince's thoughts. Beating a dog depends on the owner, not to mention Lan Yu, a general who has the trust of the East Palace. Moreover, they are hoping to see Zhu Biao excusing Lan Yu. As long as the royal family's selfless rule of purging officials is lifted.

If there is a gap, it will not be difficult to open it wider.

If even Lan Yu can overcome it with merit, then what's wrong with me? He just fought a few tough battles. They are all civil servants and military generals who have contributed to the founding of the country. They don't have much credit for their hard work, and they can avoid the butcher's knife of purging the officials.

If you open Sapphire, you can't avoid us?

Zhu Biao openly welcomed everyone's expectant gazes, knowing in his heart that as long as he gave a hint, Lan Yu's matter would be over and no one would mention it in the morning, let alone how to punish him.

"Although I don't know much about what Lan Yu has committed, the imperial court has its own laws. Although I have received the grace of my father to supervise the administration of the court, after all, I am young and have nothing to do. The matters in the court have their own laws.

The heart is alone, not to mention that since it involves laws, it should be discussed and reported to the Yushitai of Dali Temple of the Ministry of Punishment. I trust that all your beloved ministers will give your full support to maintain the principles of the country and the dynasty!"

"Although Lan Yu violated the law and carried out lynching, the prisoner did commit a heinous crime. Harvesting and cutting off the living things is unacceptable. It is not impossible to show mercy outside the law."

Zhu Biao frowned and said solemnly: "Isn't Chen Aiqing worried about King Kaiping? This is absolutely not the case. Besides, King Kaiping is not a person who practices favoritism and malpractice. You don't need to worry about anything else. Just enforce the law impartially."

These righteous remarks made the others not know how to continue talking. No one would believe it if the prince didn't know about Lan Yu. No one would believe it if the prince didn't want to protect Lan Yu, but he didn't admit it. , so what if you are a minister?

"I respectfully obey the teachings of His Highness the Crown Prince!"

Zhu Biao nodded happily, and then pointedly said in the direction where Yan Dong came from: "We must do business first. By the way, I will be very busy in the next few days. I heard from Liu Jin that many people wanted to visit the East Palace yesterday, but there was no need. Yes, I have seen it now. I don’t have to worry about my health and safety. Just do your best."

"No, I'll be resigning now."

Hu Weiyong saluted with Zhongshu Provincial and other officials, bowed and walked past Zhu Biao, and other officials from various government agencies followed closely behind him. Only the Minister of Rites and the Minister of Industry were stopped by Zhu Biao with his eyes, and they still stood still waiting for orders. .

Zhu Biaoxian said to the Minister of Rites, "The memorial text for the Xuanyuan clan of the Yellow Emperor has been drawn up and stamped with the seal and sent to the Ministry of Rites. Send people to offer sacrifices as soon as possible. When the time comes, invite the surrounding gentry to watch the ceremony. There is no need to save."

"I understand that I will definitely follow the ancient rituals and offer sacrifices to comfort the Holy Spirit."

After a few more instructions, he asked the Minister of Rites to go down. Zhu Biao stood there with the Minister of Work and talked about the progress of coal. The wind and snow in the north this year will definitely be worse than in previous years. Both the army and the people are in urgent need of energy. Materials that provide heat.

The imperial court has tried its best to raise grain and grass from the border. Fuel is also a top priority. Any more is important. Fortunately, with Zhu Biao's support, the Ministry of Industry has basically put aside all other matters for a few months and concentrated manpower and material resources to step up the production of coal. .

You must know that the construction inside and outside the capital city has not been completed. How could the capital of a country and the emperor's residence be completed in just five or six years? From the 26th year of Zhizheng, military and civilian craftsmen began to be recruited to fill Yanque Lake and rebuild the new city. However, After all, it was in a hurry, and the world was still uncertain at that time. In order to appease the cultural relics and harmonize the people of the world, only the main body of the palace was built for the founding of the country.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, not only the imperial palace but also the imperial city, the four walls of the capital and the outer city needed to be built. The lake city and street residences were also continuously expanded. According to the Ministry of Industry's estimates, it would take at least more than twenty years to complete the construction. Achieve construction goals.

But now, in order to speed up the production of coal and the supply of supplies to defend the city, the construction of most buildings has been stopped. Things have been prioritized. Most of the craftsmen under the Ministry of Industry have been scattered to various coal mines to build factories and make coal.

As he talked, he walked towards the Yamen of the Ministry of Industry. Zhu Biao asked the Minister of the Ministry of Industry and gave a rather dull answer. After the two passed Fengtianmen, the surrounding officials had dispersed, only Liu Jin and others followed behind.

Zhu Biao walked in front with his hands behind his back and suddenly said: "How do you think it is best to deal with the remarks made by your beloved ministers just now?"

The gray beard under the chin of the Minister of Industry trembled: "I have little talent and little knowledge. I only know how to obey orders. I dare not get involved in this matter of punishment and judgment. Besides, Lan Yu is not easy to get along with. I am afraid that my children and grandchildren will be beaten." "

Zhu Biao paused in his steps and glanced sideways at him and said warmly: "Xu Aiqing is getting older, and it's time to worry about her children and grandchildren. However, it doesn't matter if the children and grandchildren suffer some setbacks. The fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold."

After saying that, Zhu Biao stopped delaying and walked quickly towards the yamen of the Ministry of Industry. The Minister of the Ministry of Industry was a bit old, so it was difficult for him to follow Zhu Biao when he suddenly increased his speed. However, no ministers said that the monarch should wait. I can only try to keep up.

The six yamen are destined to go through a major reshuffle. Zhu Biao doesn't care about the other departments. After a few years, the Ministry of Personnel, Household Affairs, Rites, and Punishment will all have reserve personnel. The Ministry of War currently does not have many responsibilities and powers, and most of them overlap with the Metropolitan Governor's Office.

, due to the unique military strength and weak culture of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Ministry of War can be said to be dispensable at present.

The personnel of these five yamen are relatively easy to replenish through local recommendations from the Hanlin Academy, Imperial College, Imperial Examination, etc. However, it is difficult to replenish the grassroots officials of the Ministry of Works and more important craftsmen, especially because some craftsmen have unique skills and are dead.

It's gone.

You must know that the current Ministry of Industry is full of talents. This is also because Lao Zhu attaches great importance to the construction of public facilities, starting from the time when he conquered the world. When Zhu Biao was three years old, Lao Zhu established a field envoy specifically responsible for water conservancy.

It can be said that wherever you fight, you can repair wherever you go, and there are also inn official roads and so on.

It is not a blind repair, but is closely related to the imperial court's major policies such as immigration and farming. Wherever wasteland is opened for farming, supporting water conservancy projects will immediately follow up, and wherever planting is done, planting and irrigation will be seamlessly connected.

It doesn't matter that the upper-level officials of the Ministry of Industry have been there for many years, but those experienced middle- and low-level officials and old craftsmen are rare treasures that cannot be cultivated overnight.

Of course, many of these people are corrupt, but to Zhu Biao, their use value is greater than those they corrupted. Ming Dynasty will not be short of scholars in the future, but such talents who can improve grassroots construction will never be enough.

So this Xu Shangshu is not good. It is not that easy to sit on the wall and please both sides. It is better to simply turn to Hu Weiyong. He can arrange the layout early. If he continues to do this, the Ministry of Industry will be dragged down from top to bottom in the end.

When the time comes for liquidation, it doesn't mean that Zhu Biao can protect whoever he wants.

Zhu Biao was not satisfied with Xu Shangshu's answer just now. He originally thought that this person understood when he made a few remarks, but he was a stupid person. Zhu Biao was already thinking about who would be more suitable for this Minister of Works.

We need a very smart person, and there is no need for him to fight against Hu Weiyong. After all, although the six departments have different divisions of labor, they have always advanced and retreated together. The rest of the ministers have all turned to Hu Weiyong. It is unrealistic for you to be independent in the world. Just the household department.

The Ministry of Works will be stuck.

Zhu Biao did not want the affairs of the Ministry of Industry to be restricted. The Ming Dynasty was full of waste and was waiting to be revitalized. Although the south was recovering well, other places, especially the north and the west, were still in adversity and people's livelihood was difficult. That is to say, there was no war, but people who should not be able to eat still couldn't.


How can it be so easy for such a huge country to recover? It took many years for the people of the country to have enough food and clothing after future generations stood up, and that was already a world-wide miracle.

Nowadays, everything is more difficult than that era. You can imagine how many problems still exist in the Ming Dynasty, which was just four years old. How much time will it take to restore people's livelihood and have the energy to turn their attention to the outside world. Fortunately, God has blessed us, and the rest of the outside world has

The situation is equally bad.

With the size of the Ming Dynasty, as long as he takes a breath, he can seize the opportunity, so Zhu Biao can tolerate the struggle in the court. After all, beating children on rainy days is idle, but he will never let the Ministry of Industry limit it to this.

Because they have more important tasks.


This chapter has been completed!
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