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Chapter five hundred and ten Annan

Zhu Biao was not surprised. Most of the things discussed at the court meeting were like this. It was procrastinated until the end before a result agreed by both parties was reached. If it was really an urgent matter, it would be decided immediately in a small meeting.


Lan Yu's matter is just a trial process, and the result is no longer important. What is important is that both parties want to see how their colleagues who hold important positions will stand up during this period.

"Besides the matter of Lan Yu, is there anything else?"

Liu Jin thought about it and said: "Gao Qi, the editor of the Hanlin Academy, was reprimanded by the Holy One. In the end, Zhongshu Shenzheng and other officials interceded. The Holy One granted him the money and returned it, but ordered that his descendants for three generations should not take part in the imperial examination or be recommended for office."

"Also, Zhang Yining, a scholar who served as a lecturer, died of illness in Jiaozhou. The Holy Spirit was deeply saddened and issued an edict to return his coffin. All the states and counties along the way had to pay homage to him."

Zhu Biao frowned when he heard this. Mr. Zhang couldn't hold on after all. It was also because the trip was delayed for too long. After all, the old gentleman was over seventy years old. It was indeed a bit reluctant to go to Annan as envoy, not to mention he encountered so many messes.


Two years ago, Zhu Yuanzhang ordered Zhang Yining, a scholar at the Hanlin Academy, to make an imperial edict to Annan and canonize his lord Chen Rixuan as King of Annan. Unfortunately, Chen Rixuan died as soon as he entered Annan territory.

Although the king is dead, he still has to accept the canonization edict from the Heavenly Kingdom, so the Annan courtiers and clans requested that the Ming Emperor's edict canonizing Annan King be granted to Chen Mingzong's son Gongding King Chen Hao to establish the legitimacy.

Annan was in more chaos than Goryeo at this time. If Annan's courtiers requested that the canonization edict be granted to Chen Rixuan's son, Zhang Yining agreed. After the death of a father, a son has a precedent to follow and is also inheriting the orthodoxy. After all, the two countries are so far apart.

It is also unrealistic to go back and get another edict.

But the old master cannot accept the idea of ​​an uncle to succeed to the throne. How can you, a small barbarian country, privately decide on the candidate for the canonization of the Celestial Kingdom? Then where is the majesty and dignity of the Ming Dynasty?

Zhang Yining further investigated and found that Chen Rixuan was actually killed by the Annan clan. The reason turned out to be that he was not of the Chen family, but the son of the actor Yang Jiang...

When his mother was already pregnant, King Gongsu Chen Yuanyu accepted her because of her beauty. After she was born, King Gongsu raised her in the palace as his own son.

Chen Yuzong was critically ill and had no children, so he was designated as his heir. The ministers strongly opposed the severance of the imperial line and the adoption of foreign surnames. However, for some reason, Chen Rixuan still became the king of Annan. However, he was deposed by King Gongding just before the arrival of the Ming Dynasty.

His son was beaten to death with a stick...

This messy situation naturally made Master Zhang so angry that he stayed in the Erjiang River without entering the capital at all. He did not meet any Annan courtiers, and ordered the Annan clan to immediately send people to the Ming Dynasty to express their condolences and request to re-select the candidate to inherit the king's title.

, otherwise it will never be canonized.

This resulted in a long delay. When the two parties finally reached an agreement, the old master received Zhu Yuanzhang's imperial edict and went to the capital of Annan to confer the new king. After that, he also taught the new king and the clan to observe mourning for three years, and ordered the people of Annan to follow the example of the Central Plains in performing a kowtow ceremony.

In short, they adjusted the great etiquette there, allowing Annan to be controlled by the orthodox etiquette of the Central Plains again after many years, and then he returned to the Ming Dynasty with satisfaction. Unexpectedly, he died of illness before returning to the Ming Dynasty.


Zhu Biao stood up and sighed. Last year, the father and son were still in the study praising Zhang Yining for his magnanimity as an envoy from the Celestial Empire. Old Zhu even personally compared the old master to Lu Jia Ma Yuan, thinking that he would be rewarded and put to good use when he came back.

"I remember that Academician Zhang has a grandson who is studying in the Imperial College. I gave him the Four Treasures of the Study Room for my use so that he could study well and inherit his grandfather's ambition to serve the country."

"And when he graduates from the Imperial Academy to become an official, remember to remind me, don't forget."

"My slave has taken note of it."

Since Annan, Chenla, Champa and other small southern countries were blocked by Yunnan, the Ming Dynasty had never paid attention to it. After all, Yunnan had not yet been conquered. There was nothing to talk about with the countries further south. They were just sending envoys for routine regulations.

However, having the opportunity to contact the internal affairs of the country is a good thing after all. Sometimes subtlety is stronger than a sharp sword. Now there are obstacles in the middle, but everyone knows that it will be a matter of time for the Ming Dynasty to regain Yunnan. This is why Emperor Annan Tiangao is far away.

The reason why he didn’t dare to force Zhang Yining to be crowned the new king.

Zhu Biao went to the Wenhua Hall to sit for a while. Yesterday, he planned to stay in the East Palace today, but he was so busy that he really couldn't rest. After shaking his head, he got up and walked towards the Jinshen Hall.

Entering the palace and bowing to his father, he saw that Lao Zhu did not review the memorials or summon the courtiers as usual today, but was in a daze.

"Biao'er, Zhang Yining died of illness. Many of our veterans have passed away this year."

Zhu Biao did a little calculation, and it turned out that even if he didn't count those officials who were beheaded for crimes, there were seven or eight people who died of illness, and they were all veterans, including Guangde Hou Huagao.

"Father, there is no need to be sad. Most of them have passed away. In particular, Academician Zhang and Editor Luo are both over seventy years old. They can be said to have lived a long life."

Zhu Yuanzhang still sighed: "We shouldn't let Zhang Yining go. Not to mention the high mountains and long roads, there are still a lot of troubles in Annan Kingdom. Although he didn't mention it when he wrote the letter, we also know that he lived in Erjiang.

The food is very bad, food and daily life are very difficult, Annan does not dare to do anything openly, but secretly they are always coercing and tempting."

"If you serve the country with loyalty and sincerity, you will get what you deserve with the imperial career. Academician Zhang must be happy when he seeks benevolence and gets it. I have just asked Liu Jin to send the Four Treasures of the Study to Academician Zhang's grandson."

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded happily when he heard this. Although his son was not in his prime years, his behavior was very considerate and flawless. This was a good thing. No matter how generous he was, it was still a favor to the state. And the prince privately presented the Four Treasures of the Study to him as a sign of love.


Nowadays, all the civil and military officials in the dynasty are privately saying that he is mean and ungrateful after becoming emperor, but in order to continue to purge the officials, he is not ready to take off the label of being mean and ungrateful and burning bridges. But this reputation is not good after all. If the next emperor

This is also the case, the ministers should also have thoughts that they shouldn't have.

Zhu Yuanzhang looked back at his eldest son, who was getting taller and taller by the day. The softness and sadness in his heart were swept away. With endless motivation rising, he walked back to the imperial desk and sat down, and launched a fierce offensive against the thick stack of memorials.


Zhu Biao looked at his father who suddenly became excited with some astonishment. He really didn't know how a person's mood could really change so suddenly and happily.

He shook his head in confusion and walked to sit down behind his small desk. As soon as he waved, two young eunuchs brought a stack of memorials, and another came over to pour water and polish ink.

Zhu Biao opened one page and it was a memorial written by Chang Yuchun, King of Kaiping. Among the memorials, there were 35,800 households and 197,027 people who migrated to Beiping Mountain and were scattered in the Wei Mansion.

Those who are soldiers are given food; those who are civilians are given fields to cultivate.

In addition, the 32,860 grassland remnant households were established in the land within the Beiping administration, and 254 villages were established, with 1,343 hectares of farmland opened.

This was the relocation that started at the beginning of this year. Zhu Biao was not in the capital at the time, but it seems to have achieved good results, and a lot of acres have been opened up. Transporting grain from the south has cost a lot of money. It would be great if we could be self-sufficient in the north.

Even if it is not possible for the time being, being able to match 20 to 30% will greatly ease the pressure on the court.

This kind of memorial does not require a reply. After Zhu Biao wrote down the review marks, he put it aside and reported to Lao Zhu that it was completed.

Most of the subsequent memorials were like this. The undercurrent of the current political situation put great pressure on local officials. They had to report any slight disturbance to the imperial court, for fear that if something went from small to large, it would be reported to the court, and they would be held accountable for dereliction of duty.

Such a large number of memorials naturally consumes energy, but the advantage is that after reading these, you can basically have a general understanding of the world situation in your mind. In short, it is a feeling of peace of mind, but it is really tiring.

After a while, I saw the report from Shaanxi and Gansu, including Zhang Fan, Li Jin and others. The officials transferred now are basically new officials. They are no better than those old foxes left over from the Yuan Dynasty. They are inexperienced in getting cards.

He still had the power to kill Shaanxi and Gansu officials in large numbers at the imperial court, and knew that the emperor and prince were still staring closely at him.

Therefore, they conscientiously comforted the victims. Even if they were greedy, they did not have the courage. As the disaster gradually eased and the population of victims dropped sharply, food prices in the affected states gradually stabilized.

When Zhu Biao left, he left behind a lot of confiscated stolen money, which was left for Zhang Fan and others to purchase grain in other state capitals. Although he could directly order the Chen family and Zhang family to transport grain again, he could not always let the Jiangnan nobles cut their flesh and blood.

Although they are very happy, that is not how things are done, and these are not the rules.

After Zhu Biao read it carefully, he felt at ease. Disaster relief has never been difficult. As long as there is money and food, it can be easily solved. After Zhu Biao wiped out the corrupt officials, there will be no obstacles. It can be seen that the disaster situation

It will be completely over after next spring.

People cannot be resurrected, but life must go on. Rebuilding one's home and cultivating family members is an innate instinct for farming civilization. Zhu Biao can finally breathe a sigh of relief. Although disasters of various sizes occur in the Ming Dynasty every year, just like Shaanxi,

This drought is relatively rare.

Zhu Biao finally understood why all dynasties would continue to offer sacrifices to the sky to pray for peace and prosperity for the country and the people. It is because the resistance of farming civilization to natural disasters is too low. Too much water and too little water are huge disasters, affecting the life and death of hundreds of thousands of people in a place.


Looking further back is the report from Marquis Jinghai. Winter is about to enter, and the Japanese pirates along the coast are starting to go crazy. The Ming Dynasty is becoming more and more skillful in dealing with them. Although it is a passive defense, it can always make the Japanese pirates suffer a big blow if they have calculations or not.


From the frequency and scale of the number of intrusions, it can be seen that the focus of the Japanese pirates' intrusions has begun to change. The Great Ming Dynasty has really hurt them. It is hard to chew hard bones, so naturally they turn to pick soft ones. Koryo is right there.


This chapter has been completed!
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