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Chapter 580 Eunuch

After pondering for a moment, he rolled up the letter paper in his hand and threw it aside. If it was far away from the capital, Zhu Biao would write it down. After all, the third child was smart and would not abuse this authority. It was not impossible to grant privileges temporarily.

Naturally, the first priority is to provide disaster relief, but this time the disaster area is not far from the capital. No matter what Lao San wants to do there, whether he is ransacking the house to get food or killing chickens to scare monkeys, he has time to report it to the court.

Even if the incident really happened suddenly, as an imperial envoy, it is not impossible to capture it first and then report it to the court. However, if he is allowed to kill and punish the court officials at will, the taste will change.

There are only two people in this world who can really deal with the court officials at will without going through the Dali Temple trial of the Ministry of Punishment, and that is the emperor and the prince and prince. The rest, not even the prince, prince or the prime minister of the court, have this power.

Liu Jin bowed and picked up the paper ball. He had personally burned it in the side hall of the Wenhua Palace. Whether it was the Crown Prince's handwriting or the content on it, if it were spread, it would cause huge problems. It was unacceptable.

Not cautious.

"Liu Jin, do you think the third child can do it this time?"

"What do you know about this? But according to the news from the other side, His Royal Highness King Chu was in high spirits after returning to his palace. I think I am sure of it."

Zhu Biao smiled when he heard this: "The third child is very proud of his ambition. How about the second and fourth children?"

"Returning to me, His Highness Prince Jin ordered an extra bottle of wine for dinner. His Highness Prince Qi played with knives in the yard for a while after finishing the meal. The rest was as usual."

Like dragons, snakes have their own way. The most prestigious and powerful eunuch in the palace is Liu Jin. Even Empress Lao Zhu and Ma don't like to use eunuchs. The other princes, princesses and concubines naturally have to follow suit. They would rather use more palace maids.

More eunuchs are used, for fear of offending the two supreme beings over trivial matters.

Therefore, Liu Jin, the prince's personal eunuch, is naturally unique. Many maids and eunuchs in the palace are envious and jealous of this, but they have to rely on them, otherwise if something goes wrong, not even one of them can ask for mercy in front of the noble.

No one is there.

Zhu Biao suddenly looked at Liu Jin inexplicably and said: "I heard that you have grandchildren, but you are really faster than me at every step."

Liu Jin was just about to go to the side hall to deal with the discarded papers. When he suddenly heard these words, he crawled to the ground in fright: "This slave is guilty, please punish me!"

"Tell me what crime you are guilty of."

Liu Jin didn't dare to raise his head, his thoughts were in disarray, and cold sweat instantly flowed from his temples. Such an abruptness made it difficult for him, who was always good at guessing people's hearts, to stop.

He could only half-guess and half-darkly kowtow: "It is a lucky coincidence that I, a disabled servant, have been favored by His Highness. I serve you wholeheartedly without thinking of repayment. I am good at collecting children and grandchildren..."

Before Liu Jin could finish her words, she was interrupted by Zhu Biao: "You are not worthy of forming a clique for personal gain. No one in the palace can form a clique for personal gain."

"Yes, this slave is guilty of being stupid and ignorant for making lies. Please punish me severely!"

After a while, Zhu Biao looked at Liu Jin, who was trembling a little, and said coldly: "It's just that you had a few godsons. You are mine, and every word and deed you do carries my dignity. Father.

The emperor will not say anything because of this trivial matter, but if you continue like this, you will become your godson and grandson, what else will happen next?"

"You want to be an ancestor in the palace! Liu Jin, I think you have had such a smooth life these past few years that you have lost your mind. Do you still remember why I gave you this name?"

"My slave deserves to die! My slave deserves to die!"

Bang bang bang, the sound of flesh and bones hitting the floor resounded throughout the hall. Zhu Biao watched Liu Jin's head bruised and bleeding, and watched him stagger and still insist on kowtowing vigorously to apologize.

Seeing this, Zhu Biao's expression softened a lot. He stretched out his hand to caress his left eyebrow and said, "Okay, I won't want you to die, but if you continue like this, my father will not tolerate you. At that time, the Great Luo Immortal will also

I can't save you."

Liu Jin's tears were mixed with the blood on her forehead, and her clothes on her chest were already stained red. She sobbed, "I thank you for your advice. I will be careful in my words and deeds in the future. I know I was wrong..."

He is not afraid of anything else now, but he is afraid of losing His Highness's favor. Without this, he really doesn't know what's the point of living?

There were not many people waiting in the hall, but there were quite a few palace ladies and eunuchs in the side halls. At this time, they were all kneeling on the ground with pale faces. Every sound of Liu Jin's head seemed to hit them in the bottom of their hearts, and they were terrified and unable to express themselves.


A cold voice came out, and Liu An and Zhao Huaian, who were guarding the door of the inner hall, stood up and stumbled quickly into the inner hall and knelt down behind Liu Jin: "My servant is here."

Zhu Biao lowered his head and looked at the letter on the desk: "Help your godfather go down and take good care of him. You don't have to be on duty for the next few days."


Liu An and Zhao Huaian hurriedly and carefully helped Liu Jin, who was already a little dazed, and stepped out. When they were about to turn around and leave the inner hall, they heard His Highness's last instruction: "Ask the imperial doctor to give you medicine."


After a while, several palace maids came in holding copper basins of water and white towels. After bowing politely, they knelt on the ground and began to wipe the blood stains on the ground.

The white kerchief was stained with blood, and when it was thrown into the water, it rippled into a basin of blood, but the ground was clean. Several palace maids bowed and retreated, and soon two more eunuchs came in. After bowing, they stood aside and waited to be summoned to serve.

There was fear in his expression but also expectation. For them, this was an opportunity. Liu Jin had firmly controlled the position around His Highness for many years. They had no chance at all if they wanted to get ahead, even if they were his godson and grandson.

Can't find a way.

Zhu Biao had no expression on his face, but he knew that this matter would soon spread throughout the palace, and even interested people outside the palace who were paying attention to the palace at certain times would soon get the news.

Nothing can really be hidden in the palace. There are too many big and small mouths. Is it possible that they are all sewn shut?

It was necessary to punish Liu Jin this time. Liu Jin was considerate and smart, but he was still too smooth. The eunuch was bound to have no children due to his physical disability. It didn't matter if he accepted a few godsons to show off. How could Zhu Biao care about such a trivial matter.

But the godson also accepted the godson, and it seemed as if Liu Jin's children and grandchildren in the palace would have no way of survival. How is this inappropriate?

The prince only becomes a father, the emperor only becomes a grandfather, and Liu Jin is about to have a great-grandson, an eunuch. If he continues to act like this, even if Zhu Biao does not care about the relationship, according to Lao Zhu's character, Liu Jin will die suddenly sooner or later.

Lao Zhu had always been wary of eunuchs being in power. It was not like the several eunuchs who served in the Jinshen Hall had never accepted their godsons, and they were all killed the next day.

What kind of status and honor should be enjoyed? Liu Jin went too far. It is said that if virtue does not match the position, there will be disaster. Zhu Biao punished him like this because he was really doing it for his own good and wanted to keep him alive.

In fact, even talented people like Xu Yungong, Guo Chong, Zhang Fan, and Li Jin need to be tempered, let alone Liu Jin. After all, it is beneficial to suffer some setbacks as long as he does not die.

Zhu Biao still wants to use Liu Jin in the future, but the current Liu Jin is not good enough. He has been drifting along for several years. How can he be used as a political force to help him check and balance the military, political, and civil affairs in the future?

Eunuchs have some shortcomings, but they are indeed easier to use than others. As the emperor's slaves, they are the real life and death, honor and disgrace are all tied to the master's thoughts. You still need to find a reason to kill a civil servant or military general. Maybe

There will still be colleagues who will cry out for injustice and kill slaves as they please, and officials and generals will still cheer for them.

The eunuch group is too dependent on the emperor. With the emperor's support, the eunuch has great power, but without the emperor's favor, the eunuch will have nothing. This is much easier to use than civil and military affairs.

The current problem of the Ming Dynasty is not only that the military power is dispersed and it is difficult to bring it all back to the central government. The nobles are used to serving as military leaders. They regard their soldiers as the foundation of their lives and the foundation of their own glory and family. They can't wait to hand them over in full.

To his son.

The civil servants thought more about their job as errands, and those with a well-established family gave up their job if they were slightly dissatisfied because they thought it would damage their reputation. However, the eunuchs really didn't care about the good and the bad, and worked hard to do their jobs because others

There is a home to return to, but they only have one home, and that is the palace, but there is no need for useless slaves in the palace.

Of course, eunuchs are physically disabled and psychologically unbalanced, so they are naturally more obsessed with other things. It may be power, it may be gold and silver. Their deformed and distorted values ​​​​make them flatter and please those above them, but cruel and ruthless towards others. They are extremely good at taking advantage of the situation.


There are advantages and disadvantages, but they don't affect Zhu Biao's use of them. As long as the power, gold, and silver are not excessive, Zhu Biao can be satisfied. He just needs to show his value and be really useful.


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