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Chapter five hundred and eighty fifth Li Lifengfa

Since the fourth year of Hongwu, Nahachu had been calling himself King Kaiyuan. Yesudier did not recognize this title, but he was unable to interfere in Liaodong and could only let it go. He even continued to give him official posts in order to appease Nahachu.

The Ming Dynasty did not recognize this title at first. Official messengers only called him Qian Yuan Taiwei. However, since Chahan came on his own initiative, Zhu Biao did not mind letting him enjoy the treatment of a prince.

Nahachu controls half of Liaodong, and as a descendant of Muhuali, the founding father of the Mongolian Empire, his status is extremely valuable in Mongolia. He has many in-laws and intertwined relatives. Having this flag will also be of great help to the grassland tribes in the future.


If you can get them to stop fighting and surrender with this little courtesy, it will be a huge profit. Don't look at the fact that the Ming Dynasty has made breakthrough progress in Liaodong, and Goryeo can also mobilize reinforcements to attack from both sides, but Naha is still there

Occupying a favorable location, we still have 200,000 soldiers ready to fight.

It would be easy if the two armies faced each other, but if Nahachu just defended the territory, relying on the cold climate of Liaodong and the dangerous mountains and rivers, the Ming Dynasty would have no chance of conquering it if he did not dispatch an army of 200,000 to 300,000 people. Historically, Nahachu was entrenched.

A stubborn problem that was not solved until the 20th year of Hongwu.

Zhu Biao's words were naturally heard by many people. Civil and military officials each had their own preferences and began to whisper to each other. Although Liaodong is a bitter and cold place, it is not a small place. If a state capital is established to govern them, someone may have to take over.

The military generals were a little dissatisfied, thinking that even a mere son of Nahachu deserved this courtesy, so they might as well just let them conquer Liaodong and tie Nahachu and his son behind their horses and drag them all the way back.

Zhang Dazui and others were eager to try. Although they were considered military veterans, they were not considered nobles. They were worried that they would not be able to fight and leave a title for their children and grandchildren to inherit the wealth and wealth of the country.

They only wanted to win the war and have a wife and son. Whether the imperial court could afford the military expenses, food and supplies for the expedition was not within their scope of thinking.

During the commotion, the drums on the Meridian Gate Tower rang. A group of officials quickly stood up and tidied up their court uniforms, then walked out of the squad room in an orderly manner and lined up in front of the Meridian Gate. Civil and military personnel entered the court in two groups, with officials from the left and military from the right.

After entering the gate, one should first stand in the order of grades in the south of Jinshui Bridge. Waiting for the sound of the whip, they will cross the bridge one by one and reach Fengtianmen Danqi.

The supervisory censor looked at the civil and military officials with cold eyes. Even the military officers were well-behaved at this time, but there was an exception today. A censor looked pale and followed the civil servants in the queue, stroking his waist. His appearance was irregular.


Naturally, this was written down, and he might be impeached later. He was the supervisor of the imperial censor, and he was ruthless in attacking his own people.

Standing at the front, Zhu Biao looked back and naturally saw it. He still had a slight impression of this Wang Yushi. He seemed to have said a few words just now. He remembered that this person was quite normal, but he suddenly couldn't walk.

Seeing that the Fengtian Gate had not yet been opened, he asked Fugui to go over and take a look. After receiving the reply, he could not help but shake his head. He waved to the supervising censor and said: "Wang Yushi was injured on the waist in the squad room. The incident was suddenly not reported in time, so please revoke what was written down just now."



Hu Weiyong on the side complimented: "His Royal Highness is kind and generous, which is a blessing for my ministers."

Zhu Biao said with a smile: "It's such a small thing, why should the prime minister praise you so much? All civil and military officials are ministers. They have made great contributions to assisting the emperor in organizing the world. I should take care of him."

Hu Weiyong pondered for a long time, Zhu Biao glanced at him and said nothing more. Some words were just for testing, and it didn't matter what they said. After answering the words, each other could naturally feel the meaning contained in them.

After a while, the sound of drums sounded again, and everyone entered the Fengtian Hall to worship according to the previous rules. Today, the Holy Emperor is sitting on a dragon chair overlooking the ministers. Facing the majesty of Heaven, the most powerful people in the world are as respectful as docile sheep.


Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the hundreds of officials below and waved his hands and said: "My dear friends, no courtesy."

The official of Honglu Temple sang: "Every official is playing, and every government office is playing in turn!"

Hu Weiyong first stepped forward to report the government affairs of the Zhongshu Province, then Xu Da reported the military affairs of the Metropolitan Governor's Office, and then it was the turn of the ministers and ministers of the various ministries.

Today's court meeting was very dull, and there was nothing that needed to be said by Zhu Biao, so he stood attentively and observed the government. It soon ended. The emperor retreated first, and the remaining officials sent the prince off, and then returned to the government offices to perform their duties.

In Jinshen Palace, the two men were sitting and drinking tea and chatting. There were not many memorials on the desk, so neither of them were in a hurry. Lao Zhu suddenly missed his two precious grandchildren and wanted to hear some news from his son to satisfy his craving.

Naturally, the result was that he had no idea what to ask. Zhu Biao listened to his father's complaints with a dark face. He was so busy worrying about internal and external government affairs that he had no time to spend with two babies who only knew how to eat, drink, and defecate.

"Father, I miss my grandson. Just go to the East Palace to bring him. Why bother here?"

Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes lit up: "The weather is nice today. It's time to take him out for some fresh air. He should be awake at this time."

Zhu Biao directly ordered Fugui: "Go and invite the emperor's grandson to come here, bring the wet nurse with you, and place them in the Huagai Hall first."


"Um, please wear more clothes for your grandson so that he won't catch cold."

"Slave, please obey the Holy Order."

Fugui left quickly, and Zhu Yuanzhang stood up with a smile and wandered around the room: "We haven't had a good look at those two cubs for a while. We wanted to see them after we were busy at night, but your mother was afraid that the children would catch wind."

Zhu Biao took a sip of tea and said, "I won't be afraid for another two months. When the time comes, my father can just hug me whenever he wants to see me."

Zhu Yuanzhang laughed a few times: "Unknowingly, we also became grandfathers. It was a little later than ordinary people, but fortunately, I hugged two big fat boys at once, hahaha."

"Then Father, you should smile more. In a few months, you can hold another baby in your arms. Last night, Luo Hua and his son Chen said that the Wang family should also have a baby."

Lao Zhu originally thought that the eldest daughter-in-law had another daughter-in-law. When he heard who it was, Mrs. Wang's smile faded a bit, but he was still happy. It is always a good thing to have prosperous offspring.

Just when he was thinking about rewarding those Wang family's father and brother, he realized who Wang family was. Fortunately, there were not many women in Zhu Biaodong Palace, otherwise Lao Zhu would not be able to remember it at this moment.

"Is it the Princess of Korea? Well, it's a good thing. It's a happy event for the country and the family. It's time for us to send envoys to Korea."

Lao Zhu may not know the specific situation of Goryeo very clearly, but he definitely understands the general situation. Zhu Biao's contact with Goryeo is through the pro-military captain's mansion, so naturally every move cannot be hidden from Lao Zhu's eyes.

Of course, Zhu Biao had no intention of hiding it from the beginning to the end. No matter whether this matter was successful or not, it would be beneficial to the Ming Dynasty. After all, Goryeo had reached the end of the dynasty. Anyone with a little long-term perspective could see that although it is immoral to exterminate a household, it is still unethical.

It can be said to be a huge profit.

Zhu Biao waved away the servants in the palace and then said: "There are not many decent clan members in Goryeo. Most of them are old, weak, women and children. My father also knows that the blood of the current King of Goryeo is impure. The only one they can count on now is King Shen. Already."

Zhu Yuanzhang also returned to the dragon chair and said: "Yesudier has too much time to take care of himself. Last year, he lost troops and generals when he went south. There are a lot of dissatisfied people from both Tatars and Oaras. He actually still has time to support a Korean king. I'm afraid he has thought too much."

Zhu Biao knocked on the desk in front of him and said: "My son thought that it was because of his internal and external troubles that he wanted Goryeo and Naha to go out to Liaodong and the East China Sea to divert Ming's attention so that he could have time to solve the internal troubles. "

"The march south was defeated, but the casualties of Yesudier's personal guards and Wala were actually not bad. The real heavy casualties were the young and strong tribes scattered all over the grassland. Their tribes were old, weak, sick and disabled, not to mention the women, children and livestock. Zhenbao, as long as Yesudier takes this opportunity to absorb and train him, within ten years he will have a group of real close guards."

Zhu Yuanzhang was silent for a moment and said: "It seems that we have to let Tianbaonu and the others go to snatch this piece of meat. Yesudie'er is a dangerous person and ambitious. We can't give him too many opportunities, otherwise he will be in serious trouble."

Zhu Biao said with a smile: "The purpose of raising a dog is to let him compete with other dogs for food. Otherwise, why raise him? Tianbao Nuerchen has also seen it, and he can't change the world. What's more, my cousin is in the north, and his character and ability Father, don’t you know yet?"

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded slowly: "Wen Zhong has a great talent for Shen Hong, and no one can predict what he will do. He is fierce and vigorous in battle, and becomes stronger when he encounters a powerful enemy. He can indeed be entrusted with great tasks. After many years of hard work, it is time to make him a king."


Jiang Wei

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