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Chapter 604: Wen Hao is profound

Such a turmoil is just around the corner. The decree to provide pensions and recruit talents comes from the emperor's name, which will undoubtedly resolve some of the resentment. The literati will not be able to rebel, but they are still very good at smearing you in the county annals.

How will future generations know how difficult it was at the beginning of the founding of the Ming Dynasty, and how the literati and gentry held back the imperial court. They would only look at the moral articles left by their ancestors and sages and angrily criticized Emperor Zhu for taking over the world, being cruel, unkind and unwise.

Master Xianjun.

However, Lao Zhu still directly informed the Hanlin Academy that this decree came from the prince. After the decree to recruit talents was circulated to all states and counties, countless people would think that the emperor wanted to target and suppress them, while His Highness the prince wanted to protect them.

It is human nature to be afraid of comparison in everything. It is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Zhu Biao's reputation will once again reach a new height. Everyone knows that the only one who can stand up to His Majesty the Emperor in this life is the prince, and the literary elite will consciously turn to him.

The prince came closer.

People have inherent impressions. After many years of reciting Zhu Biao's good deeds, they will become like this over time, especially for ordinary people in the local area.

Just as originally imagined, Lao Zhu represents the blazing sun shining in the sky, while Zhu Biao is a big tree that is still growing. Only under the tree's shade can people have room to shade and breathe.

Countless people crowd under the shade of trees, and naturally they will try their best to make the trees grow faster. Not only are they looking forward to the blessing of the shade, but they are also looking forward to Him turning into the moon and coming to the sky, so that the world will have sunny and sunny days again.

Round and missing.

In fact, judging from the effectiveness of the imperial examinations in recent years, more and more children of wealthy families are unwilling to take the imperial examinations. This is because the current governance is too strict and the fight against corruption in the officialdom has never been relieved. Under such a situation, this

Scholars who had enough food and clothing were naturally unwilling to risk beheading to become officials.

Zhu Yuanzhang leaned on the back of his chair and said: "Don't do things in both directions. Besides, even if we say it was written by me, they won't be willing to admit it. In this case, it's better to just do it."

After a moment of silence, he looked at his son and smiled and said: "You are good, pass on our Ming Dynasty, who dares to scold us? Even if we kick our legs in the future, the temple name and posthumous title will be decided by you, so there is nothing to worry about.


"As for what happens thousands of years from now, we don't care. Let alone future generations scolding us, what if they dig us out? It's already a handful of loess."

Zhu Biao shook his head and said: "My father has made great contributions to the country and the people. He has driven out the barbarians, restored China, established laws and regulations, and rescued the people. These are easy to say, but in reality, only my father can do it."

Here we are, I really don’t want my father’s reputation to be ruined because of a bunch of corrupt scholars.”

Zhu Yuanzhang laughed a few times and said: "The pen is in the hands of others. Even if we are the emperor, we can't control what we are willing to write for our descendants before we die. We can't control it. Let him go. We are very pragmatic and just want them."

It’s just my life.”

Lao Zhu obviously didn't want to dwell on this matter anymore, and directly brought the topic back to the court: "Let's see in the next few days, the opportunity that Hu Weiyong has been waiting for so long has arrived, and he should also take action."

Zhu Biao also turned his mind back: "Hu Weiyong knew that his father wanted to kill chickens and scare monkeys in this case. He should continue to tolerate it. How could he take the initiative to take advantage of it?"

"It's easy to stay out of things, but if you always hide, who will serve him wholeheartedly? Biao'er, don't look at the fact that most of the officials in the Zhongshu Province were recommended by Hu Weiyong, and there are also four ministers in the six departments who were supported by him, but there is really something important.

Do you think they will follow Hu Weiyong?"

"If we say that we are going to depose the prime minister now and have the Zhongshu Province kill Hu Weiyong, it is estimated that only Chen Ning, who is despised by us, is willing to accompany him to fight hard, and the rest will withdraw."

Zhu Biao understood that Hu Weiyong seemed to be powerful, but in fact he was only a powerful person on the outside. His relationship with his subordinates was only a combination of interests and did not reach the point of life-and-death interdependence.

To put it simply, even if the interests are not deeply involved, they will inevitably be implicated and die before Hu Weiyong dies. Hu Weiyong naturally knows this, so he must do this in order to have the capital to face the future.


This is also the path that a powerful minister must take. In fact, being a powerful minister is difficult or difficult. In the final analysis, it is to win over a group of close talents and then insert these people into important positions in the court.

As long as the imperial court relies on my people to collect taxes and pay grain, the imperial court relies on my people to resist foreign invasion, the imperial court relies on my people to suppress the Qing Dynasty, and the emperor wants to build palaces and the Nabi people rely on my people, then everything will be taken for granted in the end.


Zhu Biao estimated that Hu Weiyong had no determination to rebel. His greatest ambition was to become a powerful official and manage the Ming Dynasty according to his own will. Of course, the most important thing was to save his life.

In fact, from the time when Li Shanchang was forced to resign and return to his hometown for recuperation, Hu Weiyong had probably guessed Lao Zhu's plan. He was like a pawn crossing the river, advancing but never retreating. Li Shanchang relied on years of hard work and hard work to add

There is still a way out of the relationship with the emperor, but Hu Weiyong does not have the qualifications.

So he could only look for opportunities everywhere. This time the emperor wanted to offend the gentry all over the world, so it would be a good opportunity for Hu Weiyong, not only to win over the gentry, but also to completely drag a group of party members into the water.

Everyone has become pawns crossing the river and has no way to retreat, so we can finally fight against the odds. If we want to survive, we must work together, because retreating means death.

Of course, a group of civil servants cannot achieve great things. Hu Weiyong will continue to wait. When he is waiting for the princes to join the vassal state, the princes will inevitably confiscate the military power of the vassal area in order to establish the vassal state. This will affect the lifeblood of the nobles.

, they will definitely be dissatisfied.

In fact, Hu Weiyong was originally unable to make waves at all, but the emperor created opportunities for him, and in order to survive, he could only seize the opportunities and constantly drag people into the water. This is a conspiracy.

There was silence in the palace for a while, and the father and son each had their own thoughts. They came to their senses only after the eunuch who had delivered the edict came back. After passing some refreshments and using some, they went to the desk to review the memorial together.

At this time, the Hanlin Academy was full of joy. Regardless of their political status, in all dynasties and generations, Hanlin bachelors were always the highest-status group of scholars in society, and their status was extremely superior.

As a place for nurturing talents, most of the people who entered the Imperial Academy through the imperial examination naturally went to court one after another to plead for Wei Guan, Gao Qi and others. Afterwards, it was too late to regret it after realizing that something was wrong.

At noon, they heard the news that the emperor was furious and issued an order to suspend the imperial examination. Some people were filled with righteous indignation and prepared to report to the emperor to state their interests. Others were frightened, fearing that the emperor would suddenly issue an order to abolish the achievements they had gained through hard study.

Fortunately, the good news finally arrived. The recruitment article written by His Highness the Crown Prince was like giving timely help. Just reading it made me burst into tears.

The bachelor of the Hanlin Academy recited loudly three times and then respectfully placed the rice paper on the desk: "The prince's words are profound and profound, and his voice is sonorous, like the waves of a spring river, stretching endlessly, like flat sand, with tens of thousands of cavalry.

He is galloping freely and uncontrollably, and he is worthy of being the direct descendant of Longmen of the Song Dynasty."

Below, an old man with a bright head wiped his tears and said: "My thoughts are elegant, like Liezi riding the wind, and his horse is moving gracefully. It is not stained by dust, and its words are elegant, like the Yin and Yi Zhou tripod, with dragons and inscriptions diffused. Your Highness is a genius, even if you are not a prince, you can do it."

A great figure in the literary world."

The others were even more exaggerated. Such news soon attracted the attention of others. Zhu Biao's recruitment article quickly spread throughout the capital at the cusp of this storm, and also appeased the hearts of countless people.

Although today's officials are harshly accused of suppressing the gentry, fortunately, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has the image of a wise ruler and a wise king. Everyone finally has hope. Although the Holy Emperor is still in his prime years in the Spring and Autumn Period, the iron horse and gold in the early years must have hidden old diseases. It is a prosperous age.

Not far away.

Naturally, Zhongshu Sheng also got the news, and some people even started to read the content of the article loudly. The atmosphere that had been suppressed for a day relaxed. After all, the prince and crown prince are different.

Chen Ning walked into the Prime Minister's room, and Hu Weiyong was also at the desk reviewing official documents. In order to uphold the emperor's will, take charge of secrets, and govern the six departments, Zhongshu Sheng, as the central government office for the operation of the imperial court, naturally had many errands to deal with.

"I will pay my respects to Prime Minister Hu."

Hu Weiyong raised his head and said with a smile: "Guangzu is here, find a place to sit by yourself."

Chen Ning found a chair and sat down without being polite: "Has Hu Xiangke read the article written by His Highness? What exactly does the Holy One mean? If you want to suppress Shilin, why do you use His Highness's name to recruit talents?"

"Guangzu really doesn't know? It's just because His Majesty was so affectionate that he took the bad name to himself and left the good name to His Highness. Looking through the history books, it will be difficult to find such a father and son from the Tian family."


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