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Chapter six hundred and thirty first family happiness

Zhu Biao had been thinking about this matter for not just a day or two, but also for more than a year or two. As the saying goes, it is better to block than to disperse and to divert. There are so many heroes in China. Instead of letting them be trapped in internal strife, it is better to release their talents to the outside and promote the situation of broad sea and sky.

Not only the actual expansion of territory, Zhu Biao also valued the spread of culture and the accompanying cultural identity. The Ming Dynasty may perish with the times in the future, but the influence of Chinese culture on the world will last forever.

This is a very good era. Most areas are still shrouded in the haze of religion, and the light of our own civilization and thought has not yet bloomed.

Even though the so-called Renaissance is just a budding phenomenon, the church is still the spiritual pillar of society. It has a strict hierarchy and regards God as the absolute authority. Literature, art, and philosophy must all follow the teachings of the Bible.

No one can violate it.

The dark Middle Ages in Europe is not a lie. As for Africa and the United States, there is no hope at all. They cling to traditional beliefs in natural gods, the advanced ideological system of the Ming Dynasty, and farming and metallurgical technology are irresistible to them.

With the world's largest naval fleet, Ming Dynasty could actually do far more than Zhu Biao imagined. As long as the opening is opened and examples are given, the Chinese people who are full of martial virtue and long for land will naturally

Carry on the past and open up the future.

Just look at Zhu Di and you will know. Who in the world doesn't want to be surrounded by land and borders and be called a lonely country with a widowed family name and a country. In the past, there was no chance and no hope, but now it is different.

The high-ranking princes and princes are like this, but what about the gentry and common people below? Don’t you know that the princes, generals, and ministers have the guts to do so?

Zhu Di stood up and bowed down: "My dear brother, I am willing to serve as a sharp sword in the hands of my royal brother, and to open up and expand the territory for my Ming Dynasty!"

Zhu Biao leaned over to help him up and said: "We will set out in three days, just take a few confidants with you. Remember, when things cannot be done, your own safety is the most important thing. Father is also thinking about you."

"Brother, I understand."

Zhu Di bowed and retreated, and Zhu Biao also took his thoughts back. Although his father did not say anything about this matter, he also knew that Lao Zhu did not want anything to happen to his sons. Although the fourth child was not him from beginning to end,

A beloved son, but still his son.

A few days ago, Zhu Biao had sent hundreds of elite military guards to set off first. Together with the spies from the pro-military Duwei Mansion hidden under the command of Goryeo and Nahachu, they ensured that Zhu Di could return alive no matter what situation he encountered.

To the Ming Dynasty.

This is the worst preparation, and it is not supposed to be like this. After all, Naha has already surrendered. The failure to gain military merit can only be caused by Zhu Di's lack of greed. If it really reaches that point, Zhu Di will be out of the game.

Saving his life was also for Lao Zhu's sake.

Zhu Biao is not willing to give others too many opportunities. He cannot blame others if he cannot grasp them. Princes are constantly being born in the palace when old Zhu is rich and powerful, and he also has two legitimate sons. There are really not many opportunities, especially such a good opportunity.


Zhu Biao took the new tea handed over by Fugui and asked casually: "How is Liu Jin doing these days?"

The smile on Fugui's face froze, but he immediately replied with a smile: "Eunuch Liu sweeps the fallen leaves and flowers in the back garden every day, and occasionally goes to the warehouse to check the accounts."

Zhu Biao raised his eyebrows and asked: "You should have the key to the East Palace warehouse, but Liu Jin didn't give it to you?"

Fugui hurriedly said: "Earlier, Eunuch Liu was about to hand over the key to the slave, but the slave insisted on confiscating it."

Zhu Biao looked at him intently for a while, and there were beads of sweat on Fugui's forehead.

Fugui immediately knelt down and raised his head and said, "I am stupid, but I also know that my blessings are all given by me."

"It's not a problem to hang around in the East Palace all the time. The Bell and Drum Division is short of a chief eunuch. You can go."

Fugui cried and said, "Then I can no longer serve you. I want to protect the foundation of our country."

"Go and do your duty faithfully."


With the increase in the number of palace maids and eunuchs, the original powers and duties of eunuchs and female officials were somewhat scattered. Empress Ma took Chang Luohua and several high-ranking concubines to negotiate and divide the powers and duties in the palace.

There are six bureaus and one division for female officials, and the eunuchs are divided into four divisions, eight bureaus and twelve eunuchs. The Bell and Drum Division is newly established and is mainly responsible for the sounding of bells, drums and whips at court, as well as music and dance in the palace, acting, juggling, and the reception and guidance at holy banquets.

The ascended throne in the palace accepts the request.

The power of the Bell and Drum Division continues to rise, and there is little to gain. However, it is different to be directly appointed as the chief eunuch. Later, if he is transferred to other internal officials and yamen, he can only be the eunuch in charge.

Fugui had served him wholeheartedly for so long, so Zhu Biao would not treat him badly. Lao Zhu didn't have many useful eunuchs around him, so Zhu Biao was able to book a few of the vacant positions.

The emperor is about to leave Beijing for a northern tour, and Zhu Biao will soon re-enter the government. There is no time to worry about the affairs in the palace, so it is time to call Liu Jin back. What needs to be beaten has been beaten, and the gang of godsons and grandsons have also been beaten.

They are almost gone. We can't really wait until Liu Jin has no more people before calling him back.

Zhu Biao flipped through the book, and the cup of tea he had never drank before was steaming from steam to just warm. Following a familiar footsteps, another cup of new tea was served to the prince.

Zhu Biao put down the book and looked at the familiar yet slightly thinner figure in front of him without saying anything. He took the hot tea and took a sip, then put it aside and continued reading.

Liu Jin stood up naturally and took down the old tea on the side, then came back and quietly picked up the messy books, and placed them in their respective places, just like before.

There was no movement in the Wenhua Palace, and the same was true in the East Palace. Most of the palace ladies and eunuchs were not surprised when they heard about it. Liu Jin had been in charge of the East Palace for many years, and Fugui Fuduo did not touch anyone after he came to power. This is because everyone knew it in their hearts.

In the evening, someone came from Kunning Palace and invited the prince and princess to have a meal. Naturally, the mother and queen invited her to serve as a child minister and there was no room for refusal. The two of them went there holding the child in their arms.

The palace looked a little dim in the evening. Queen Tianma had ordered the palace to be frugal with candles and oils a few days ago. Except for the Wenhua Palace in Jinshen Palace, no unnecessary waste was allowed in other palaces.

Naturally, no one dared to violate the empress's words and decrees. Even Chang Luohua only lit a pair of candles at night, and the other concubines were even more cautious.

After entering Kunning Palace, they found that Lao Zhu was also there. Zhu Biao and Chang Luohua bowed down and said hello. Not only did they salute themselves, but they also had to say hello to the emperor's grandfather and grandmother on behalf of the two who could not speak.

Lao Zhu was happy when he saw his two fat and ignorant grandchildren. He happily said no courtesy, then stood up from his seat and walked to his son and daughter-in-law. He first took the eldest grandson from his son's arms, and then looked at his daughter-in-law's arms.

The young grandson here.

She just wanted to steal her son, so there was no reason to directly reach out to her daughter-in-law. Empress Ma reluctantly stepped forward to take Liang'er and handed it to her husband, saying angrily: "You have already taken away Liang'er, and you don't know how to let me care about one of you."

"Hahaha, good girl, it's been a long time since we hugged you. I'll let you hug me soon."

"Oh, our grandson is getting stronger again!"

"Chongba, be careful, don't drop the child..."

This is the family happiness. Zhu Biao took Chang Luohua and sat down beside him, watching his father and mother teasing the two little ones, feeling comfortable and peaceful.

It wasn't until the dinner was served that Lao Zhu was willing to let go and the family began to eat. The rule set by Queen Ma at this kind of family banquet is that you can talk, but those who want to talk must swallow the food in their mouths and put down their chopsticks.

Can speak.

Lao Zhu ate a lot and concentrated on cooking, so Zhu Biao naturally had to tell some interesting stories to entertain his parents and comfort his wife and children. Even though the lights were dim, the dinner was a pleasant one.

After finishing the meal and rinsing his mouth, he sat down again. The two children also drank milk and went to sleep, so they were placed directly on the couch. I guess Lao Zhu felt that he was a little reluctant to leave Beijing for a tour, so he held his arms and looked at his two grandchildren.

Sleeping face, gently scratching its delicate cheeks with fingers from time to time.

Zhu Biao was willing to let his father take away these two little guys, but Chang Luohua and Queen Ma were worried. It was cold and windy in the north. It would be no joke if they got into the cold. How could the two little ones compare?

Their grandfather's body was made of iron.


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