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Chapter 642 Preparations

After many months of preparation, the banknotes have been made, and the bust of the current emperor is printed on them. Some people have reported that the one with the largest denomination will naturally have the image of the Holy Emperor, but the ones behind it should also have the portrait of the prince and prince.


This memorial was rejected by Zhu Biao, who stated that not only now but in the future, the banknotes could only have the portrait of Emperor Taizu, and that no subsequent emperor could tamper with it.

Zhu Biao issued banknotes in the hope of long-term circulation, rather than a currency that could be changed once and for all. That would not be conducive to circulation and would not be easy to obtain good credit. After all, who knows whether the emperor who has just ascended the throne will suddenly die.

Whether the banknotes printed with the deceased emperor can still have corresponding value, whether the government will let it go or whether it will be recycled at a low price, there are loopholes that can be exploited, and it is better to be simpler than this.

As for Lao Zhu, he was reluctant at first, but after thinking about it he nodded, probably because he felt that after this, anyone who dared to forge or damage banknotes could be severely punished for deceiving the emperor.

However, although the banknotes are generally well produced, there is a big gap in the more important reserves. Although the forced issuance by court decree can greatly alleviate the financial pressure, the court's credit will inevitably face collapse.

Zhu Biao sighed. It is indeed not that easy to issue banknotes. It still needs to be more stable. It is better to wait until there are corresponding gold and silver reserves in a difficult year before issuing banknotes.

Credit is difficult to establish, but it collapses in an instant. During the Han and Tang Dynasties, Zhu Biao would not have bothered to put in so much effort, and would only issue it in the Central Plains.

But now the Age of Discovery is about to begin. Currency that can circulate stably undoubtedly represents huge benefits and far-reaching influence. Whoever can seize the initiative will not have to worry about anything else for at least a few hundred years.

"Sir, the Minister of Punishment would like to see you."

Liu Jin walked in holding the tea cup and put it down and whispered. Zhu Biao recovered his senses and nodded. Naturally, there was no need for Liu Jin to go there in person. The little eunuch guarding the door quietly and slowly led the Minister of Punishment in.

"I am here to see His Highness the Crown Prince, Your Highness Qianqiu."

"Chen Qing's family will be given a seat without any courtesy."

Chen Mingjie, the Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment, naturally declined. If this was the Wenhua Hall of His Royal Highness, he would sit there. His Highness is kind and generous, but not everyone is qualified to sit in the Jinshen Hall, that is, Prime Minister Hu and several Duke Wu Xun.

Only then do we have this dignity.

If the Holy Lord had known that he had just left Beijing a few hours ago, he, the Minister of Punishment, would have dared to sit down in the Jinshen Hall without hesitation. If he was lucky, the whole family would be exiled to Qiongzhou, but if he was not lucky, the whole family would be decapitated together.

"Your Highness, sooner or later tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, the imperial prisoners escorted from Jiangnan should arrive. This prison of the Ministry of Punishment really cannot be accommodated. I'm afraid it will take half a decade to use the cells that are still under construction."

Zhu Biao picked up the tea cup and took a sip, pretending to be distressed and said: "I wonder why Chen Aiqing teaches me?"

Both of them had a look of sadness on their faces, but in fact it didn't matter. Some prisoners still needed specially built cells. If they couldn't fit them in, they just found an empty yard in the middle of the capital, and then transferred two teams of elite guards from the capital camp.

, can you still let them escape?

They were just testing each other. Chen Mingjie actually wanted to know when His Highness the Crown Prince wanted to release the officials who were in prison at the Ministry of Punishment. After all, the court was indeed short of manpower, and those officials were not in prison for major crimes.

So far, Lao Zhu has used heavy penalties to combat corruption in the officialdom, but there has been no precedent of punishing officials for speaking out. In fact, those officials who have been imprisoned have not yet been charged with clear crimes.

Whether you let him go or not is a matter of your Majesty's thoughts. Chen Mingjie bowed and said: "I am a humble man, but fortunately I am blessed with the grace of God to occupy the position of minister. I have little talent and little knowledge. How can I teach your highness the virtues?"

Zhu Biao's face turned cold and he waved his hand and said: "I have no idea about this matter for the time being. Please go discuss it with Prime Minister Hu. If there is any result, just inform me."

What this means is that it's too early, these people can't be released yet, you have to find a suitable reason.

Again, although these people are not guilty of serious crimes, they are definitely offending Tianyan and contradicting the emperor. As a son of a human being, Zhu Biao cannot let them go before his father is far away from Kyoto.

What's more, if Zhu Biao just accepted the request for the ridiculous and ungodly reason of not having enough cells, wouldn't he be deliberately selling his father's face to gain the gratitude of these civil servants?

Regardless of whether this matter was Chen Mingjie's own idea or was pushed forward by the people behind him, it was very painful for him to say this at this time. He could no longer hold the position of Minister of Punishment.

It just so happened that Dali Temple was about to undergo changes. The new minister of Dali Temple had a weak foundation anyway, and the balance of the three law divisions might be compromised. Zhu Biao thought about transferring Qian Tang or Han Qi back to serve as the Minister of Punishment.

Both of them were lonely ministers, with no party, no sect, no disciples. They were only loyal to the Emperor of Ming Dynasty. Their moral character was certain. The only concern was that they were both a bit too stubborn and not good at adapting.

The Ministry of Punishment is not only in charge of matters in the capital, but also all important cases in the world. Some cases cannot be completely solved by law. After all, they are related to human lives and require timely adjustments by the head of the Ministry of Punishment.

After thinking about these complicated matters, Zhu Biao couldn't help but feel a little lazy, but now that his father is not in the palace, he can only shoulder the burden with his own strength. This is what is called carrying the sun and the moon on one's shoulders and carrying all the people on his back.

Since there is no morning court today, there will naturally be more government affairs that need to be dealt with. Zhu Biao picked out some of them and sent them to Liu Jin to Zhongshu Province. If he handled them all by himself, he might not be able to finish them all in the morning court tomorrow. It would be too much.

It's trivial.

Moreover, he also intended to delegate power. The memorial he picked out included Tang Shengzong's request for merit. It was up to Hu Weiyong to decide how to reward and transfer. Zhu Biao also wanted to see how he would decide.

Whether Tang Shengzong was transferred to Tang He's tent to perform meritorious service and win titles again, or whether it was just a routine reward to hide this connection, this can also tell us about Hu Weiyong's current prestige.

Liu Jin led four young eunuchs to move to Zhongshu Province. They could not be said to be young eunuchs. They were all quite tall and strong. After all, if they were weak, then why use them? It would be better to use all palace maids.

It seems to Zhu Biao that the eunuchs' physical fitness is better than that of ordinary people outside. Even though their social status is lower, they still have enough to eat and drink, and occasionally there is oil, water and meat to eat. This alone is better than many people who have difficulty in food and clothing.

Skinny people.

But according to Lao Zhu's wishes, new eunuchs entering the palace must undergo armor training, and those who are tall and strong must be trained by the captain of the Beijing camp for a period of time to have a certain degree of combat effectiveness.

After they went out, Fuduo went into the palace to wait on him. After reviewing a local report, Zhu Biao raised his eyes and said, "Liu Jin is back. Fugui went to the Bell and Drum Department as the chief eunuch, but you didn't make any arrangements."

, do you feel aggrieved?"

Fudo added some charcoal fire to the furnace in the hall with a simple and honest face. Although it was already spring, there was still a slight chill, so the charcoal fire in the hall was not stopped yet.

"My slave is incomparable to Eunuch Liu, but compared with Fugui, I am much better. I don't envy any leader or eunuch. I'll be satisfied if I can stay with you and serve you."

Zhu Biao chuckled and said, "It's good if you can think so. Now the Crown Princess is in charge of everything in the harem under the Queen's orders, but she lacks a capable eunuch beside her. Are you willing to go?"

Fuduo kowtowed and said, "I am a slave of the East Palace. It is your duty to serve the Lord, the Crown Princess and the two young highnesses. I don't have to say whether I want to or not."

"Just go ahead and serve me with all your heart."


The East Palace cannot be Liu Jin’s one-word hall, and Liu Jin cannot represent both Zhu Biao and Chang Luohua. The existence of Fugui Fuduo is a warning to Liu Jin and his sons and grandsons that no one can replace them.

Of course, this is just a small matter, especially compared to the court, and Liu Jin himself does not have so many wild ideas. It is Zhu Biao's habit to prepare checks and balances in advance.


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