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Chapter six hundred and fifty fourth labor

Zhao Huaian also left as ordered, and the palace door opened and closed and two more eunuchs came in. There was never a shortage of slaves in this palace. Zhu Biao raised his eyes and took a look. He looked familiar and saw that they were always around to serve him, so he

No more multitasking.

I was at my desk reviewing the memorials until the evening, but it was much better than the original review until midnight. I got up and stretched my muscles a few times, thinking about going back to the palace to take a bath.

"Sir, His Highness the King of Jin wishes to see you."

Zhu Biao sighed helplessly and sat down again. He stretched out his hand and rubbed his eyebrows and said, "Let him come in."

Soon Zhu Xi walked in, obviously smelling of alcohol and a little weak in his steps. Before he could salute or open his mouth, Zhu Biao said indifferently: "Is it because women are tired of playing with each other or is it that the horses of the Royal Horse Supervisor are no longer interesting? Again?

What tricks are you trying to come up with?"

Zhu Ming, who had a smile on his face, suddenly froze, and his already blushing face became even redder. He was neither standing nor kneeling, and his blood surged up for a moment, and he looked straight at Zhu Biao behind the desk.


The slaves serving in the palace all lowered their toes, but their bodies did not relax at all. Their ears were trembling with eagerness. As long as King Jin made the slightest act of disobedience, they would immediately pounce on him and capture him.

Zhu Biao walked down to meet Zhu Xi's gaze. His not-so-strong figure carried a heaven-like pressure. He walked to him step by step and stood still in front of him, using an expression that didn't contain any emotion.

He looked down and said softly: "Why, could it be that Brother Wei made a mistake? Then kneel down and I will apologize to you."

The blood on Zhu Ming's face quickly faded and turned a little pale, as if his spine had been pulled out and he fell to the ground as if he was too drunk. Zhu Biao just looked at him quietly for a while, making him dodge his eyes as if to look back.


"Second brother, you have been playing this little trick for ten years. You are tired of it and others are tired of it. My father is not here now. If you have any dissatisfaction, just tell me. You know, your eldest brother will not do anything to you unless it is absolutely necessary."

You did it."

Zhu Xiang's eyes unconsciously turned to Lao Zhu's imperial case. At this time, he realized that even though his father did not love him so much, he would have someone to rely on if he had his father.

"Brother...Imperial brother, I drank too much. I don't know why I got here and disturbed my brother's affairs. Get out now."

A trace of boredom flashed in Zhu Biao's eyes. If this was someone else, he would have found a way to deal with it, but he could only tolerate his brother. No matter what, he had to worry about his father's thoughts, not to mention the second child.

Do you commit any evil deeds that would make people angry?

"No, since you like coming to Jinshen Hall so much, then just see enough at one time."

After saying that, Zhu Biao ignored him and walked straight past Zhu Xi and stepped out of the Jinshen Palace. A group of palace maids and eunuchs hurriedly followed, leaving the servants on duty to bow to see him off, and then silently looked at His Royal Highness the King of Jin who was frozen in place.


Zhu Biao has always been kind to his younger brothers and sisters, but the second child has gone too far this time. Originally, he should have been farming behind Wuying Hall according to Lao Zhu's instructions. It is already a violation to go to the Royal Horse Supervisor and Shooting without asking Zhu Biao.

It's the will.

In the past few days, while Zhu Biao was busy with the government affairs of the previous dynasty, he sneaked out of the palace all day long to look for his friends to drink and have fun. It was a good time to have fun. Since he had never asked for permission, Zhu Biao was much lazier.

No matter, after all, he has been completely disappointed with the second child.

But Zhu Ping came over and broke Zhu Biao's tacit understanding of turning a blind eye. How would he explain it when Lao Zhu came back? Since he had seen his younger brother, why didn't he restrain and discipline him? As the eldest brother, how could he be the leader of this family?


Zhu Biao was in a bad mood, so he walked faster and soon entered the Chengqian Palace. After just a few steps, he vaguely heard the babbling sounds of Chang Luohua and children inside, and consciously slowed down with a smile on his face.


"The servants are waiting to welcome Your Highness."

Chang Luohua handed his youngest son, who was laughing so hard that he was spitting in his arms, into the hands of the nanny beside him, stood up, greeted him and saluted, "I respectfully welcome His Highness back to the palace."

"No gifts."

Zhu Biao reached out and took his wife, walked to the bed with a smile and looked at his two sons and said: "You are so energetic, I should let the elders see you tomorrow."

Chang Luohua nodded and responded: "I heard that the sixth uncle of the Wu family is also here. He is the most respected eldest brother of the Queen Mother."

Zhu Biao laughed and said, "Since I was a child, I have heard from my mother that my sixth uncle has long eyebrows. The eyebrows are so long that he can hold a pair of chopsticks. This is the most novel thing."

"Don't forget to invite Uncle Li here tomorrow. It's best to have an elder accompanying you."

"Well, that was an oversight. I should be accompanied by my uncle. Thank you Crown Princess for the tip."

Empress Ma's maternal relatives are several generations higher than Zhu Biao, but Zhu Biao has a noble status. Even if he wants to flatter his mother, it may be difficult for him to communicate harmoniously with them. There is always a gap caused by some generational status.

Normally, it would be better to have the elders of the Zhu family, but the death of the old Zhu family can be said to be clean, and only Li Zhen is left in the world. Moreover, Li Zhen has a kind and gentle temperament, so he is a good candidate.

At this time, Liu Jin also came back, and Zhu Biao ordered: "I have ordered that the Prime Minister will preside over the court tomorrow morning. Liu Jin, you can go to Qiyang Palace tomorrow to invite your uncle to a family banquet."

Documents from the Ministry of Rites have been issued. Since Li Zhen directly promoted the title to his son, and Li Wenzhong took over the defense of Northern Xinjiang, the king's ceremony was held in Northern Xinjiang, and Cao Guogong's palace was officially promoted to a royal palace.

And unlike Xu Da Chang Yu Chun Li Shan Chang, the title is hereditary rather than hereditary, that is, the number of hereditary inheritances is limited, and every time he inherits a title, unless the emperor is kind and commends him, the inheritor can only inherit a title lower than the original title of the inheritor.

A first-class title.

Zhu Yuanzhang favored the Li family for three generations, which meant that he would become a duke after three generations. After all, it seems that based on the relationship between the prince and Li Wenzhong, the prince will definitely be favored and granted the title after he succeeds to the throne.

The couple joked for a while with their two sons who had just learned how to roll over. They stopped when a slave came to invite the prince to take a bath. It happened that the two children were tired from playing. After all, turning over was also physical work and really required food.

The power of milk.

Zhu Biao patted his sons' buttocks, turned around, and went to the side hall of Chengqian Palace to undress and bathe in the hot spring pool. Zhu Biao still preferred a larger pool than a big bucket, so he simply built one.

Of course, it is not an easy task to fill it with hot water. At least dozens of eunuchs have to work hard for an hour, but what is the hard work worth?

The most worthless thing in this world is hard work. If you work hard, you will hurt your mind, and if you work hard, you will hurt your body. It’s just hard work.

Those who work hard govern others, those who work hard govern others; those who govern others eat others, and those who govern others eat others. This is the universal meaning of the world.

While Zhu Biao was soothing his mind, the palace maids next to him were constantly adding some powdered medicine sent from the imperial hospital. Behind each palace maid, there was a eunuch staring at their hands, almost not even blinking.

Will blink.

"Sir, His Royal Highness the King of Jin fell asleep in Jinshen Hall, snoring like thunder."

As the hot steam in the soup pool steams up, the entire temple is like a fairyland with clouds and mist. The physical sensory enjoyment of soaking in it is small, but the most important thing is the mental relaxation.

Sitting stiffly all day long reviewing memorials and responding to courtiers, it would be a lie to say that I am not physically tired, but what is more tiring is mentally. Although I enjoy it, this is something that I want when I can’t get it, and I want to be lazy when I get it.

Zhu Biao leaned against the smooth wall of the pool, sitting on the back of a finely carved dragon turtle. Half of his long hair and his lower body were soaked in the spring water. He squinted his eyes and scooped up the water and said: "Don't worry about him.

I just ordered you to go down and no one is allowed to take care of the land for King Jin in the future."

Liu Jin accepted the promise, hesitated for a moment and then said: "I heard that Concubine Li burst into tears in front of several concubines, and accidentally broke the underglaze red bowl with peony patterns given by the emperor.

Zhu Biao's squinted eyes opened slightly: "What's the use of telling me about the concubines in the harem?"

"This slave deserves to die."

Seeing that his father was about to lose his temper, Liu Jin hurriedly apologized and left. After leaving the palace gate and wiping the sweat on his forehead, he went to find the Crown Princess. The Crown Prince had no control over the affairs of the concubines in the harem, but he had to avoid suspicion, but

The Crown Princess holding the Phoenix Seal can take charge.


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