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Chapter 670 Flatbread

Li Chenggui changed his clothes and walked out quickly, exchanged a few polite words with Deng Daochuan and then sat down: "Zong Zhi's arrival is sudden, but what orders does Jiang Angel have?"

Angels have always meant the emperor's envoys. Angels were generally held by eunuchs, and there were also literati who served as imperial envoys. This was especially true in Goryeo, especially during the Yuan Dynasty. They were like wolves and tigers, and they would never leave empty-handed when they came here.

At that time, the power of Goryeo was generally in the hands of the married princesses of the Yuan Dynasty. Daughters who had been away from home for a long time would inevitably become estranged, so the princesses would spare no effort to curry favor with the envoys who came. After all, they still had to rely on their natal family to stabilize Goryeo.

Of course, if the envoy who comes is too greedy, Mongolian princesses are not vegetarians. They will definitely kill you if they say they will kill you. It is not surprising that a few people will die of illness on such a long journey. At worst, bribe the next one.

, the people of Goryeo were wasted on them, so they still had to vent their anger.

It has been several years since Jiang Side was sent to Korea by Zhu Biao. From the very beginning, the former King of Korea had always wanted to send away this ancestor who could neither be beaten nor scolded. However, Jiang Side always complained that he was ill and no one dared to carry him to death.

The crime of the Ming Dynasty envoy.

Although it is better to send an envoy than to send another princess, the Goryeo side is still very resistant. During the Yuan intervention period, not only the Goryeo clan suffered, but also the noble officials, who had to be rubbed by the princesses from Mongolia.

Now the situation has changed. In addition to the party members left by Hinton, Jiang Side also has more and more nobles from Goryeo secretly defecting to him. The poor people at the bottom who have no way to enter the officialdom also regard him as the hope of changing their lives. Li Renren and others

People know that raising tigers is dangerous, but they still care about the family behind them. No one dares to do anything.

This has contributed to Jiang Side's unique position in Korea. He seems to be praised and ostracized by everyone, but he can't help but keep in touch in private. He seems to have no power, but in fact he holds great power. To some extent, he has

Can compete with the local forces led by Li Renren

Although Li Chenggui has a large army, his foundation is too shallow, especially because he does not have a territory that has been operated for a long time. This leads to the fact that all the needs of his army must be supported by the Goryeo court. Otherwise, once the supply of tens of thousands of troops stops, mutiny will occur.

Something inevitable.

Even if the military god is alive, it is difficult to make a living without rice, let alone Li Chenggui. This is the reason why Li Renren and others dare to let Li Chenggui take over the military power. The nobles of the aristocratic families control most of Goryeo's food and grass supplies. Without their support, the so-called army to protect the country will be fleeting.

It will become a bandit trouble that will harm the country and the people.

Deng Daochuan put down his tea cup and said with a smile: "Jiang Tiantian has received the letter from the Lord Yuan. It is natural that such important military and national affairs must not be neglected, so I have sent this official to pay a visit."

The two of them had a tacit understanding. Now that the situation has even declined, how can this battle be difficult? It's just about who gets a few points of this huge feat.

Especially now that there is another King of Qi. It would be inappropriate not to give it to him, and I would not be willing to give it to him. How can I just give it away after years of hard work? Especially if the person given to him is not the emperor who can control their life, death, and happiness in the future.

From this we can also see how important the identity of the prince is. Zhu Biao actually went to pick fruits during the Northern Expedition, but generals such as Xu Da and Chang Yuchun were happy to do so because they knew that their efforts now would be rewarded in the future.


Even if it is the grandson who comes this time, these people are happy to give in. No, they cannot say that they are giving in. What an honor it is to assist the grandson!

Li Chenggui waved away the crowd and whispered to Zheng Daochuan: "I have never had the honor to visit His Highness the Crown Prince. I don't know what His Highness's intention is in sending King Qi. Can Jiang Angel explain it?"

Zheng Daozhuan asked rhetorically: "Today, the emperor went to see King Qi. What was his impression?"

Li Chenggui pondered for a moment and then replied: "A little impatient and a bit indebted to the city, but he is still a young man after all, so he can't be too demanding."

"Then do you think His Highness the Crown Prince will divide the territory of Goryeo into a vassal territory for King Qi?"


Li Chenggui looked at Zheng Daochuan in confusion. He had sent people to inquire about the situation in the Ming Dynasty very carefully. It was just ordinary news. This involved major events in the vassal area. Even the high-ranking officials and dignitaries serving in the court were not necessarily involved.

Can understand, let alone an outsider.

"Prince Liangdi, my princess of Goryeo, is pregnant. According to people close to the Queen Mother, the princess is most likely to have a boy in her belly."

Li Chenggui frowned and said: "Even if the princess does give birth to a boy, it will be too late. You and I both know that the domestic situation is corrupt and civil strife is frequent. If there is no major change, the country will be destroyed soon."

To be honest, the Goryeo Dynasty has not been destroyed yet, thanks to Xin Ye. Hundreds of years of land annexation by aristocratic families has resulted in the Goryeo people basically having no land to live on. Such civil strife is inevitable.

I didn’t mention Xin Yu’s true intentions. At least he was going in the right direction. He suppressed the noble families and divided their lands, restored the common people who had been sold into slavery to their status as good men, and promoted poor students to open up their own careers...

It was precisely because Xin Yu's policies alleviated some of the conflicts that Goryeo could still gather tens of thousands of soldiers and provide food and grass to support a war.

However, Xin Yu died and the government ceased. The aristocrats of the aristocratic family are now intensifying their efforts to regain everything they lost from the people at the bottom, and are using all means to expand their family property and land.

It is impossible to say that no one among the nobles of the aristocratic family has seen the serious consequences of this. No matter how many stupid and short-sighted people there are, there will always be a few smart people. It's just that if you don't take others, you will take them, and you can't restrain everyone.

Even if you don't take it, if you don't take it, wouldn't it be a big loss for your family? How could the rest of the family agree...

The conversation between the two continued. Due to various scruples, both sides were slowly testing the waters. However, Li Chenggui was more and more surprised. King Qi had already arrived. If Jiang Side was really loyal to the Ming Dynasty, then he would not send

Zheng Dao came here and told him so much.

Li Chenggui couldn't help but stood up and bowed to Zheng Daozhuan: "Please teach me Zong."

Zheng Daochuan's eyes lit up, he stood up and took Li Chenggui's hand and said: "The bloodline of the one sitting on the throne is doubtful. This is a matter known to everyone in the capital. It is also unknown whether the son of the princess who is far away in the East Palace can grow up smoothly. Qi

The king is younger than Goryeo and has no foundation at all. Only Yuanjun can hope to achieve great things!"

Li Chenggui took a deep breath, knowing that this was his only chance. Although it was not clear what Jiang Side was thinking, should he let it go if there was such an opportunity?

"But only His Highness the Crown Prince can make the decision in this matter. Even if we work together, we can't stop the Crown Prince's wrath."

Zheng Daochuan said with a smile: "The King of Qi and His Highness the Crown Prince are not the same mother. What's more, His Highness the Crown Prince now has an heir. This younger brother will eventually separate the family. How can we trust him?"

Zheng Daochuan pulled Li Chenggui to sit down, and the two were very close: "The land of Goryeo is incomparable to the vast territory of the Ming Dynasty, but it is not small by any means. Is it really possible that all the lands will be conferred on King Qi?"

"Your Excellency, Mr. Yuan, may not know that the second prince of the Ming Dynasty, King Jin, was not favored by his father and brother. Now he is trapped in the palace. The third prince, King Chu, has the most trust in the prince, and it is impossible to let him come to Korea. The newly promoted fifth prince, His Highness King Wu,

Even if the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty loves him, he will not be enthroned in Goryeo, and the other princes are all young."

The light in Li Chenggui's eyes grew brighter. The message Jiang Side conveyed to him was already very clear. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was not prepared to confer all Goryeo crowns to King Qi, which meant that he had to establish someone else to act as a constraint.

The most suitable person here is of course a native of Goryeo. Of course, Jiang Side has worked hard and made great achievements. If His Royal Highness the Crown Prince intends to support him, there is no chance. If so, he wants to use me as a pioneer to compete with the King of Qi, waiting to reap the benefits.


Li Chenggui knew something about Jiang Side, and he knew that this kind of strategy might not have occurred to him, but the monk named Dao Yan next to him must have thought of it. The death of Xin Meng in the past was probably caused by the person who was most trusted by Xin Meng at the time.

Related to monks.


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