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Chapter 680 Rain before the wind

Just when Tu Jie was about to retreat, Zhao Yannian, Chen Ning, Chen Liang and others also arrived. Hu Weiyong knew that the planned plan was interrupted, and the people below were a little panicked. He must comfort him, otherwise

It's not a trivial matter to make a mistake in a panic.

Although he will definitely not be implicated, it will not be easy to lose a few confidants and then re-train and support them to rise above the court. Even if he is the prime minister, it will be the same. If you want to take advantage of more, you will have to offend others.

Or in exchange for other benefits.

Zhongshu Youcheng, Chen Liang, Pingzhang, Zhao Yannian, Chen Ning and others walked in slowly. Their faces were calm but their aura was hard to conceal. They bowed to Hu Weiyong in his seat and then bowed to Tu Jie.

Handed over.

Given their relationship, there was no need to be too polite. After a brief meeting, Tu Jie spoke first: "I have already reported the matters in the Beijing camp to the Prime Minister, and the Prime Minister already knows it, so there is no need for you to be impatient.


Hearing this, everyone nodded and had a somewhat stiff smile on their face. Beijing Camp was no different from other places. It was a critical place where it was really easy to get burned. If the prince really wanted to pursue the case, it would not be easy for anyone to escape unscathed.

People leave their names, and geese leave their voices. No matter what is done, nothing can really erase the beginning and end of it. In this capital, if the prince wants to investigate, he will definitely find out the clues.

Although everyone knows that this matter will most likely be covered up by tacit understanding, it is inevitable to feel a little anxious when it comes to the matter. This is also human nature. Playing chess with a person who can follow the rules and flip the table at any time is definitely not a good idea.

What a great experience.

Hu Weiyong stroked his goatee under his chin and said with a calm smile: "Sit down, everyone. This year's Mingqian tea was only delivered to the capital a few days ago. Thanks to His Highness the Crown Prince's generous gift, I have saved a lot of good tea here. Come and taste it."

Take a look and if you like it, take it with you when you leave later."

Mingqian tea is spring tea picked before Qingming Festival. Because it has been repaired and moistened in winter, the tea leaves are rich in substances, have a fresh and mellow taste, and have a pronounced sweet aftertaste.

In the Tang Dynasty, Huzhou Purple Bamboo Shoots paid tribute, and every year on the Qingming Festival, tribute tea arrived. It was recommended to the ancestral temple first, and then distributed to nearby ministers.

"I will thank you, Prime Minister."

What Tu Jie said and what Hu Weiyong said were naturally of two different weights. Chen Liang and others looked gentle, and after thanking them, they each found a seat and sat down.

You can't just leave after you've arrived. Besides, although you feel more at ease, some issues still need to be dealt with carefully. At least you can't be caught on the surface, otherwise even if the prince wants to handle it lightly, it will be easy.

It doesn't work.

Hu Weiyong's servants served tea, and the cups were different, and the fragrance of the tea was overflowing. It was obviously to cater to everyone's preferences, which also shows that Hu Weiyong valued his confidants.

Chen Liang took a sip and said with a smile: "The fragrance of magnolia is slightly like dew, but the color of yaocao is not as good as the waves. Then I will not be polite. This Pujiang tongue will have to be parted by the prime minister."

Hu Weiyong waved his hand and said: "Take them all, I can only drink a few taels per person."

The rest of the people also asked for some of their favorite drinks. They were all high-ranking figures in the temple. It was not that they really couldn't afford to drink this tea, but they just wanted to appear orderly and show their affection.

Just like Zhu Biao gave tribute tea to his ministers, only the exchange of favors can achieve long-term results. If you are stingy with your ministers at any benefit, how can you convince people's hearts?


It's almost noon, and the people outside are still busy. For them, this is a rare recreational time in the year, and they don't want to waste a moment. But for the princes and ladies inside, it is most important to cherish their blessings and maintain their health.

The friends sat around and bet on cherries, but did not have to work hard to throw the pot. Zhu Biao aimed at the two-eared and double-chi patterned pot not far away and shot it. It happened to fall into the mouth of the pot. Someone on the side immediately shouted excitedly: "Okay.

, there is a beginning!”

In the beginning, he was the one who hit the pot with the first arrow. Zhu Biao smiled and threw another arrow, but this time it fell into the ear of the pot. He was accustomed to it. He missed the next shot. After all, he had not played this game many times.

If you make the arrow shaft enter the pot and jump out, catch it and throw it again, you can throw it more than a hundred times in a row, which is called Xiao. "Xijing Miscellaneous Notes" says that during the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, there was a Guo Sheren who was good at throwing pots and could hit more than a hundred arrows with one arrow.

Every time he threw a pot for Emperor Wu, he was always given gold and silk.

Nowadays, there are fewer people who are good at this skill. After all, there are many more ways to have fun than in the Han Dynasty. In addition, there is no one in this dynasty who is valued by the emperor for being good at this skill, so no one will invest their energy in contacting this skill.

To seek wealth and honor.

After throwing pots for fun, Zhu Biao walked to the flowing water surrounded by people. This time he didn't do it himself. He just watched for a while and praised the scholar who wrote some good poems.

It's not bad to win people's hearts with a few words. It wouldn't be so easy for others, but he is the crown prince. Even if he forgets who he praised casually the next day, the person who was praised will never forget it until his death.

With this, he belongs to the East Palace Gate.

In addition to those who gather for fun, there are also many people who paint landscapes and landscapes with pen and ink. Those who stand out will also be pushed in front of the prince by others. Zhu Biao will not be stingy with his words today.

Looking around are all handsome young men, and the figures in the distance are all girls in the boudoir. I can't help but feel happy. When flowers bloom and fall, life is easy to grow old. These are his contemporaries. They will eventually grow old together, but I don't know how many.

People can accompany him to the end.

If you invite old people to visit your old place again when you are old, you must have a lot of gratitude at that time. Only in the eyes of your contemporaries, your aging appearance will still look like you were in your youth.

This is the case with Zhu Biao. The more noisy and joyful he is, the more desolate and desolate he feels after people have finished singing and dancing. It is always like seeing flowers through a fog, and it is difficult to fully integrate into it.

However, prosperity cannot be blinded. At least it avoids the decline of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty. Human nature is inherently indolent, even for a wise and powerful emperor, it is unavoidable. Pride and laziness will make people deceive themselves and others.

, using the magnificence in front of you to escape reality.

Although the people around him could not be driven away, at least they would not follow him when he took off his clothes to go to the toilet. When Zhu Biao was washing his hands, the tall eunuch came up and whispered: "The capital camp is in peace, General Jiang."

Let the slaves play the music to Your Highness, and everything will go well."

Everything went well, which meant that Jiang Wei suppressed Jingying without showing the True Dragon Gold Medal. That was good, at least the incident was not too big, and there was room for control.

In any case, Zhu Biao never hoped that something would go wrong in the Beijing camp when his father was on his northern tour. Although it was just a small matter, not even a rebellion, it was no small matter if this kind of thing spread. As for how the truth would be revealed from

From ancient times to the present, not many people have paid attention to it. It is enough to add fuel to the fire.

Peace in the world is a situation that the court must create, so that scholars, peasants, industry and commerce can develop with peace of mind. Only after they have developed the Ming Dynasty, which is full of waste and waiting for prosperity, can the development of the Ming Dynasty be achieved.

The Jiangnan case has caused turmoil in the south, with countless consequences. It can be said that there is no winner in this matter. Lao Zhu successfully suppressed the gentry family in Jiangnan and many famous Confucian scholars who were thinking about the former Yuan Dynasty. But this year, the southern state capitals

The taxes that can be collected will be reduced by at least 20%.

Although the rebels were just a mob, compared to the imperial army, they still caused considerable damage to ordinary people. The trading caravans were also suspended for several months, and many confiscated fields were missing.


So now there is no room for any more turmoil to make people panic. At least the people must settle down to cultivate and reproduce. The shortage of population has restricted the development of the Ming Dynasty, especially the shortage of young and middle-aged labor.

Zhu Biao took the towel from Liu Jin and wiped the water droplets on his hands. Then he reached back and the eunuch carefully placed the note in the hand of the prince. It recorded the situation at that time in detail, including everyone's personal information.

In terms of words and deeds, the pro-military Duweifu is professional in this regard.


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