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Chapter 723 Return to Beijing

I hope that when I achieve Bodhi in the next life, my body will be like glass, clear inside and outside, pure and flawless, bright and vast, my merits will be towering, my body will be peaceful and peaceful, my net of flames will be more majestic than the sun and moon, and all living beings in the underworld will be enlightened, and I will do whatever I want. Various undertakings…

I hope that when I attain Bodhi in the next life, if there are sentient beings whose bodies are inferior, whose faculties are lacking, who are ugly and stupid, who are blind, deaf, mute, crippled, leprosy, crazy, and suffer from all kinds of illnesses, upon hearing my name, they will achieve everything and be upright. Wise and wise, all faculties are fully developed and there is no suffering...

Zhu Biao recited the sutra once and put it aside casually. Although the "Medicine Master Glazed Light Tathagata's Original Vows and Merit Sutra" is a simplified version, it still contains thousands of words of sutra, and it would take countless hours of hard work to copy it. It can be seen that a lot of thought was put into it.

"After all, his heart is commendable. Why don't you reward him with something?"

Zhu Biao raised his eyebrows slightly. This scripture was supposed to be delivered directly to him, but this time it was brought in by Chang Luohua himself. Could it be that she also felt that it was time to find someone to play against Li Yan?

"Just watch and reward me, I won't worry about it anymore."

"The imperial building bureau has recently presented some pearl flowers. My concubine is getting older, so I will give them to her."

Zhu Biao looked at her back silently. He was not even ten years old yet, so he was still old. He wisely chose not to answer, otherwise someone would say, New people enter through the door, where do the old people go? The lotus in the palm of the hand is thorn in the eye. But what to do...

Soon the letter was finished and Chang Luohua handed it over to Liu Jin. It would definitely be too late to send it through the General Affairs Office through the normal procedure, and it would have to be sent by the pro-military governor's office.

Counting the days, the Holy Emperor is not far from the capital, and will be back in half a month at most. By then, his father will be in charge of the overall situation, and His Highness will be able to have some leisure time.

"Pull open the screens."

Several palace maids moved when they heard the sound. The bright light at noon filled the inner palace. Zhu Biao waved to pass a white jade carved double tiger ring. This was a jade ornament made by the previous dynasty and obtained during the Northern Expedition to Shangdu. Trophies.

It is carved with a tigress and a tigress, surrounded by rocks and multi-layered hollow oak trees, with a ring underneath that can be tied with a ribbon. At first glance, it is a style only worn by princes and clan members.

The jade pendant began to flexibly move between Zhu Biao's fingers as soon as he got it. The jade pendant, which is hard to change, is different when played with, especially since it has the nature of a trophy.

Zhu Biao's body sank slightly, and he shifted from sitting to lying down. His whole body exuded a rare feeling of laziness. After he put down his thoughts and concerns about government affairs, he felt as if a heavy burden had been lifted. His brain, which had been running at high speed, finally stopped squeezing himself. Thinking about it now, the feeling of heaviness and confusion in the morning seems like yesterday.

I feel like I have eaten enough and have nothing to do, and I am as leisurely as a god all day long.

After Chang Luohua finished writing, she did not sit back on the bed. Instead, she asked two palace maids to accompany her to take out some items and clothes to dry. Zhu Biao glanced at them in surprise but said nothing.

As a princess, her Zhai clothes, daily robes, treasures and other items have special palace maids to take care of them and clean them, dry them and incense them in time to ensure that they are always available for use.

After two cups of tea, Zhu Biao couldn't lie down anymore. He got up and moved his body. His legs and feet felt a little weak, but he felt more light, as if the ground had become softer.

He walked to the side of the Crown Princess and told the maids on the side: "You guys go down."


Slightly bending down, he took out a set of Zhai clothes from the exquisite suitcase engraved with the Phoenix Laiyi. It was woven from cyan material and decorated with nine rows of multicolored Zhai patterns on a blue background. The middle coat was a white gauze singlet with a embroidered collar. The knee-covering is the same color as the lower skirt. The cuffs, edges and other places are all bordered with cloud and dragon patterns on a red background, and are decorated with two rows of Hui Zhai patterns.

"This is the dress you and I wore on our wedding, I guess. I've never seen you wear it again."

Chang Luohua took out the nine-pinned and four-phoenix crown he wore on the wedding day from the upper floor and said, "I wear it every year during the grand ceremony. His Highness probably didn't even notice that I saw it."

"Hahaha, really?"

Looking at her husband who was smiling awkwardly, Chang Luohua couldn't help but laugh too, and did not choose to pursue the case any further. Besides, the annual festival was the most tiring time for the father and her husband. After returning to the palace, they continued to perform various rituals.

They all fell asleep.

Zhu Biao put down Zhai Yi and took down an exquisite rosewood box from the top. When he opened it, he saw a golden treasure seal, which was similar in size to Zhu Biao's prince seal.

Pick it up and look at the bottom. It is a treasure seal inscribed with the words: Treasure of the Crown Princess.

What is placed under the seal is the authentic book, which was written by Zhu Yuanzhang himself in the past. It is engraved with the following words: Those who rule the world in the past must pay attention to their heirs.

Zibiao has grown up, and since your family name Chang is the eldest daughter of our hero King Kaiping, we are getting married. Today is an auspicious day, so it is appropriate to change her name first, and I will appoint you as the Crown Princess in the book of honor.

Consider your father's honor, respect and be careful about your inner rituals, follow the right path, and serve your family and country forever.

The person who finds these two combinations is the Crown Princess of the Ming Dynasty, the undisputed wife of the royal family, the most noble person who will be the mother of the world in the future, and the next mistress of the Ming Empire.

The couple sorted out a lot of things, many of which contained memories that were unique to them, but they couldn't remember them at ordinary times. Now that they have dug them out, the memories naturally come back, and even because of the passage of time, they feel like they have lost and found again.

, becomes even more beautiful.

Chang Luohua stopped what he was doing, stretched out his hand to wipe the beads of sweat from his brow, tilted his head and looked at his husband who was sitting on the ground arranging things seriously, and couldn't help but feel joy pouring out of his heart.

This is happiness... It's so good. It would be great if I could be like this for the rest of my life. May God have mercy on me.

Daughters should be diligent, thrifty and filial, not arrogant about wealth and wealth, be inspired by women's virtues, and assist their husbands in caring for the common people.

After all, he was still a little weak. After being busy for more than half an hour, Zhu Biao went back to the bed and fell asleep quickly under Chang Luohua's persuasion, and he obviously slept more soundly.


Outside the city gate, King Zhu Xi of Jin led officials from the Hanlin Academy of Rites and other officials to wait under the sun for King Zhu Xi of Chu to return to the capital after his success. Zhu Xi had his hands behind his back and a serious face. After he came out of excessive drinking and sex, his whole appearance remained the same.

He is very heroic and looks very much like Lao Zhu.

The officials behind him stood in a respectful manner, and no one even spoke in a low voice. It was not necessary to do this when welcoming people. It was obvious that they did not want to say anything in front of King Jin, nor did they want to have anything to do with King Jin.

Among the older princes, it seems that the one who is most effective now is His Royal Highness the King of Chu. He has done a very good job in providing relief to the people and disaster relief. No one can find anything wrong. The King of Qi joins the army, and the daughter of the King of Zhongshan

Engagement is also a good thing in the future, but this Prince Jin...

A dignified prince or prince, no matter how bad he is, can't be much worse, but it's about wealth, not power. A prince or prince without power is really nothing, so just stay away from him.

After a while, the people traveling in the distance gave way to trade and made way for a wide road. The king of Chu, Zhu Feng, came on horseback, escorted by more than a hundred riders, with dust flying behind him.

There was a bit of a smile on Zhu Xi's face. Although the third child abandoned him and left him alone in the palace to take care of the crops, the brotherhood for so many years still existed, not to mention that he was the one responsible for this punishment.

He took a few steps forward to meet him, and Zhu Tie rode forward more than twenty steps away before jumping off his horse and trotting towards his second brother. The two smiled at each other, stretched out their hands to hold each other's arms and shook them vigorously for a few times, and then hugged each other. Together.

"Hahaha, second brother, I miss you so much."

"It's good to be back. I'm a little darker and a little thinner, but my body and bones are stronger."

The officials waited for the two brothers to speak before they came forward and saluted: "I respectfully welcome His Highness the King of Chu. Your Highness has achieved remarkable results in disaster relief and benefiting the people. He has made great plans and made great plans for benevolence and righteousness. He has thought deeply and thoughtfully every day. I have great admiration for you... "

Zhu Xi, who was obviously dark and thin but much more stable, smiled and said: "You guys are serious, I just followed the prince's past actions and imitated them. I can barely care for the people because of God's blessing. I really don't dare to take credit.

"Your Highness is too modest."



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