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Chapter 760 Four Mr.

"With your help, I can feel at ease."

Zhu Biao waved his hand, and Liu Jin stepped forward to help Yan Donglai to sit down. It was difficult for Yan Donglai to say what he said next. Chen Youzong stood up and held up his hands to open his eyes for his friend and said: "Excuse me for being so presumptuous, Your Highness Yuan Tu has a long-term plan, and there must be deep meaning in using Mingsheng.

It’s just that Mr. Mingsheng is careless…”

Before Chen Youzong could finish speaking, Zhu Biao interrupted with a rather cold voice: "That's why I want Yan Qing to guide and guide Ming Sheng in governing Sichuan!"

"No, I understand."

It seems that Mingsheng is not a simple pretense. The two of them are immediately alert. It seems that their attitude towards him must be changed appropriately. It is necessary to win over him and show his goodwill. They are all under the East Palace. They don't want to be close to each other and are like a family. At least they shouldn't be too angry.


Especially for Yan Donglai, since there is no room for repetition, it is necessary to clear away the sand and make things easier. Judging from His Highness's current attitude, as long as Mingsheng is not a piece of mud that cannot be supported, he will have a great future in the future.

This also shows that everyone has his own destiny. Who would have thought that Marquis Guiyi, who was like a joke in the capital, would have such luck.

These two are extremely smart people. After conveying his meaning clearly, Zhu Biao's expression softened. This beating was very necessary. If Yan Donglai was really serious, it was almost inevitable that Ming Sheng would be sidelined.


Sichuan is close to Yunnan and Guizhou, and the situation is tense and volatile. Zhu Biao is not in the mood to watch them fight for power. It would be best for him to directly decide some matters.

"After the return of Yunnan, there should be more contact with the countries in Southeast Asia. You will do more business and trade in Sichuan, and make appropriate friends with the dignitaries of various countries. If you need anything, you can just come and ask for it. If you are urgent, you can act expeditiously."

As expected, His Highness the Crown Prince fell in love with the countries of Nanyang. Both of them were traditional scholar-bureaucrats. In their view, not to mention remote places like Nanyang, even Yunnan, Guizhou and Liaodong felt no need to recover them.

But since the monarch wants to expand the territory, and the dynasty has sufficient strength, then they cannot be dissuaded, and they can only follow Ji and climb the scales to serve the monarch.

Although Yunnan and Guizhou are also close to the Southeast Asian countries, they are lucky to be able to avoid turmoil. Naturally, they do not expect any help.

Zhu Biao gave a lot of explanations, some of which were difficult to tell Ming Sheng. He was still too young and could not digest too many explanations. This is why he specially arranged for Yan Dong to assist Zuo.

Not long after, Yan Donglai resigned. After returning, he had to find some time to make an appointment with Ming Sheng for a chat. After all, judging from the current situation, we would have to work together for at least several years.

After he retreated, there was silence in the palace for a moment. Zhu Biao seemed to ask casually: "I have decided to be Mingsheng. Don't they have any complaints?"

In the first year of Hongwu's reign, in order to help him secure his position as the crown prince and crown prince, his father forcibly arranged for most of the important officials in the imperial court to concurrently serve as subordinate officials in the East Palace.

Not to mention the founding heroes, there were also many civil servants in eastern Zhejiang. However, those who were in Beijing later were demoted and driven away from their posts in the capital due to the fall of Liu Bowen and Yang Xian. In the past few years, they had made outstanding achievements in bringing peace and prosperity to the people, but their positions were all gone.


After local officials achieved sufficient political performance and qualifications, they would either be promoted to Beijing, or they would become feudal lords and administrators. Central Beijing had always been the exclusive domain of the Huaixi clan, and their entry into Beijing was tantamount to throwing themselves into a trap, so there was only one other way out.

In particular, the one who is about to step down is the leader of Zhejiang East. If this position is not taken over by one of his own, the Zhejiang East faction will suffer heavy losses, and their voice in the court will be even weaker.

Chen Youzong responded in a low voice: "Even if you have them, you don't dare to show them in front of your ministers. What's more, they shouldn't have them in the first place. Promotion and demotion are all based on superiority. As a minister, how can you complain about this!"

"Just because you don't dare doesn't mean you don't have it."

Zhu Biao was slightly lost in thought. There must be a balance in the court. At present, the Huaixi family is already a dominant family. It can be tolerated if one family is the only one. However, if there is only one voice left in the court, it will definitely not work.

This is also why after the fall of Yang Xian, the eastern Zhejiang clan seemed to have suffered countless losses, but in fact it was just a big deal but not a raindrop, and most of them were demoted to important local positions.

If Zhu Biao hadn't intervened, Zhu would have arranged for officials from the eastern Zhejiang group to take over Liu Bowen's position. Only a feudal official was qualified to support party members and resist the pressure from Zhongshu Province and the military.

Now that this position is no longer available, whether for the purpose of appeasement or balance, Zhu Biao has to promote an official from the eastern Zhejiang line to Beijing for a post of second rank or above.

But now that I think about it, there really is no one left in the eastern Zhejiang group. No one has the ability and prestige to stand firm in Beijing.

I couldn't help but sigh: "It's a pity that Mr. Zhang Yi left early, not to mention the Marquis of Nanyang."

Zhang Yi once served as Yushi Zhongcheng, Minister of Praising Goodness, Prince Praising Good Doctor, and a truly outstanding person. Zhu Biao still remembers listening to his lectures on "Da Dai Li Ji" and "Six Proverbs of the Clan" when he was young. There were teachers and students.


However, the war was volatile at that time, and Zhang Yi was summoned by Lao Zhu back to the front line to serve as a staff officer after only a month. Until the founding of the People's Republic of China, Zhu Biao had no chance to listen to his lectures again. Now that I think about it, I deeply regret it.

It's not that Mr. Song Lian's lectures are not good, it's just that the two gentlemen have completely different styles. If it is true, Song Lian's style is more common, after all, it is very traditional, while Zhang Yi's style is rare.

Hong Zhu Zhang Gong, with his eagles flying, his eagles flying, his beard spread and his halberds spread, and his purple eyes gathered together again to suppress and punish enemies.

Zhu Sheng once commented that "Liu Ji, Ye Chen, and Zhang Yi are all Wang Zuocai!"

Lao Zhu heard this in the past and asked these people to help him with great courtesy and sincerity. Unfortunately, God was jealous of talents. In the second year of Hongwu, his mother died of illness. Zhang Yi was overly sad and felt the illness more deeply. He personally carried the fortune during the burial.

Earth and stone.

After that, he fell ill. He was fifty-five years old. His last words before his death were: "Don't worry. My parents are lucky to have the ancestral tomb in a safe place. Fortunately, they kept it in order when they were young. Fortunately, the food is in order. I have no regrets."

I apologize for not being able to repay the country's kindness."

Zhu Yuanzhang grieved and mourned. He wrote a eulogy himself and went to Zhang Yi's home to pay homage and said, "Yi lived up to the heavy betrothal gift and was able to do his job, so that I didn't have to worry about the south, so I could concentrate on attacking and conquer the world."

The Marquis of Nanyang County was Ye Chen. This gentleman had never taught Zhu Biao and had no chance. In the 22nd year of the Zhengzheng Period, Ye Chen became the prefect of Hongdu. Zhu Zong, the general of the Yuan Dynasty, rebelled against Kangtai and Ye Chen was captured.

, Zhu Kang persuaded him to surrender, but Ye Chen would rather die than surrender, cursed the traitor, was killed, and buried in Huangtanling. He was forty-eight years old, and Zhu Biao was only seven years old that year.

Among the four gentlemen, Zhu Biao received lectures from three of them, but Ye Chen was the only one who had never met him. Alas, to this day, among the three, only the old and frail one is still alive.

The sincere Hou Liu Bowen, who was suffering from illness, died.

Whatever the status of Liu Bowen and Song Lian in Shilin, these two people had such status. Naturally, Chen Youzong also admired them very much. He also read Zhang Gong and Ye Gong's articles when he was young.

"Your Highness is generous, and the Duke of Zhongcheng is extremely friendly and generous. His strength is vast and the oceans are vast, and his weapons are mountains and mountains. He started with a book of poems and books, and now he is in Dingnai. He is the Marquis of Nanyang. He has served his body till the end of his labors and enjoys his honor and reputation. Riding the clouds with Wu Hua to fight, both of them have lived up to the grace of the Holy One and their wish for peace for all peoples in the world."

Zhu Biao clasped his hands and thought for a moment, then said, "Is Zhang Gong's eldest son serving as the commander of Pingyang Guard now?"

Chen Youzong's eyes lit up: "Your Highness is wise and Mingwei General Zhang Cundao is in Pingyang, which is not far from Beijing."

"In this way, I will be awarded the title of General Huaiyuan, be given the title of Xiaoqi Lieutenant, and be summoned to the capital to be the commander-in-chief of the left army of the Metropolitan Governor's Office. I will enter the capital immediately after receiving the order!"


A mere third-grade Huaiyuan general is certainly not enough, but if you want to show off your special privileges, the best way is to add titles all the way. This is just the first decree. By the time he arrives in the capital, he will be at least a second-grade hussar general.

If eastern Zhejiang loses a high-ranking feudal official of the second rank, Zhu Biao will replace him with a second-rank hussar general in the capital camp. In this way, the people of the eastern Zhejiang line will not be disorganized.

Moreover, Zhang Cundao's qualifications were sufficient, and he was assigned to guard the Fujian border. He pacified the neighboring invaders, defeated the Miao army, and returned to the prefecture. The victory over the ocean led to the defense of Longquan and the expedition to Yanping.

It is said that although his merits did not reach the level of the Hussars General in the Jin Dynasty, they were far from being limited to General Mingwei. This shows that the Huaixi group excluded and suppressed the other generals.


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