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Chapter 779 Return to Beijing

Chapter 779 Return to Beijing

"What is the purpose of your country's envoy?"

"The king of the country did not give any orders. The foreign ministers came here on their own initiative." Hu Jiya looked directly at Mu Ying and said: "The gods in the heaven are so majestic and the Holy Lord and Mingjun are still alive. When we and the humble people of the foreign countries are prospering, how dare we not admire them? Is it close?"

What he said was very clear. Mu Ying frowned slightly, but soon relaxed it. This person is not a loyal minister and good general of the other country. He has his own demands here, and a minister of a foreign vassal can do anything without the owner of the country. What does he want? It is not difficult to guess.

I have long heard that the leader of Annan is weak and his ministers are strong. In the past few years, even the position of leader of the country was occupied by foreigners. How ridiculous. Now it seems that he has lost his position and it is difficult to control him.

Mu Ying felt a little disgusted with people like Hu Jiya, but this did not affect his decision. The chaos in Annan was in the interest of the Ming Dynasty.

Even if Hu Jisao didn't come, Mu Ying would take the initiative to send people to contact him after he settled in Yunnan. It would be better if they could take the initiative to come to his door at this time.

As the saying goes, people must be restrained by what they want. If there is a powerful puppet with suitable status in Annan, many arrangements can be implemented.

Mu Ying stood up and walked to Hu Jishao, cupping her hands and saying, "My little brother Wenying, I don't know about my brother..."

Hu Jiya bowed even lower: "Brother Yu, Zi Liyuan."

Mu Ying waved away the crowd and then reached out to hold Hu Jishao's hands: "From now on, you and I should treat each other as brothers."

Hu Jisao now had not only doubts but also panic in his heart. The other party's attitude was really strange. But at this time, he couldn't retreat. He could only respond with an emotional look on his face: "I don't dare to ask my ears." !”

"Pingxi...Xian brother Wenying, brother Yu still has some relatives and friends in Annan. If you need anything, just speak up."

Mu Ying let go of his hand and laughed and said: "There is no need for brother to help at this time. I only hope that brother Qianlong will not forget today's friendship after he comes out of the abyss."

In order to appease his heart, Mu Ying suddenly said in a low voice: "The Holy Father's secret decree requires me to forever control Yunnan. Since the descendants of the descendants have replaced each other, but there are no friends, Annan and Yunnan are communicating. Isn't this just the way God has brought my brothers together to help each other and help each other?" ?”

After hearing this, Hu Jishao calmed down, as long as they needed each other. Being close for no reason was more frightening than hostility, but he still retained some caution in his heart.

Annan actually didn't know much about the top management of the Ming Dynasty. After all, the dynasty had just experienced a round of purges. If the Ming Dynasty hadn't conquered Yunnan, they might not have had the intention to pay attention to the Ming Dynasty until now.

After the two talked closely for an hour, Mu Ying arranged a banquet to entertain Hu Jiya warmly. During the dinner, he asked: "I have known little brother Annan recently. Is the current king the former King Gongding?"

"Exactly, my king has been on the throne for two years, and he is now preparing to cede his throne to the crown prince, Chen Shuo. The abdication ceremony will be in March or April. If you have time, you can go and watch the ceremony. Brother Yu, you can also fulfill your friendship as a landlord. .”

Mu Ying asked doubtfully: "Is the Lord of your country in poor health?"

"Haha, no, no, no." Hu Jiyou said with a smile: "My king is in good health, but it is different from the system of the Celestial Dynasty. In our dynasty, the emperor has always been in charge, and he will not relinquish power when he abdicates."

"So that's the case. It's indeed different from my own."


Half a month later, all the officials of the fifth rank and above in the capital gathered twenty miles outside the capital city gate. The regulations for the return of the prince and princess to the capital were far beyond their status, and they could be regarded as the standards of an emperor and empress.

After the Holy Emperor issued the decree, the advice of the officials of the Ministry of Rites and the imperial censor were refuted, and the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty became silent.

I just don’t know what it means.

The wind was a bit strong today, but everyone could only stand and greet the wind with their sleeves rolled up and their hats swaying. At most, people who knew each other gathered together in a group to take shelter from the wind.

However, no one is dissatisfied. No matter from any point of view, it is a good thing for them that the Crown Prince returns to the capital. Compared with the Holy One, the Crown Prince can at least talk about it.

This is especially true for the Wu Xuns. The first thing that is harmed by the division of kings into feudal lords is their interests. But to a certain extent, it is also the interests of the prince that are harmed. If the prince can be allowed to come forward, then this matter may not really be resolved.

Be able to carry it out, even if it is the Holy Spirit’s will.

Hu Weiyong was not far away from the warriors. Looking at their eager expressions, he could probably guess what they were thinking. If the prince was a short-sighted person, he might be able to be persuaded by them, but unfortunately he was not.

More than half an hour later, the mighty crown prince's honor guard gradually approached. Everyone straightened their sleeves and stood around. Under the command of the officials from the Ministry of Etiquette, the reception was carried out in an orderly manner.

Due to the strong wind, Zhu Biao also understood that it was not easy for the officials. He simply showed up to accept the worship and then ordered everyone to return to the capital. It was not too late to discuss the rest of the regulations when they returned to the capital.

On the way back, Zhu Biao met his father-in-law first. After a few words, he asked him to go see the princess, and then his brothers. After asking them one by one, he asked them to go back to his car first.

Then came several marquises headed by Duke Wei, who also spoke briefly, and then came the six ministers headed by Hu Weiyong.

There is no need to meet the rest of the people on the road. It is not just a matter of a few words with these main officials of the imperial court. Zhu Biao specially inspected several plans both when he went and when he came back.

Other prefectures and counties.

Some issues or policies to be formulated must be discussed with them, and the most important one is the Secretary of the Ministry of Household Affairs. The Ming Dynasty is generally in peace, and the economy must enter a new stage.

The time spent on the return journey was naturally not enough to discuss any specific policy measures, but at least I conveyed my ideas to the Ming Dynasty's administrative team in general, and also gave them ideas for convening subordinate officials for discussion when they returned.

Zhu Biao's thinking was quick, and he would point to someone from time to time, such as the Minister of Rites. The old god was watching the fun, but he almost jumped up when the prince said something.

"Wei Chen is here."

Obviously stunned, Zhu Biao didn't say anything, but said seriously: "In order to change customs and customs in the past few years, the imperial court imposed regulations on people's clothing specifications, clothes, culottes, shoes, what kind of headgear women should wear, and even

There are rules for what colors people of all levels should wear."

"Nowadays, it seems to be a bit strict and rigid. I have read several criminal sentencing documents in Hangzhou. The criminal law for such trespassing clothing is also a bit too harsh, and folk weaving and dyeing are also very restricted."

"The Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Punishment will make some adjustments and don't embarrass the people on such trivial matters."


According to current regulations, people can only wear variegated plate collars. The colors must avoid black, purple, green, willow, turmeric and bright yellow. Only ocher, cyan and blue are allowed. The fabrics are allowed to be silk, gauze and silk.


And it's far more than that. The sleeves of this dress must be six inches longer than the hand, the sleeve pile is one foot wider, the cuffs are five inches, and the length of the dress must be five inches from the ground. An inch more or less will not work.

This is undoubtedly a bit too harsh and detailed, but the starting point is good. In addition to having a clear class hierarchy and stipulating that all walks of life, no one and no one should exceed the purpose.

The main purpose is to change the trend. The luxurious clothing of the Song and Yuan Dynasties was a bit too wasteful in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China. The regulations were more detailed and there were fewer choices, so there would be less comparisons and there wouldn't be too many problems caused by gorgeous clothing.


"There were several places in the county that were hit by floods. After I visited them, I was able to exempt them from taxes and corvees for one year. After the local and state capital reports, the Ministry of Household Affairs will give clear instructions."


"Prime Minister Hu." Zhu Biao looked at Hu Weiyong and said, "The imperial court has not been able to grant amnesty to the people for a long time. This year, during Father Emperor's Longevity Festival, the prime minister was asked to lead hundreds of officials to submit petitions."

"What His Highness said is true. This is the negligence of the ministers and others."

Zhu Biao nodded: "In recent years, Guangxing Prison is also necessary for the governance of the world. Only the most serious crimes, such as minor offenses such as clothing, should be excused at the right time to implement benevolent governance in the world."



(End of chapter)

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