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Chapter 794 Example

Chapter 794 Example

Huang Yuanshou frowned: "Don't say these words again in the future. We will eventually return to our roots. There are some things here that we have to do as a last resort. Even if His Royal Highness knows it, he will understand it!"

The people around him also echoed what he said to the man. Although they had saved a lot of gold and silver recently and had many women to serve him, what they were most worried about in their hearts was the return home in glory.

Except for a few scoundrels, who are old and young, they just come out to fight for a future. If they are allowed to die here, it will not work.

Seeing the anger of the public, the man found an excuse and retreated. After taking a few detours, he stopped. A young man quietly appeared behind him: "It seems that Mr. Huang has not had any dissent yet, or even


"My lord, I am not a villain who talks too much. I am testing whether this is too explicit. Even if he has the intention, he may not dare to say anything in public. After all, most brothers still think about the good things at home."

"You don't have to worry about it anymore, just feel free to do your work."

"Nuo, sir, please rest assured. I am very loyal to Ming Dynasty and will never be shaken by things outside of me."

When Yan Bi saw no reply from behind, he turned around and found that the person had long disappeared. He suddenly felt being watched and looked around. The soldiers on duty at the observation deck in the distance nodded slightly at him...


Zhu Biao held his daughter and teased her for a long time. It wasn't until she yawned uncontrollably that she was willing to put her down and let the wet nurse nurse her to sleep. He said to Nuan Yu who was recovering well: "My mother is very concerned about her. Please choose a time when the weather is good."

Let’s carry He Qi to Kunning Palace to pay homage to the Imperial Grandmother, and tell the servants in advance to prepare the sedan chair so as not to be exposed to the wind.”

The Minister of the Ministry of Industry also followed suit and said: "As the saying goes, starving to death is a small matter, but breaking one's moral integrity is a big matter. But if one's family is born as a chaste woman, this is also a beautiful thing in human relations..."

Moreover, because the cost of building a small market is relatively low, there are often open and covert fights among several markets in one place, and there have been several cases where they even turned into violent fights. Local and state officials did not dare to take charge, so they reported it.

More than 500,000 people needed to serve in corvee for a month. This was no small matter. Zhu Biao carefully went through it in his mind, discussed the details with the two ministers, and finalized the responsible officials.

Zhu Biao did not pay attention to their argument. Seeing this, the Minister of Rites had no choice but to retreat as promised. If the Crown Prince's order was persuaded, it would be fine. If not, then it must be done.

Relying on the family's wealth and reputation to make the necessary investments to attract business, and to obtain huge profits by collecting market fees and supervising trade.

However, the memorial still needs to be delivered. When we go back and talk about it, the officials of the Ministry of Rites and the Yushitai will definitely be shocked. However, according to the usual practice, any advice is useless when the prince is firm. This is consistent with

The Holy One looks very much alike, he is worthy of being a father and son.

The minister of the Ministry of Industry also withdrew soon after. Zhao Wenjing sighed: "Cheng Zhu was not wrong. His disciples and descendants did a lot of harm to others. There were very few widowed women in the former Song Dynasty. Not to mention ordinary people's families, even the queens had remarried.


The two ministers met with the prince every day to discuss government affairs recently, and they were not polite. They sat down after cupping their hands. The minister of the Ministry of Industry solemnly said: "The lush foliage in the East Palace is also a blessing to the court. I often feel embarrassed about this in private."

The child's name is He Qi. The name of the emperor's grandson has to be decided by the emperor. There is no taboo on the name of the emperor's granddaughter. Zhu Biao decided on it himself after thinking about it for two cups of tea.

In addition, there are parents, parents-in-law and elders to control, and there are children and nephews below. It is difficult for a man to follow his own heart. This chastity memorial arch can be regarded as the last resort. It is easy for Zhu Biao not to sign, and no one dares to ask the emperor.

It's not the prince's fault, but without the archway next to them, they might not even be able to save their lives.

It could have been a good thing at first, but because the family who established the market wanted to avoid taxes, they often agreed to open the market at night, so that people who usually lived in the local area would leave it alone. The traveling merchants were not aware of the comings and goings, so they mistakenly thought it was a ghost market, and it spread widely.

He frowned and signed, then said to the waiting minister of the Ministry of Rites: "The Ministry of Rites will reconsider the issue of granting chastity memorial arches, and announce to all states and localities that no memorial arches will be granted easily in the future, unless it is for the country to educate talented women and cultivate virtue.

Never give lightly just because you are a widow.

"Tax evasion and avoidance are absolutely unforgivable." Zhu Biao's tone was very solemn: "Don't talk about small households. Even the business of imperial merchants and relatives must pay business taxes to this palace. This is an iron law of the Ming Dynasty. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

There was no room for negotiation, so the local government confiscated all his family property to pay taxes, and exiled the head of the market owner's family to Liaodong."

The half-public and half-private joke made the monarch and his ministers laugh together, but it was not a lie. At the age of the prince, he already has three sons and one daughter, and there are successors in the East Palace inheritance. They are dependent on His Highness.

My ministers are of course overjoyed.

After seeing his daughter, Zhu Biao went to the Wenhua Hall and sat down. The Minister of Hubu and Gongbu had been waiting here for a while. After a brief greeting, Zhu Biao smiled and said: "I went to see my little daughter. I'd like to thank you, my two beloved ministers, for being here."

I’ve been waiting for a long time, so take a seat.”

Of course, the small local families are not that one. Killing a hundred of them is not a big deal. You have to choose someone with a high status. It is best to be close to the Tian family.

Zhu Biao himself wanted to break a big man into two flowers. Of course, he could not allow anyone to evade taxes. Moreover, as soon as such an example was opened, it would appear that businessmen who were willing to pay taxes were stupid and would find ways to evade taxes in the future. Therefore, it was very important to kill them as a warning to others.

Is necessary.

The minister of etiquette responded with embarrassment: "We know that your highness is trying to persuade you to get married and live less as a widow to increase the population. However, these three cardinal principles and five constant principles are also the foundation of the world. Human ethics and moral education are the most important thing, and you want to be a good wife."

Thinking of this, there are very few suitable ones. The only royal relatives are the old consort who lives in Qiyang Prince's Mansion, and the state relatives are the Crown Princess's natal family, the Chang family of Kaiping Prince's Mansion.

The gossip was just embellishment, and the three of them quickly adjusted to the situation. The Minister of the Ministry of Households reported that in various states, prefectures, counties and villages, small aristocratic families often built their own markets. They built markets in enclosures near waterways and rivers, and most of them were named after their surnames.

, such as Qianjiaji, Lijiashi, etc.

The minister of the Ministry of Industry reported: "According to yesterday's agreement, one man per hectare of farmland will be given to the husband. This winter, during the winter break, the people will come to Beijing to serve the people. They will be directly under the jurisdiction of 17 prefectures such as Yingtian and 13 prefectures under Jiangxi Province.

Five hundred and forty thousand, five hundred and twenty three hectares, and five hundred and forty thousand, five hundred and twenty three men."

At this time, the minister of the Ministry of Rites requested to come in, and the prince summoned him. It turned out that it was reported by the local government that Zhao Yanliang, a citizen of Raoyang County in Zhending Prefecture, and his wife Yang, a citizen of Dangtu County in Taiping Prefecture, were both widowed and asked the court to grant the honor.

They all have a banner called chastity.

Crane means long-lived immortal spirit, Qi means beautiful jade, which is unique and extraordinary. The name is not very nice, but it mainly expresses my sincerity, hoping that she will live a long and healthy life and be noble and noble.

Nuanyu agreed obediently. After giving birth to the child, her childishness disappeared a lot, and she finally looked like a mother. Zhu Biao felt much more relieved.

After all, I was born in the East Palace, so I didn't have many opportunities to be called by my first name in my life. Most of them were addressed by honorific titles, so there was no need to choose a name with great literary talent.

Zhao Wenjing, the Minister of Household Affairs, obviously disagreed with them: "Marrying after the husband is dead is a breach of integrity, but there are also cases where there is no choice but to do so, and the sage cannot forbid it. This is what Zhu Wengong said."

Zhu Biao did not want widows in public or private life, but it was a matter of etiquette, and at this time, women had a low status, and marriage was never up to oneself. It was important to obey the father before marrying, and the husband after marrying, even if the husband dies.


These words are really not false. Zhu Xi once wrote in his own hand, "Mr. Xi Yichuan tried to discuss this matter and thought that starving to death is a small matter, but lack of integrity is a big matter. From a worldly perspective, it is really pedantic."

During the Song Dynasty, from scholar-bureaucrats to ordinary people, women remarried everywhere. Wang Anshi's daughter-in-law Chongshi, Yue Fei's ex-wife Liu, and Lu You's ex-wife Tang Wan all remarried to other people.

The wife of Emperor Zhenzong of the Song Dynasty, Queen Zhang Xianmingsu Liu E, was born as an orphan in Shu. She was married to a silversmith named Gong Mei in Shu. She was not yet promoted to the queen, and she even came to the court for a time and wore imperial regalia. In the Song Dynasty,

The Imperial Ancestral Temple worships Song Taizu and other emperors of the Song Dynasty.


(End of chapter)

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