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Chapter 797

Chapter 797: Gap

"Then go back."

Zhu Biao nodded and said: "Human relationships are ups and downs, and even if you know it, there is no harm in experiencing it more."

Chen Youzong's heart was empty, but he could only obey. However, he also realized in his heart that His Highness did not really want to give up on himself completely. Also, His Highness had always been fair.

Then go back to Hangzhou, because you want to see what has become of the clan after you have been in Beijing for many years. If you can't tell the difference between close relatives and close relatives, you won't be able to do many things safely, and sooner or later there will be hidden dangers.

After he retreated, Zhu Biao first looked at the report from Liaodong, which he had already read casually, and summoned Liu Jin to find the imperial doctor and asked: "What's the matter?"

"Wei Chen congratulates Your Highness." The old doctor bowed and stroked his beard and said with a smile: "According to my many years of medical experience, Chen Liangyuan is indeed pregnant, and it should only be more than a month old. She is still only a month old, so she still needs to be taken care of carefully."

"Okay, I'm sorry to bother you, doctor, but I ask you to pay more attention to me in the past few months."

"Haha, it's your duty and you should do your best."

Liu Jin escorted the old doctor out of the side hall door, and then asked in a low voice for a more specific time. The emperor's heir was of great importance, and it must be met in detail.

After asking, Liu Jin knew in his mind that His Highness rested in Chen Liangyuan's bedroom for those two days. However, this could not be decided by just a few words from him. It had to be approved by the Crown Princess herself.

Chen’s month is still young, so it’s not appropriate to announce it to the public. Wait until the pregnancy is stable after three months. At that time, there should be rewards for both emotion and reason. And Chen is already in the position of Liang Yuan, and there is no vacancy for Liang Di.

, naturally I can only favor my father and brother.

Zhu Biao took advantage of the situation and suppressed Chen Youzong this time, also thinking of letting him go to govern Liaodong. After all, it was not easy to find a trustworthy and capable frontier official.

"There are still many rumors about the sixth and seventh princes, but those ignorant people don't know. How could we not know? How old are those young highnesses? How could they be like this? It's obvious that they are not credible."

The Marquis of Jining stopped anyone who wanted to speak: "Your Highness, these rumors are always unreasonable. Not to mention you, they are all about Your Highness, King Qi, who has been absent from the capital for a long time."

Zhu Biao's eyes moved over and he recognized Li Ying, the commander of the Beijing camp of General Jinwu: "If you have anything to say, you might as well tell me which brother of mine it is."

"That's it, okay, I know it."

There is nothing surprising about Mao Xiang, but there must be something wrong with Shang Honghai. How brave, how brave!

Zhu Biao raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "People's words are scary, especially in the most important places in the capital. It's better not to go too far. Let me think about it first."

A few people were a little disappointed and complained, why couldn't they just enjoy it together.

After ordering people to report to the Crown Princess, Liu Jin turned around and returned to avoid being grabbed by the generals on the other side, and inevitably making a noise. These people are really unreasonable.

"Yes, Your Highness, these two are not very ordinary people. They were probably confused by the people below and those merchants."

Zhu Biao stood up and stood in front of the topographical map. The core goal of Ming Dynasty's military and political activities in Liaodong is to restore the original territory of the Yuan Dynasty and establish an effective management system.

Everyone bowed their heads and confessed, and Zhu Biao snorted: "It's alarmist. Are you complaining about the old consort or King Kaiping, or are you complaining about yourself? Do you still need me to tell you clearly?"

"I don't dare. It was a slip of the tongue. Please forgive me, Your Highness."

There was silence in the palace for a while, and suddenly someone whispered: "Both the Holy Father and His Highness will not tolerate the emperor's relatives colluding with merchants, but what if it is the prince?"

Several people looked at each other and felt unwilling to do so, but they had already reached this point and really couldn't go any further.

It doesn't matter if he is demoted now. Chen Youzong did not climb up all the way. It is not an exaggeration to say that he was lucky enough to get promoted. It is easy for such a person to rise and fall, and Yushi Qingliu will not have any objections. He is not a person who has come all the way.

"Do you think my cousin or my father-in-law will react against me because of this?" Zhu Biao's face remained unchanged and he just asked calmly: "Or did you notice something?"

Not only is it used now, but it will also play a major role in the future when Goryeo is included.

Another person came out and responded: "It is rumored that a merchant bought a lot of grain in the name of His Highness the King of Jin, transported it to Shanxi and other places and sold it at a high price. By the way, he also bought a lot of land at a low price. I heard that there are still one or two grains in it."

Human lives.”

Unfortunately, no one dared to mention it. If it was mentioned, it would be another matter. They didn't dare.

Half an hour later, the noisy and thirsty warriors were finally ushered into the palace by Liu Jin. After saluting, they wanted to sit down and have a sip of tea, but the Crown Prince had no intention of offering a seat.

"It doesn't matter, whether it's rumors or rumors, I'll always be aware of them, so that I can educate my brothers so that they can correct them if they have any, and encourage them if they don't."

Marquis Jining also took the opportunity to scold him: "Your Highness, this boy drank too much last night and said some gossip that came from unknown sources. It is not worth believing."

"His Royal Highness King Wu compiled medical classics for the country, which is a major event that benefits the country and the people. However, I don't know who, under the banner of His Highness King Wu, monopolized the medicinal materials business in Xicheng. Many drug dealers were squeezed out of Beijing."

No matter who gave birth to her, there is only one legitimate mother in the East Palace.

"Your Highness, you'd better give me some advice. This old man and Chang Shuai are serious relatives of the emperor and the pillars of the country. How can they lose their titles and be banned from home because of such a trivial matter?"

"Then I will take my leave first."

After taking over the soldiers and horses sent by Naha, you must quickly arrange guard posts, scatter them in various guard posts, and then repair the post system that leads to all directions, and at the same time set up troops to garrison them to connect them together.

Jining Hou Gu Shi bowed and said: "Even if you don't talk about this, Your Highness, King Qiyang is still leading troops in northern Xinjiang to guard against the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty. The elites of the Beijing camp also belong to the commander-in-chief of King Kaiping. How can he be surrendered at the same time because of some trivial matter?"

The blame lies with these two."

General Longhu Ma Yun and Liaodong Commander Ye Wang have added guard cities such as Kaiyuan, Tieling, Yizhou, Jinzhou, and Guangning, but food and grass still need to be supported by sea routes from the interior.

"Oh, there are also rumors that His Royal Highness the King of Chu seems to have purchased a lot of wineries and wineries. It's nothing. It's just that he is not allowed to have a second business next to his winery. It's a bit overbearing."

It’s not like we want to rebel. You and your son gave the order. If we don’t go through mountains of swords and seas of fire without a single complaint, why can’t we share wealth and wealth?

Wu Xun asked for orders: "Your Highness, guarding the mouth of the people is better than guarding the river. If the river collapses, many people will be injured, and the people will be affected as well. Please issue an order to kill these people within three days."

Catch the little people who spread rumors, and then the rumors will dissipate."

This matter involved the confiscation of the family and the extermination of the clan. No one dared to make up anything at will. He quickly shook his head and denied it. He bluntly said that he had said something wrong and asked for your forgiveness.

"Well, let's go down.

Zhu Biao did not look at them, but just looked out of the palace thoughtfully. There was no news about such a thing from the Imperial Palace. This was not something that one or two people could do.

These towns, garrisons, posts, forts, inns, piers and other military fortresses are used for border defense, transportation, and information transmission to build a defense system in Liaodong.

At that time, Chen Youzong will be resurrected. Even the seventh and eighth grades are good, and there are still people who will look down on the prince's confidants because of their grades?

Moreover, choosing Chen Youzong also requires him to intervene in Goryeo affairs on his behalf. Otherwise, it would take too long just to get the news back and forth, and it would be easy to miss the opportunity.

"Are there any more?" Zhu Biao asked seriously, "There must be no more of me."

After they all left, Zhu Biao looked a little ugly. He originally wanted to kill the chicken to scare the monkeys, but he didn't expect that the monkeys didn't want to see the chicken and insisted on killing another chicken.

You father and son don't care about the royal relatives, but as for the sons and brothers, I don't believe that they are really going to get into a feud with each other over such a trivial matter as a merchant.

Zhu Biao stood up and began to think, who dared to carry his banner outside, ordinary people would not dare, and they would not be able to do it. The people outside were not fools, they must be people who really had a close relationship with him.


(End of chapter)

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