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Chapter 798: Severe punishment

Chapter 798 Severe Punishment

Zhu Biao's interpersonal relationships outside the palace were quite simple. The ministers in the East Palace would never dare to directly use his banner to show off. Outside the palace, there were only a few who kept cutting things off and creating chaos.

As for the second and third children, they may not be under the banner of outsiders. Most likely they just saw that the government was not far away and began to think about making money on their own. After all, their repeated warnings were of no use.

That's how things work, there will always be someone who will hold you back. The closer you are, the harder it is to hold you back, and it's not easy to cut off.

However, this was not a top priority. The problems in the pro-military Duwei Mansion were becoming more and more serious, which Zhu Biao could not tolerate. At this moment, Liu Jin stepped forward to report the situation and asked his colleague Shang Honghai to see him.

Zhu Biao raised his eyebrows slightly: "Take him out of the palace and kill him!"

No matter what the reason was, it was an unforgivable sin to make him passive today. As a hawk with eyes and ears, he held the power of Nuo Da, but he didn't even do his job well.

Liu Jin retired as promised, and all ordered his colleagues to be of the third rank. Officials of this rank were supposed to be tried by the Dali Temple of the Ministry of Punishment before they could be judged.

However, the Imperial Guard's Mansion is the emperor's own army and is not under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of War or the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion. Appointments and promotions do not go through the Ministry of Civil Affairs. Therefore, life and death, honor and disgrace all depend on the will of the Supreme Being. A white body can rise to heaven in one step, and a servant can be dealt with at will.

All the commanders of the third grade are Tongzhi.

As soon as Liu Jin came out of the palace gate, several young eunuchs immediately came to greet him. Seeing that the general manager left two people to guard in front of the palace gate without any instructions, the others followed him consciously.

Halfway through, Liu Jin seemed to suddenly remember something: "Who is the commander of the night watch? Call him immediately."

Also shrewd, Zhu Baogang wanted to persuade Lao Zhu to also deal with Mao Xiang, so as to check and balance the pro-military Duwei Mansion so that there would be no imbalance within them.

No matter what their rank, the people of the Pro-jun Duwei Mansion must be in awe of everyone they see, even the arrogant warriors. Therefore, the price they have to pay is life and death.

"Zhan, oh yes, escort him out of the palace first. Don't destroy the peaceful atmosphere in the palace."

The commander of the Jinwu Guard looked straight and promised loudly. The warriors behind him wearing armor and holding swords immediately drew their swords and surrounded him. Several of the confidants behind Shang Honghai didn't know why, but those who were frightened immediately drew their swords to defend themselves.

The father and son originally thought of recalling Quan Xu when it was time to get a new sword, but these were minor details, as long as the newly minted Jinyiwei was not contaminated.

Liu Jin ignored him and looked past him to the commander of the Jinwu Guard who was coming from a distance and said: "It's too late to say this now. Shang Tongzhi, I always thought you were a smart person."

Shang Honghai heard Xian Zhizhi's defense and said: "Please raise your hand, General Manager. I will never have second thoughts towards His Highness. There is really something hidden inside. Please let me explain it to Your Highness face to face."

But after this incident, Zhu Biao will also cultivate a few more informants. It's not that he can't trust him, but it's necessary. Only in this way can both parties be in peace.


Controlling his emotions, he saluted and said: "Excuse me, my father-in-law, I'd like to go out in person to greet you. I shouldn't bother you at this hour. I really have something important that I must report to Your Highness."

Zhu Biao responded, he must not interfere with the palace concubine. As for the brothers, they are the princes and princes. He can call them over and scold them and kick them a few times, but it would be too much to punish them severely.

Zhu Biao nodded and responded: "Jinyiwei's charter is already complete, and there won't be any big trouble if he's not around."

Zhu Biao responded, returned to his own desk, sat down, wrote a few lines of names, and finally circled one of them. This was the new commander, Tongzhi Gaoqiang.


"The second and third children are over there..." Zhu Biao was a little embarrassed. The second child was getting married soon, and the third child had been doing things very well recently, so it was difficult for him to do anything lightly, not to mention having to consider his father's wishes.

This made the surrounding Jinwu guards a little dissatisfied. They stepped forward and kicked the two of them away, and took over to capture Shang Honghai. However, the two people who were kicked to the point of feeling pain in their flesh and bones let out a long sigh of relief.

He knelt on the ground obediently and remained motionless, thinking to himself that this would give him a little more chance of survival than others.

"Are you finally willing to ask Quan Xu back?"

Quan Xu has passed the postgraduate examination for a long time and has also served in the Duwei Mansion, so there is no need to worry about anything else.

Zhu Yuanzhang also thought about it seriously: "That's all, keeping him for now may still be of some use."

Leaving it to Liu Jin, who doesn't know when he will return, there will soon be changes in the Imperial Guard's Mansion. The appointment of the commander or the commander-in-chief will represent the replacement of the old by a new generation.

Zhu Biao laughed dumbly, thinking that he did not send back any news, but Mao Xiang, who was almost knowing that he was colluding with Hu Weiyong, did send back the news.

"Huh?" Liu Jin looked at them doubtfully: "Don't you have ears?"

How can hawks and dogs with ears and eyes tighten the rope around their necks from time to time, and only listen and believe in one or two, and sooner or later something will happen.

The commander of the Jinwu Guards stepped forward and saluted Liu Jin: "Please let me know how to deal with this."

The Qianhu, who were frightened by the sudden turn of events, immediately came to their senses. They threw away their swords and knelt down as if they were red-hot irons. Two more clever ones kicked them hard.

The former colleague Zhi Shang Honghai's knee, and stepped forward to control him.

The eldest brother is like a father, but it's a pity that his biological father is still here. He rashly overrides his father to show his authority on matters that he can clearly ask for permission. Even though his father acquiesces in order to protect his face, it is inevitable that he will feel a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Zhu Yuanzhang stroked his beard and hummed: "Not only the second and third sons, but also the families of the concubines and concubines in the harem are all involved."

Before he could say a few words, Shang Honghai's mouth was gagged and he was dragged away like a dead dog with its spine broken. The commander of the Jinwu Guard waited for a moment, and seeing that Liu Jinzhen had no further instructions, he

He bowed his hands and retreated.


"That won't be a waste. The people on the left and right are just people from the pro-military captain's mansion."

After a while, they arrived at the Dongjiao Gate. Shang Honghai, the commander of the capital, led several thousand households below and were waiting for the announcement. When he saw that it was Liu Jin who came in person, his face instantly turned pale, and his heart in his chest seemed to be squeezed hard.

one time.

"These are the messages from Mao Xiang."

The fashionable Honghai's eyes were red, and he struggled to shout: "Your Highness, I want to see Your Highness, the general is loyal and loyal, and there must be a traitor here to sow discord..."

In this world, confidants may not be trustworthy and entrusted with important tasks, let alone others. If you don't use your own people, you may be afraid that within a few days, the lives of everyone in your family will be at stake.

"That's fine, it's up to you."

"Okay, you don't have to worry about this anymore, we will take care of it ourselves."

In this way, the prosperity of commerce will bring prosperity to the world, and everything will become more alive. The entire Ming Dynasty will be different from the past. The haze of the troubled times has been swept away. Although most people are still poor, their mentality is different.

"Where's Mao Xiang?"

Zhu Yuanzhang was not moved after hearing his son's words. It was obvious that he had already known about the rumors outside the palace, but he deliberately did not mention it because he wanted to teach him a lesson.

Zhu Biao will not take this risk. A thousand-mile embankment will collapse in an ant nest. It is definitely not his style to lose big because of small things.

Liu Jin smiled contemptuously, pointed at him and ordered to the commander of the Jinwu Guards who had arrived not far away: "Pass the Crown Prince's order to capture this person."

It made many families feel relieved and took out their old capital to start businesses and buy properties. These families that still exist after the Song and Yuan Dynasties are all habitually saving food and money. They will never take it out until there is real peace.


It is true that the imperial court's policies over the past year have been very good, and together with the recovery of Yunnan, Guizhou and Liaodong, it is a sign of the great achievements of the Han and Tang Dynasties. It is expected that there will be peace for a hundred or two hundred years.

It was probably because of this that Shang Honghai ended up where he was today.

Zhu Biao knew very well that no one would be abandoned as a prince and seek refuge with others, not to mention that betraying him would only lead to death. No one could save him, but no one with any sense would make such a choice.

Either he was deceived by his confidants and concealed the news that was supposed to be delivered to the palace, and then went back to report that it had been delivered, or someone had the leverage to kill the Nine Clan and sacrificed his life to protect everyone.


(End of chapter)

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