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Chapter 81

Zhu Biao comforted them with a few words in a gentle voice and asked: "Old man, are there any young or old in the deceased couple's family?"

The village elder couldn't help but swallow his saliva as he looked at the room full of armored men. He didn't react until Zhu Biao repeated it again. He was so frightened that he knelt down on the ground. Zhu Biao looked helpless.

But there was nothing that could be done. Most of the villagers had suffered from wars, and the Ming Dynasty had just founded the country, so it had no real influence on the countryside.

Zhu Biao looked at the young people whose legs and feet were trembling, so he was too lazy to ask any more questions, and said bluntly: "Don't be afraid, you are all my subjects of the Ming Dynasty. Now my subordinates have made mistakes and killed people. Press

Military law calls for beheading! Therefore, inviting the village elders to come as a witness, and if the deceased has children at home, I will also arrange for them to be properly placed."

When Zhu Biao finished speaking, the young people and village elders of Liuli Village on the ground looked at him in disbelief. Their Liuli Village was located next to the official road. In the early years, many troops passed by. Every time, they recruited soldiers to grab food, and fought in the middle.

If someone dies, he will be beaten to death. No one has ever punished the soldiers.

Zhu Biao looked at them in disbelief and said, "It has been a year since the founding of the Ming Dynasty. Haven't the village elders heard of it?"

The old man shed tears and said tremblingly: "Zhu... Emperor Zhu's Ming Dynasty?"

Zhu Biao smiled and said: "That's right, it's Emperor Zhu's Ming Dynasty! Don't be afraid, everything is regulated by law, and no one can kill the people of our Ming Dynasty arbitrarily."

The village elder finally understood, broke away from the young man supporting him, and kowtowed deeply to Zhu Biao.

Zhu Biao didn't even have time to avoid it, so he had to ask someone to help the village elder quickly: "No need to be polite, let's talk about their family's situation!"

The village elder stood up and replied: "Sanhu is my nephew. His father and two brothers were taken away by the conscripts and never came back. His mother also left last year, and his wife was just married, too.

No baby."

Zhu Biao felt a little uncomfortable after hearing this, but he was also relieved. The man in the family died. If the widows were left alone, it would be difficult for them to survive in this cruel era.

The villagers are simple and honest, but Zhu Biao never thinks that simplicity is a compliment. They can treat you well without reservation, or they can treat you badly without any bottom line.

Zhu Biao must have thought deeply and said solemnly: "Since the village elder is the uncle of the deceased, please watch me, the military law of the Ming Dynasty, avenge your nephew.

After he finished speaking, he led a room full of people to an open space surrounded by people. Inside, there were nine people with their hands tied and kneeling on the ground, with cloth balls stuffed into their mouths.

Zhu Biao frowned and asked, "Why are you blocking your mouth?"

Huagao, the Hou of Guangde who was on the side, returned and said: "These people know that they are facing a dead end, and they have begun to talk dirty words. I am afraid that they will dirty the ears of the general, so I have their mouths sealed!"

After Zhu Biao nodded, he walked into the middle with his sword on the hilt, glanced around and shouted: "I think you all know what they did. You will see what punishment they deserve for violating military law. You will see it soon."

, I don’t want to say any more, so you can take care of yourself!

Zhu Biao turned around and looked directly into the crazy eyes of those people. Their pupils were dilated, their eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes, and there was no concealed resentment in their eyes.

Zhu Biao stared at them expressionlessly until their heads flew high into the air, blood spurted a foot high from their necks, and their headless bodies fell to the ground helplessly.

Zhu Biao felt a little cold, his heart seemed to be twitching, everything in front of him seemed blurred, and all the colors were blurred. Zhu Biao smelled the smell of blood in the air, held the hilt of the sword tightly with his right hand, and then turned

He turned around and said to the soldiers expressionlessly: "Military law is ruthless, and I will never let anyone go who violates military law!"

Everyone was silent. They were not afraid of the punishment of being beheaded, but they were afraid that a fourteen-year-old royal boy would dare to face such a bloody scene without any fear at all.

Zhu Biao ignored them and walked directly back to the Chinese army's tent. No one except Liu Jin dared to follow him. Zhu Biao entered the tent without saying a word, sitting on a chair with his eyes closed and meditating.

Liu Jin went to pour a cup of hot tea and put it on the table in front of Zhu Biao. He was about to say something, but was startled by Zhu Biao who suddenly opened his eyes. He knelt on the ground in a hurry, and then saw a cup being

It was knocked over and fell in front of her eyes. Liu Jin's heart felt like a cup that kept bouncing up and falling down.

After a while, there was no sound. Liu Jin raised his head slightly and saw Zhu Biao leaning on the chair, staring blankly ahead. Liu Jin felt a pain in her heart and wished she could go out, rescue those dogs and chew them alive.

He got up silently and went to pour another cup of tea. This time Zhu Biao took a sip and said, "Go and call Mu Ying and Lan Yu."

Liu Jin accepted the promise and left, while Zhu Biao drank tea one mouthful at a time, not knowing what he was thinking about in his heart.

Quan Xu Lanyu and Mu Ying came in after a while. Judging from Zhu Biao's expression, he thought he was a little frightened. Mu Ying said, "You are feeling unwell. I will ask the military doctor to come over now."

Zhu Biao glanced at them but still said nothing. They seemed to understand something from Zhu Biao's eyes.

Mu Ying frowned and said, "Just give it a beating, don't make this matter a big deal.

Lan Yu lowered her head and said: "Only following His Highness's orders!"

Zhu Biao said with a cold expression: "When are you going to tell me about this!"

Neither of them dared to speak anymore, they both knelt on one knee and waited for Zhu Biao's decision.

Zhu Biao was constantly weighing in his mind whether this matter could be big or small, loose or tight, it all depended on what he wanted.

Just before the beheading, Quan Xu reported something to Zhu Biao. It turned out that there were not only nine but ten people who were escorted back!

But they were stopped before entering the camp. By the time they were escorted into the camp, there were only nine people left. The one who left was the leader of the case and the captain of the scout team.

This man's name is Hua An, and he is the nephew of Hua Gao, the Marquis of Guangde. Of course, being a Marquis of Guangde is nothing in this military district, but he is a member of Chang Yuchun, so he has enough power to hide it.

It's a pity that the Pro-Army Commandery's Mansion has a false reputation. In addition to the 30,000 pro-army troops on the surface, there are still unknown numbers hidden among the 200,000-strong army. It is even unclear who the cronies around the general are loyal to.

Of course, the generals knew these things well, but they still did it. They were using the power of the Chang system to make Zhu Biao turn a blind eye.

After all, they were Zhu Biao's ministers, and the couple who died outside were just local untouchables, and weren't nine people pushed out to pay for it with their lives?

As for Chang Yuchun's meaning, it can be seen from Lan Yu's attitude. He said that he was only following His Highness's orders, which meant that as long as Zhu Biao made up his mind, they would definitely obey.

But Chang Yuchun did not come to discuss it with him in person, which meant that he still hoped that the matter would just go away. After all, Marquis Guangde was also the backbone of his Chang clique.

………… During this period, I really feel that I like writing books, and the more I write, the more comfortable I feel, so I ask for your support. If my grades can be maintained and I can make a living by writing books, I will prepare to go full-time (▽`

) Maybe this book can’t even provide enough food and clothing, but it’s good to be able to do what you like. I don’t like to be in contact with people and have a somewhat introverted personality, but writing a book can make me very relaxed, and there are book friends who are willing to read it.

My book, this is really good.

This chapter has been completed!
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