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Chapter 869: Divine Weapon

After carefully verifying the identity documents, Zhu Fan led Xu Yungong into the Firearms Manufacturing Department. He first dismissed the officials who came to greet him, leaving only the chief officer of the Construction Department to ask a few words to make sure nothing happened before he felt relieved.

While looking at the verification record in his hand, he complained: "This job is not easy to do. I am afraid that if I am not careful one day, I will be blown up to the sky. Fortunately, I will be defeated."

Firearms and even simple explosives existed as early as the Song Dynasty, such as bamboo strips woven into a ball shape, Waihu mud paper, filled with gunpowder and porcelain pieces. When released, they would make a thunder-like sound, called a thunderbolt fireball.

However, it was less powerful and did not receive much attention. During the Yuan Dynasty, more firearms were used. Until the end of the Yuan Dynasty, Lao Zhu was even more adept at using firearms.

Xu Yungong had no intention of listening to Zhu Fan's complaints, but since the other party was a prince, he could only echo a few words. He was actually a little uncomfortable and would rather go to the capital by himself without meeting the King of Chu.

As a die-hard member of the East Palace Party, he had never even said a few words to his own brother-in-law, so naturally he would not want to have any contact with the King of Chu.

Zhu Fan continued to talk, but he also noticed Xu Yungong's alienation, but there was nothing to be angry about. Xu Yungong's family background was enough to make friends with ordinary princes.

My eldest brother also pays attention to me. Now I have even decided on my marriage. In the future, I will be entrusted to others. In terms of status and power in the court, I may not be able to compare with others.

But it's always good to have some friendship. Xu Yungong is a kind person and can talk in front of his elder brother. It doesn't matter now. After all, his biological father is here, but he has to consider the future.

While talking, the two of them arrived at the testing site. Under the instructions of King Chu, various strange-shaped things were carefully moved out and began to be arranged from a distance away from them.

"You can take a look at what's available later and place an order. The Firearms Manufacturing Department will step up the production and then transport it to Yunnan for you. It's best to arrange the warehouse in advance. Be sure to choose a secluded place away from fireworks. Don't neglect it.


After Xu Yungong nodded, Zhu Fan said with a smile: "I heard that Luchuan is good at controlling elephants. Take a look at this."

Xu Yungong turned around and saw a familiar creature being pulled out. It was a male elephant, but the thing under his crotch seemed to have been cut off.

There was a small official who was seducing the elephant from a distance with his favorite food. The elephant slowly walked towards the open space. Xu Yungong stared at it with an eyebrow. Suddenly there was an explosion, and the elephant fell to the ground with a whimper in pain.

The blood from his buttocks was mixed with the severed limbs and splashed on the ground.

Xu Yungong couldn't help but took a few steps forward, but was pulled back by Zhu Fan: "The son of a rich man can't sit down in the hall. If this is on the battlefield, that's all. If he loses his money in this kind of thing, it's not worth it."

The elephant did not die immediately and was still roaring, but it could be seen that a large hole had been exposed in its abdominal cavity, some of its intestines had flowed out, and its internal organs were vaguely visible. With such injuries, even such a giant animal would have no chance of survival.

"There are only a few elephants sent by Sihanfa, but it is useless to raise them. Except for the white elephant, it can be regarded as auspicious."

Zhu Fan looked at the struggling elephant indifferently: "But the whip of this thing is really not small. It's rare for you to come back, Yun Gong. A breakup is better than a newlywed. Take one back with you when you leave later, which is enough to make several jars of wine."

The effect of collecting the kidneys and strengthening the energy is remarkable, but don’t say that I am not interested enough, there is really not much left.”

Xu Yungong turned around and said politely: "I have been in the army for a long time, and I only have one wife at home, so there is no need to waste treasures."

"Your Highness, what is this?"

Zhu Fan was not in the mood to explain, and he had never studied this thing himself. After all, it was risky. The chief officer of the Construction Department came up and said: "Your Majesty, this bomb is made of pig iron. On an empty stomach, put the powder and pestle it."

. Thread the live wire inside... Dozens of them are buried in the pit, the medicine trough is connected to the steel wheel, and the soil is covered... When the engine is turned on, it vibrates, and the iron pieces fly."

After the explanation, he said with regret: "Several of my craftsmen are making improvements. If it can be modified to use a steel wheel to generate fire, when the enemy steps on the motive rope, the steel wheel will rotate rapidly and rub violently with the flint in the mine.

And generate sparks to detonate, its power and accuracy can be more powerful."

“That’s already good!”

Zhu Fan said with a smile: "Don't be too hasty to be happy. There are many for you to choose from. The ones buried underground are good at dealing with elephants and cavalry, but they are only averagely effective against infantry."

"Director Zhou, why don't you take out your magic thief-killing pomegranate cannon, the ten-thousand-enemy lychee cannon, and the thunder in your hand so that the prince can open his eyes?"

Next, Xu Yungong opened his eyes. The pomegranate, a magic weapon for attacking thieves, was made of iron and shaped like a large ripe pomegranate. There was a hole left at the top to contain gunpowder and poison. Fill most of it with the medicine, and then put it into a wine glass.

Fire is burning inside the cup.

Use an iron cap to plug the mouth of the pomegranate cannon tightly, and paint the cannon shell white with colorful flowers and plants on it. When approaching the enemy, you can throw it with your hands to explode enemy soldiers, or you can place it on the roadside. After the enemy picks it up, shake the fire and immediately

Detonate the projectile and kill the enemy.

The 10,000-man enemy lychee cannon is a large iron can half as tall as a man. When it is at a high place, light the fuse and push it, causing it to roll down and explode. It is so powerful that shrapnel can fly hundreds of steps, injuring many enemies.

The mine in hand is like a round bucket, with colorful patterns painted on the outside, even gorgeous and exquisite. It contains gunpowder and ignition device. After being ignited, it will automatically explode after an hour or two. When the enemy passes by, place this object by the roadside for the enemy to pick up.

Later, they passed it around to watch and even exploded when presented.

The chief of the Construction Department carefully explained the usage and possible problems. Xu Yungong listened very seriously. At this time, he had too many strategies to think of in his mind.

But he also suddenly understood why even with these sharp weapons, the imperial court did not equip all ministries with them. The king of Chu was so valuable and the emperor loved his son so much that he still sent the king of Chu to such a dangerous yamen.

If such a dangerous thing is deliberately arranged, the possible consequences are really unpredictable.

Everyone came to another artillery factory, where there were cannons of different thicknesses, made of iron and copper, all equipped with special two-wheel and three-wheel gun carriages. Behind the cannon carriage were round cannonballs.

After taking turns to test fire, Xu Yungong was shocked to find that the problems that seemed to bother him had now disappeared, not just in Luchuan, but everywhere.

But it suddenly occurred to him that he must ensure that this technology cannot be obtained by other countries, otherwise no matter how brave the generals or soldiers are on the battlefield, they will collapse in the face of such an attack.

"I've almost seen it all. Tell me, what do you want?"

Zhu Fan stared at Xu Yungong's uncertain face with interest. Many people, including Xu Shuai, Chang Shuai and even his father, almost looked like this after seeing this.

It's just that Zhu Fan didn't dare to laugh at them blatantly, but it didn't matter to Xu Yungong. Although he wanted to build a good relationship, he didn't flatter him. After all, he was the King of Chu in the Ming Dynasty. As long as he didn't rebel, his eldest brother wouldn't be in trouble.


What's more, from the fact that the eldest brother can hand over this place to his supervision, it can be seen that the eldest brother still trusts him quite a lot.

"Wei Chen wants to go back and see His Highness the Crown Prince first."

Zhu Fan nodded indifferently: "That's fine, but you have to make a decision quickly. Pomegranate cannons and lychee cannons are all. These copper artillery cannons are fast and slow. Marquis Jinghai writes letters and orders every day.


No wonder the fierce Japanese pirates are now being sent in groups to mine and farm fields. Xu Yungong also solved a doubt in his heart. He knew that Jinghaihou was powerful, but his performance in recent years was too exaggerated. It turned out that he was relying on


Xu Yungong couldn't care about anything else at this time: "Your Highness, the Japanese pirates are no longer a problem now. Luchuan is the big problem. Not only is it ambitious, but it is also related to the prestige of the Ming Dynasty in the southwest countries. Yunnan has been initially settled.

I need help, and I hope you can understand me."

"Haha, okay, I will understand."

However, when the quantity was discussed, Zhu Fan unceremoniously rejected Xu Yungong's lion's mouth, and he carefully calculated the output before nodding.


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